djpretzel Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
GreatLeo Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 Great take on da famous Kefka theme definately one I shall remember for a long time. This one kinda brings an image of him actually running his own carnival with circus freaks (him included) and magic tricks. Crazy yet very creative job you've done here Noppz Quote
DaleNorth Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 NoppZ holds true to his title in my mind: still one of the greatest of the 'new generation' of remixers. I love this shit! SO Creative. Its a definate pick-me-up from my tired state, this is fun as hell. I was doing some whacked out dance the first time I listened- I won't do it again because it will scare everyone. I think the reverb is a little cheap sounding (muddy), but other than that i wouldn't change a thing. Well, maybe some yelling and handclaps. Noppz, keep kicking ass please. Dale Quote
Protricity Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 That section at 2:05 sounds totally off key to me. Maybe its just me, but as usual it stuck out like a sore thumb. Nice and uppity, but far too repetitive for my tastes. Quote
Psycrow Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 Aw darn, I was expecting creepy circus music Why would Kefka have a happy/upbeat/lighthearted mix? Why would he go to a carnival, unless it's an EVIL carnival (dr. evil voice)? Oh well, still fun Quote
wethamster Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW i love this. we need more latino style here at OCR, this jumpy beat makes me wanna dance, even though i cant dance. Quote
Pander Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 Aw darn, I was expecting creepy circus music Why would Kefka have a happy/upbeat/lighthearted mix? Why would he go to a carnival, unless it's an EVIL carnival (dr. evil voice)? Oh well, still fun Well, I think he was aiming more for the celebratory carnival, like the kind you see in South American countries and some European countries, rather than the American Circusy kinda carnival. Works well, reminds me of McVaffe's Cutman Sonata, much faster paced than most FF6 remixes. Fits the theme perfectly, though. Nothing seems too oustanding, but everything works well, like the horns and steel drums. I love the solo around 2:30, it really works well to top off the piece. Well done. This baby's going in my 4 star folder Quote
CirrusStrife Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 Well, I think he was aiming more for the celebratory carnival, like the kind you see in South American countries and some European countries, rather than the American Circusy kinda carnival. Works well, reminds me of McVaffe's Cutman Sonata, much faster paced than most FF6 remixes. Fits the theme perfectly, though. Nothing seems too oustanding, but everything works well, like the horns and steel drums. I love the solo around 2:30, it really works well to top off the piece. Well done. This baby's going in my 4 star folder Indeed. I feel Carnival is referred to in the same manner as you, specifically bringing to my mind the festival and season of Carnival, which ends with Mardi Gras. This is definitely, if not Zydeco, then close enough to make me remember the fun times I had in New Orleans these past few years. Cirrus Out Quote
Bahamut Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 Whoa, I missed this at first for some reason . Another Kefka remix NoppZ? You must love this theme . Anyway, I find this interesting, I wasn't sure what the title meant by carnival at first, until I started listening to it. Well done, I like this quite a bit, although as Protricity does mention, it is kinda repetitive. Not unexpected of a techno-type of piece, but still, I kinda wished for a little more variety. Quote
Xplo Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 Heh.. it's funny someone mentioned steel drums, because I was listening to this and thought, "wow, this would really kick ass with some good steel drums", because to me it sounds more like a soft piano with a lot of reverb or something, whereas steel drums have a distinctively different sound. For me this really brings the track down.. not because it's bad (in fact, I like it a lot and made sure to save myself a copy) but because in my mind it came that close to perfect and missed the mark. Quote
Nobbynob Littlun Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 Has a salsa rythmn to it. I definitely can see a number in Cirque du Soleil with this music - it's too repetitive for my taste though. Same percussion pretty much the whole way through. The orchestra hits are pretty obviously looped also. I rather like that whistle blowing in the background, and the salsa-style keeps the melody moving very nicely. Overall, a fun song, but nothing I'd call impressive. Though, I haven't exactly done better myself... Quote
Mustin Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 NoppZ! This shit is the bomb, man! Keep it up! Glad to see that some people are still creative. Quote
