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im pretty sure all the developers that matter dont do that

plus pretty graphics are a plus and once again the wii is completely awful for everything but smash bros and i am GLAD that this isnt coming out on the wii so there wont be crappier graphics in the 360 version because it cant be some upgraded version of the wii edition

That was almost coherent. You are aware that graphics don't make something pretty right? It's the art design that makes something pretty and the graphics are the tool that bring the art design to fruition? That graphics without art design can make something both technically impressive and butt ugly? Take Bugs Bunny. Great looking character. Would he look better slapped with a fur shader just because fur shaders are graphical? Or would Fuzzy Bugs look just plain wrong? How about a hairy Mickey Mouse? What's the point of making cartoons if "real" is inherently better? Is it?

Truth, the Wii does not have the processing power to put out graphics on par with the Xbox360 and the PS3. But to say that means the Wii can't have good looking games (other than your strangely selective example) is purified BS. Was Okami ugly because it was on weaker system? What about Vagrant Story? Rayman 2? Super Mario World? A video game console is like an art medium. Some systems are like oil paints, some are like water colors. You can make fantastic looking art in any of these mediums, so long as you understand how to work within the medium. If you treat oil paints like water colors you'll have a lousy result. If you have a strong artistic vision, you can make it work in any medium so long as you work with that medium instead of against it. The only thing stopping developers from making drop dead gorgeous games on the Wii is they simply aren't trying, and there's no excuse for that.

Ubi could have gone with the style of the first BG&E. It would have looked incredible and been perfectly doable on all three consoles. They didn't choose to go that route and that is unfortunate.


why dont you wait for a LITTLE BIT MORE footage before you even dismiss this as being in a more realistic environment

and yes if the dev team is not an idiot prettier graphics makes prettier game

why dont you wait for a LITTLE BIT MORE footage before you even dismiss this as being in a more realistic environment

and yes if the dev team is not an idiot prettier graphics makes prettier game

I am waiting for more footage and made it clear in my first post that I wasn't passing judgment on more than just the trailer shown so far. However, certain assumptions CAN BE MADE based on Peyje and the environments shown, unless the art style is grossly inconsistent.


This is one of those Gamecube games I wanted to buy reeeeeeeally badly back in the day but never did. Wonder if I could track down a copy...?

Same boat as Eternal Darkness, really. Bought it & Soulcalibur II at a hobby shop for $5 each, played E.D. for a few days, and then someone borrowed it ETERNALLY HAR HAR...


Look, when you bought a Wii, you knew what you were getting; a GameCube 1.5 with a new controller. You simply cannot complain when a new good-looking game doesn't bow down to the standards of an almost-last generation hardware machine just because it dares to look pretty.

Just as PS3 owners can't complain at 3-4 year dev cycles for games because that was made public knowledge before the damn system even came out.

Deal with it.


I'm not complaining that this isn't coming out for the Wii. I'm complaining that there's close to nothing being announced for the damn thing.

I hate to be a downer but this game really doesn't matter seeing as no one is gonna play it anyway. History will repeat itself.

What the hell is this supposed to mean? BG&E sold poorly, and they're making a sequel. "This doesn't matter"? Us who enjoyed the game get to enjoy a sequel. I don't see how this doesn't matter.


God I want this so, so bad. Doesn't appear to take place on Hillys this time, though to be fair you didn't explore a huge chunk of the world in the first game. Looks like this time around you'll have an old, beat-up car instead of an old, beat-up hovercraft.

Pey'j pretty much looks the same as before, except he's got a higher poly count and higher-res textures than before (and don't be fooled; this is definitely CGI). In fact, the only thing really different about him is that he's not wearing his jacket, which is normal considering they're stuck in a desert seemingly waiting for a tow truck. Oh, and the bandage, but anyone who beat the first game probably knows why he's wearing that.

Since we haven't seen actual gameplay footage, I wouldn't rule out this not appearing on Wii just yet, but yeah, it's probably likely to just be on PS3 and 360. I plan to get a 360 after summer ends anyway.

All this great shit being announced for PS3 and Xbox 360... Nothing for the Wii. :(

Oh well, I'm really looking forward to this. I just got a great job, so I should be able to afford a PS3 within a couple months.

All the cool kids do the Xbox thing, dood :-P

Also, is it possible to be excited about awesome games anymore on the internet without people bitching about Wii or not-Wii within 10 minutes? Jesus fuck, I'm sick of reading it everywhere.

BG&E2 just got officially announced, you sods. BG&E2, a sequel to a game that bombed harder than Pearl Harbor. This defies all business and logic sense. But the world will see it. Can we ignore the Wii for a bit and celebrate in unity?

I hate to be a downer but this game really doesn't matter seeing as no one is gonna play it anyway. History will repeat itself.

Unless Master Chief is a guest character.

The first one was great though.

What the hell are you talking about...? What do you mean by "doesn't matter"? And for no one playing it- the people who've been waiting for a sequel will be playing it.


I saw the trailer, and I felt a great pang of regret. because I suddenly wanted very hard to play through BG&E, but could not, as some asshat stole my game collection. ah well, I can only hope I have everything back by the time BG&E2 comes out.

This is the only time in life I've considered forming an internet petition.

Why? The original game wasn't hard, either. Hell, it might just mean they include a save-anywhere feature.

I'm worried at how the executive aims to sell the game to a more 'mainstream' gaming crowd instead of the 'hardcore'.

Hopefully he means nothing more than a massive, massive marketing campaign.


Am I the only one expecting the events of Nights 2 to repeat themselves?

1) Large expectations from the die-hard fans

2) Game is released

3) Game fails to meet impossibly high expectations

4) Game bombs more than the first game did

5) Fans forsake 2nd game and go on dry-humping first game as they did before

BTW, I haven't played either Nights nor BG&E, so this is just an outsiders point of view.

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