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I'm 26, and I probably play the Wii more than 12 hours a week. I don't think I've worn out a console so much since the NES and SNES days.

Oh yeah, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn is super awesome.


23 here, and I've got a 360 and a PS2 in addition to the Wii. Because I live in a fraternity house, Brawl gets a fair share of the action -- easily at least an hour a day average.

Solo, I've been playing Lost Odyssey and Ikaruga on 360, and the Megaman X series on PS2 (including X8, which isn't as bad as people make it out to be). Going to run through all the MGS series this week before renting MGS4 to play on a housemate's PS3.


I'm 22, and my Wii gets alot of play. It's the only next-gen system I have, and I'm a HUGE Smash Bros. fan, so that's the only game I own for it. But my relationship with Brawl is pretty tenuous, and once I stop playing it, I'll probably just trade my Wii in towards a 360.


Hmmmm...interesting posts. I'm currently only 16 probably the youngest in these forums, and I play the Wii alot. My brother though, spends most of his time playing the PS3 console he's 18. So there's probably an age factor to consider.....well between him and me.

The Wii hasn't grown old on me yet. Hope it stays that way.


26 Here and when I still had the Wii here I only played Wii Sports Baseball on it until I hit pro rating of roughly 1200 and kept getting my ass handed to me. Beyond that it didn't see more then maybe an hour of use a day.

I still have my Dreamcast, DS and my PC which I spend most of my time playing Guitar Hero 3, WoW, or just making games on.


21 here, and I own a Wii, DS, and PS2. They all see roughly equal use, though I've found I focus on one at a time. The Wii has gotten the most use recently, with Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, Boom Blox, and Mario Kart. I really love the system, which is why I'm always looking at the games (specifically 3rd-party games) which look to be promising, and purchase those. Yeah, I've gotten burned a few times (Dewy's Adventure, DK: Barrel Blast, NiGHTS...) but overall I've been very happy with the system.


i am 21 have a wii (and access to every wii and gcn game ever) and if smash bros didnt exist it would never be on ever

motion controls got retarded to me as soon as i finished twilight princess and realized how awful of a game it was


22 here. I have a Wii, but I've played it maybe a total of about five hours in the past five or so months. I really would like to play it more, but just too busy with college and life to play videogames now. When summer school's done I hope to finish Super Mario Galaxy, though.


20, gets more use than any of my consoles, but then again I hardly ever have time to play games. I mostly play Super Mario Galaxy or Wii Play with Jill. We're really enjoying SMG and we've gotten a lot of laughs out of Wii Play for sure. I like the VC also; it's nice to have access to games like DKC2.

20, gets more use than any of my consoles, but then again I hardly ever have time to play games. I mostly play Super Mario Galaxy or Wii Play with Jill. We're really enjoying SMG and we've gotten a lot of laughs out of Wii Play for sure. I like the VC also; it's nice to have access to games like DKC2.

Speaking of which, you should do a track for the DKC 2 project ;-)


I'm 23, I own a Wii, PS2, Cube, SNES and N64.

I play the Wii so little that I can't even put it down to "so much a week". When I get a good new Wii game, which is very rare, I usually finish it within 1 up to 3 days and never bother with it again.

I've always been the type of guy to play on for hours and hours and really get into a game, but the Wii hasn't given me something like that at all. So to compensate I traded in my DS and some crap for a PS2 with some good RPGs but besides Final Fantasy 12, I just cannot seem to really get into them.

The most enjoyment I get out of games these days is playing Halo PC with the clan I'm in, which is kind of sad all things concidered.

Gaming has just reached a very awkward stage for me and it pains me to say I'm rather over it. At least I still have my classics...


21 here. My Wii is played about 6 hours a day according to the messages, but I haven't played it in like 3 weeks because of school. My roommates play Mario Kart almost every night...


I'm 23. My Wii sees the most use of any consoles in my house, unless I'm binging on Ace Combat on the PS2. I don't own a 360 or a PS3, but even if I owned one or the other, odds are the Wii would still see most use between Mario, Metroid, Smash, and Fire Emblem.

The other consoles I own are a GCN, a PS2, a DS, a PSP, and obviously my PC.


