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Dude, this is totally what the last LP album "should" have sounded like. Totally epic, totally awesomeness, totally pwnage!

Totally loved it, & like Taucer, I'm an old school Lp fan, & I'm digging the vibe I'm hearing. Totally.

As you can see, this song brought out the rock dude in me, what with the multiple totally & the awesome utterance.

...I love the "flying over mountains and high fiving God" athmosphere.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

The word epic just doesn't do this track justice.

Way to go guys. Way to go.


Well, I am a huge fan of LP, and I understand the correlation with LP, it's beautiful indeed.

Don't worry djpretzel, you won't piss us off, after all we all have our opinions/tastes :)

Concerning the remix itself, it is AWESOME, took me away from the first guitar notes, all the way to the end, I just couldn't do anything else, way too concentrated on the music... I was looking for the best remix on OCRemix (tough job, I know ;) ), and well, I don't think that is a doable task, but as for me, I may just have found MY best remix.

Words cannot describe how great I think it is.

The word epic just doesn't do this track justice.

Amen to that. I remember this from back when it was a WIP. I must have looped it a hundred times back then. I couldn't begin to imagine how it could get any better... now I'm hearing it again with the addition of the piano and violin section, and improved guitar work. Excellent work guys. Looks like the rest of my iTunes library finally gets to take a vacation.


So many adjectives, so little time...

Definitely one of the best remixes I've ever heard. IMO, these guys could rule with a MMX remix concentrated around Dr. Light's theme and possibly the theme of Zero's death. Those two together in a similar rock arrangement could be just as epic as this one was. Maybe they'll read this and take me up on that...

Stellar work guys; you just gave us all something to rock out to for months to come.


I bow with my face to the floor. There is nothing yet that compares to this. I shall cry for days at the beauty. I've said it once before. Music can touch you in a way that no person can. This fills my heart with joy and sorrow. In it I hear the story, the amalgamation of everything that can be found in life: growth, failure, achievement and success, love. It's the kind of piece that you can dream to or listen to and know that you're day is gonna be good. You guys have created a cornerstone. You should feel good knowing that you are capable of something so beautiful.

There's the new standard remixers. Sink or swim.


Hot shit! Steppo, this is the final version of the one you let me preview a few months back, no? If so, damn man ... I thought the early versions were awesome, but ... goddamn. That's all I can say. Goddamn.

I'm not the demonstrative sort. I'm really not. Ask JamPaladin. But damn, this makes me just want to close my eyes and rock my head in time.

Easy 5-star, going straight on my iPod when I get home and would be on there right the fuck now if I had my cable with me.


but not Killswitch Engage, namely 'My Curse,' which you can even unlock in Guitar Hero 3. With the popularity of Guitar Hero 3, I'm surprised it didn't spring to mind before Linkin Park. Anyhow, it's a sick remix, and it's not a crime to be inspired by anyone.


This mix is one of the best I have heard in a while. It has a movie quality appeal that reminds me of Hero from the Spiderman soundtrack, the way the lead & bass guitars are interwoven to compliment each other.

I have burned it to a cd and put it in my iPod so I can listen to it wherever I go.


Nice stuff, though it's not a genre I normally enjoy. Honestly, between the other MegaMan III title theme mixes, I feared I'd never get to see another one, and especially not one that went in an new direction. So maybe it's not GeckoYamori, but it's an enjoyable, both as an original track and as a contribution to this site.


god damn! this just one godamn nice melodic hard rock tune, with sweeping piano and string bridges that give the song a larger scale boost. i dont know what the original sounds like but this sounds awesome on its own


So, I was just going to post and say that this song is kickass, but I noticed that basically everyone has stated this, so I will say instead that this song is "badass."

The production is like movie-soundtrack sharp and the interpetation of the melody is ingenious.


This sounds so epic. Heck, MM3 is one of the best and is only surpassed by 2 in the original 6; despite that, MM3 had some killer music and this did it justice on so many levels. I think, when you can picture a sort of movie in your brain, images from or of the game (or anything related really) tacked along with a song, you've done something right.

I highly reccomend this song to the Megaman fans. Tell me you dont see megaman holding that scarf right at the opening guitars and then tightening his grip in determination.


Ok, you have forced me into something I've tried to cut down on recently, but I have no other choice...

Sweet, merciful, FUCK that was incredible! Epic work, new direction, and just enough of the original melody to keep you from getting lost. I've listened to this many, MANY times over the past several days, and it gives me goosebumps every single time. Awesome job! =)


Heh, guess I should have been warned when I read "Linkin Park" in the write-up. I have to say that I find the beginning of the song absolutely boring. Same goes for the breakdown at 3:34, btw.

It gets way better once the kickass guitar at 1:14 comes in, and the break-down-ish section using piano and strings is pretty good, too. 2:19 onwards is just awesome.

All in all, I like how the song was arranged, and some parts of this remix are very enjoyable, but other ones just irk me.


Oh my god this is amazing! I started to play all the 8-bit Mega Man games recently and...I like the music but I could love this remix even if I didn't know the source. I gave it 5 out of 5 stars in my media player.

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