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Man, I'd hate to have anything even remotely resembling that happen to me...

The track SnowBound he did for the Bound Together project is one of my favs, and it really would be a shame to lose such a talented Remixer/Super Metroid player.

And seeing as how I was bored/inspired, I decided to make a "Get Well Soon Card":

Don't hesitate to watch it more than once :wink:

Man, I'd hate to have anything even remotely resembling that happen to me...

The track SnowBound he did for the Bound Together project is one of my favs, and it really would be a shame to lose such a talented Remixer/Super Metroid player.

And seeing as how I was bored/inspired, I decided to make a "Get Well Soon Card":

Don't hesitate to watch it more than once :wink:


Man, I'd hate to have anything even remotely resembling that happen to me...

The track SnowBound he did for the Bound Together project is one of my favs, and it really would be a shame to lose such a talented Remixer/Super Metroid player.

And seeing as how I was bored/inspired, I decided to make a "Get Well Soon Card":

Don't hesitate to watch it more than once :wink:

I just have to say this is awesome, thank you so much :)

So Im back from the hospital and my specialist (gastro doctor) did wonders while i was there. I got some insanely powerful medicines to get me under control quick and im on my way to recovery! I feel soooo much better guys, and a lot of it is thanks to the huge amount of support and prayers ive gotten from this community, family, friends, churches, just everyone. God gave me this insane prayer army in my time of need so i thank you all from the bottom of my heart. When they printed me the first 12 pages of the thread and i read it in the hospital bed, tears came to my eyes just to see the amount of love and support i have from this community, my fans and everyone and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, it means so much to me. So the news is, im getting better and will continue to! I just have to stick to the doctors orders. Thank you darkesword for getting together a little gift for me, that means SOOO much to me, i love that game and soundtrack and all the people involved. The only way i can repay is to tell you i have some insanely great remixes coming your way. I have 6 under the wraps, 1 almost done and i will finish it asap and submit it to OC so you can hear what ive been up to. Much love to you all of you <3 :)


That's really kool. I dun know Blind, but I'll search his music up just cause of that. I tried to mod out Super Mario on SNES once with lunar magic; but I got too pissed off at myself.

Hell, if you can program your own games? You prolly used some weak software to change tiles and such, but... You might want do something with it. If you know any P languages, I mean... Look how popular these damn myspace applications and games are. I can use RPGmaker2003 real well HAr har! :<

It's all about conditional branches and variables. If, ands, and buts... And if else. lol

That's really kool. I dun know Blind, but I'll search his music up just cause of that. I tried to mod out Super Mario on SNES once with lunar magic; but I got too pissed off at myself.

Hell, if you can program your own games? You prolly used some weak software to change tiles and such, but... You might want do something with it. If you know any P languages, I mean... Look how popular these damn myspace applications and games are. I can use RPGmaker2003 real well HAr har!

It's all about conditional branches and variables. If, ands, and buts... And if else. lol

It was just something I threw together in a few minutes, using SMILE

The only way i can repay is to tell you i have some insanely great remixes coming your way. I have 6 under the wraps, 1 almost done and i will finish it asap and submit it to OC so you can hear what ive been up to. Much love to you all of you <3 :)

No, no no no no! First, full recovery! Then relaxation. And maybe some sort of food, I don't know... maybe a steak or something. Then remixing.

We can't afford to lose you. JaDE, make sure he's fully recovered before he starts doing anything. I don't want to see another "bLiNd got sick" thread because he pushed himself too soon.

No, no no no no! First, full recovery! Then relaxation. And maybe some sort of food, I don't know... maybe a steak or something. Then remixing.

We can't afford to lose you. JaDE, make sure he's fully recovered before he starts doing anything. I don't want to see another "bLiNd got sick" thread because he pushed himself too soon.


Trust me guys... HAHAHAHA... man I can't stop cracking up!@!@ lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo@!!@!@ Dude, you just got like 234727492479 points from JaDE. hahahaha........Sorry man, I'm still laughing. Great stuff.

Though believe me I have told him he needs to recover and it's going to take a few weeks. He hasn't eaten normal food in 2 months, but man... he has eaten so much these past 2 days... It's incredible. No more diets, yay, Jade wins! :) He'll gain weight in no time. I am so happy! I almost cry every time he talks about it. So NO MORE THREADS ABOUT JORDAN CLOSE TO DEATH OR ANYTHING, I PROMISE! heh Jordan is on strict doctor orders and he knows not to disobey.... But I will try my best to motivate him when he is feeling better to work on his projects. I think the first one he is considering to submit in.... ::whistles:: You won't be disappointed.


Wow.... I am so glad things are looking up. I have been away from this site in a while (vacation), so I was just looking up the new remix 'Endless Skies' by PrototypeRaptor (welcome by the way) when I saw the news. Talk about vacation-ruining, not to mention bLiNd's music ranks among my favourites (of any music). Just remember to take it easy... I'm sure the community would rather wait for more remixes than to see any one of its members falling ill... (although as a man of impassioned hobbies myself, I know it can speed recovery to do what you love). Here's to a long and healthy life!


I hate it, this kind of things always struck the good persons :(

Good to see your getting better.

I will pray for you and i know you will get alot better :)

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