I'm 20 and the Wii is the only current-gen console I own (though I'm saving for an Xbox 360). I'd say I average somewhere around 40 hours a month on it. Older systems that I own are GCN, NES, SNES, DS, GBC, PS2, XBOX, and Sega Master System.


I am 17 and lately dont use wii very much i play Okami about 1 hour,and mario kart(1-2) (i love this game online) and i put a GC smash bros i must wait till Europe release....:| but overall lately i don use wii much wich makes me little sad ,i expected a load of fun games,how now things move up only nintendo and maybe capcom deliver fun games....


Like many have said, not as much thanks to school/work/life etc

However, its getting a crapload more use than my PS2 has of late. Hell, the wii is the only console currently in use :P


21. Wii is the only current-gen console I've got, PS2 from last gen. And, since I am a PC gamer, the laptop as well.

For me the Wii was a very spontaneous purchase. It was right there in the Gamestop and I knew I might not get another opportunity like this. Of course, I left for USC maybe two weeks later, but while I was around I was chugging through Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy (both of which were lent to me by friends).



I go MONTHS without even turning my Wii on. HOWEVER, when at a buddies house we almost exclusively play Brawl together (maybe once or twice a week for about an hour or so). Occasionally I'll pop something into an old console if I want some old school action (screw Virtual Console and their overpriced digital goods, I can buy them cheaper [usually] at retro gaming shops around here or ebay; I'm willing to pay more for rare stuff anyway so I can have it in hand and not a pay-for rom).

PS3 is the primary here though, getting about 90% of the play time. Probably all of the play time once MGS4 comes out.

I'll be pretencious and list all the game consoles/portables I have:

PC, Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, N64, PSX, Sega Genesis, Dreamcast, Wii, PS3, DS, PSP, Virtual Boy, and a couple iterations of the original GameBoy

It was weird though. Back in the day with the Gamecube, I WOULD never play it either except to play Melee with my buddies in the same fashion, except there were more games (albeit still a small number overall [in comparison to other consoles at the time]) that I wanted to play on the Gamecube. I guess history repeats itself for me, eh?

And for one reason or another, up until this year, I considered myself a die-hard Nintendo fan, but that "title" seems to be fading away in my mind... I really like Nintendo, but I just feel like I have nothing in common with the demographic they're aiming at. All the old games I loved (Zelda, Smash, etc.), but now the stuff they're releasing doesn't really seem tailored for my demographic or the type of gamer I am anymore... so I suppose that's why the Wii gets little attention from me, and I can accept that. Maybe a gold title will come out again that will justify my Wii's quiet existance plugged into my TV while sitting idle, craving for attention while it's big fat neighbor (the PS3) holds my attention for hours at a time. Love my little media sharing device and goodies. :)


22 years of age =D

I had a Wii exclusively (got it for my b'day last year) but this year I picked up a 360 (again, for my b'day). So for the year I had it on it's own, I played it quite a lot. I don't play it so much now, however.

The online is just so poorly done it isn't funny. I can understand trying to aim for anonymity between all users, but it is just ridiculous. Every game that I want to play with any of my friends requires both of us to go into that game and exchange 12-16 digit codes outside of the game (and usually outside of the Wii) before we can do anything. There aren't even any confirmations, Xbox Live is several degrees more user-friendly than Nintendo WFC. That and every time I browse the Wii section of a store, ShovelWare outnumbers all the decent games by 10:1 if not more. It's obscene.

Also, Brawl still isn't out in Australia. Honestly.

The Wii is fun, but I'd rather be playing my 360 or PC in my free time.


I'm 21.

I have a wii and a killer PC. Both get a lot of use whenever a major title comes out.

Wii consistantly gets a lot of use whenever a decent Smash player is around.

Wii is getting a lot of use nowadays because I have Guitar Hero 3 for it.


I'm a huge fan of Nintendo, and I got my Wii in January '07, but since then it hasn't seen a ton of action. I played through ZTP and Mario Galaxy, along with some SSBB, but that's really about it. Maybe I'm just thoroughly addicted to online gaming, since I spend most of my gaming hours on my PC or on XBOX Live. I don't know why, but my Wii is not getting as much attention as my other consoles by far.

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