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OCR00316 - Final Fantasy VIII "Eyes on Me (Obsession)"


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  • 4 weeks later...

Of all of Children of the Monkey Machine's work, I think I'd have to say that this is my favorite. The reason being the lead instrument during the non voice parts, and the voice parts themselves. The echo is just perfect, not so extreme that you can't understand, and just extreme enough to give the song its feeling. An, impressive way of capturing the atmosphere and emotion.

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  • 3 months later...

Why hasn't this song been reviewed more times?

It's a beautiful piece, haunting, unable to leave you alone. The whole theme of the song (love from a distance) has been twisted around into some obsession/stalking theme, that disturbs me to no end. It has a sort of nightmarish quality to it that made the song addictive.

When I first heard it I couldnt stop listening to it for days.

The vocals are brilliant... so solemn, yet so intense... and the end quote: "Oh god, you're still smiling" had me brooding for days.

I love this intense piece of work. One of the best out here!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The melody at the beginning (reminded me of a bubble) was alright but occasionaly it sounded a little too....loud and shrieky.

Nevertheless the vocals are very good and I like the idea of having them as a monologue instead of sung (plus Dani sounds more or less how I imagined Julia)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I've only reviewed only one other song (djp's "Lord Protektor" from Actraiser) and I felt that this song really grabbed my attention. . .

The first time I heard the vocals sent chills down my spine and I really had to make sure "she" was saying the right words to the song. . .Absolutely spine-tingling, freaky, and soooo sad. . .and most importantly, verrrry well-done. . .I like this a LOT!!!

Hmmm. . .maybe someone can do a Castlevania mix and with an Alucard monologue, aye?


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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Darklion said:

Dude Was someone Drinking or Smoking when they made this one? Com'on now what the Hell is this Crap? Someone should ban this man from ever making remixes. PLZ no more of this Crap.

Perhaps next time, in your infinite critical wisdom, you can give reasons for your dislike. Like this:

"Hey, I didn't like your song because X was Y and should have been Z."

So if I were to critique your critique, for example, it would be something like this:

"Hey, I didn't like your critique of the song because it exemplified your lack of compassion, disregard for creativity, complete lack of argument, poor spelling (it's "c'mon") and random use of capitalization. PLZ no more of this crap."

Hopefully this was educational for all involved. Oh, and for the record, Obsession (Eyes on Me) is a creepy, wonderful song that fondly reminds me of Sting's Every Breath You Take.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

When pretzel said that monologue was whack, he wasn't kidding.

The first minute the music I didn't even recognized to be related to the origional. Throw in that crazy lady ( i say crazy because i have no other way to describe the voice echo's)

I found this piece to be an insult to the origional and now have a firm belief that, like one winged angel, this piece should never have been remade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually did not like this piece at all. I could barely tell what song it was when I was listening to it, and if the song's already half over by the time I can identify it I don't think it rates very highly.

I didn't like the vocals, in fact I hated them. I will agree they sound 'creepy', which is not my thing and so I do have bias, but that the vocals sound like someone just talking and not singing ruins the song for me. There is no power in the song, there is no motivation or anything, it's just a monotonic piece with a somewhat annoying reverb that sounds like someone down on their luck in the slums trying to convey some sort of message that no one hears or cares about.

The original song was beautiful and dramatic, and was first played between Squall and Rinoa when they first pretty much confess their feelings for each other, which is a major breakthrough for Squall. This, however, does not have any of that feeling at all. There is no emotion or compassion.

The original was a love song, this one is not, and while I don't think every remix must have all of the original meaning for it to be good, I do believe a remix should have at least some of it. Overall this was just not an interesting improvement for me.

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I guess that's why I don't like it, because I don't "get" the point, whatever it may be. When I first heard it, I didn't know what it was for a while, so I'm listening to it trying to figure it out, and I didn't really care for the way it sounded to begin with. Then I hear this voice which freaked me out/annoyed me so much that I tossed my headphones away @_@;;, and THEN I get the wake up call, "Oh, it's Eyes on Me..." except I can't understand it at this point, because I'm saying to myself, "WTH? This is Eyes on Me???"

I guess I'm just too much of a fan of the original, whether that's a good thing or not when you're listening to remixes, I dunno. This one just didn't click for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great stuff, the tuneage sets the mood and then the monologue makes it clear what it's about (reminds me a bit of "There's Only Me" by Rob Dougan). CotMM's very good at these twists on the themes of the original song, rather than simply changing the song while it's about the same sorts of things (which the vast majority of game music remixes are).

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