M@ Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 Heh. This is fun to listen to; it's very imaginative and creates a lot of imagery through the instrument choices appropriate to the style and addictive rhythm. My only real gripes come about 1:28~1:42 and 3:03~3:17 where I feel the melody is a little drowned by the dominant, although highly enjoyable, Mardi Graesque chords and bass. It seems less prominent than, say, the melody that’s first heard 0:44~0:58. I like the way you wove the battle theme into this, too. It’s very subtle and very effective, adding a little variation whilst maintaining the party feel of the piece. Well done. Quote
mv Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 original take on kefka's theme to say the least, the battle theme reference was nice as well.. that piece reminded me of 'carnaval de paris', but isn't quite as impressive or catchy. the piece lasts for over 3 minutes without really having distinct breakups or highly memorable spots, which could not be a problem for that kind of piece if it was produced flawlessly or had an unique feel or addictive trait to it. the constant piano lines and beat don't provide much variety or entertainment on the long run though, and the tune got old very fast for me in consequence. i don't think it can last a decent amount of listens, i found it quite repetitive, in the wrong way. however this was a daring track to do, and the production is respectable; i have to agree with dale about the reverb being subpar though, and the kick could stand out more, also some drum samples such as the clap sounded kind of weak. bonus points for the effort but not a keeper as far as i'm concerned. makes you wonder how some other daring, deeper pieces get rejected as of late Quote
Psycrow Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 Well, I just meant I had trouble applying the mix to Kefka himself. I kinda like those mixes where you can imagine something to do with the character-- like AmIEvil's "Death on the Snowfield", ya can't help but imagine Terra having lost someone close to her, and if the title were a little different, it could also be seen as an interpretation of Terra's personality-- a sad, cold girl, searching to find out what "love" means. When I can relate it to something in the game, it gets an extra point for good concept I was going to make a post in General to mention something like this one time, but it would probably just be flamed and misunderstood Quote
The_Clover Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 I love kefka's theme. Thus if a remix on this site is down well enough with a theme I already love, then I'm going to love it as least just as much. Images of a crazy pyscho Kefka pop into my head, moving to the crazy, stompin' latin beat, marracas in hand. (Mind you these would be maraccas of immense power and death causing) Livin' La Vida Kefka coulda been another good title for this what with the latin feel of this piece. I love the trumpets. Being a trumpet player myself, I go crazy when I hear some good jazzy or latin mariachi-like beats. This piece isn't perfect, but it's definitely going down on my list of FF songs I predominantly listen to. The reverb was a bit weak and the percussion was really heavy and could've been countered with the actual melody being played stronger or less out there percussion. As stated earlier, a few good melody parts are underplayed because of this. As for the the repetitiveness, I didn't mind. The battle theme looped in there kept in fresh and flowin' enough to keep me interested enough in the end with a loop to replay it over again. Muy Caliente, Senor NoppZ. This song takes both Enrique Inglesias and Ricky Martin, turns 'em over, and gives each a swick kick to the rear. Ass-kickin' the Desperado way! (Sorry for all of the latin references. Couldn't help myself!) Quote
NeoPhoenixTE Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 ..this is Kefka? Is it even FF6? It's hard to tell. Kickin song, but, feels more original than remix to me. If it weren't for that piece of FF6 boss music in there and the fact it has Kefka in the file name, you can't even tell this is even a FF6, let alone Kefka, mix! Don't get me wrong, it's a well made song, it just feels as though the original has been lost in all this.....but hey, it makes the playlist cause it's got quite the beat to it and, again, isn't too bad a song. Recommended jes to chill to. Quote
Ryan8bit Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 I'm sorry, but this sounds just like a glorified MIDI with reverb to me. I read Carnival and I got excited, but this isn't Carnival at all. It's just Latin music with some chromaticism here and there. An interesting take on Kefka's music, but it is not to my enjoyment. Quote
LotusChild Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 to quote... "I'm sorry, but this sounds just like a glorified MIDI with reverb to me. I read Carnival and I got excited, but this isn't Carnival at all. It's just Latin music with some chromaticism here and there. An interesting take on Kefka's music, but it is not to my enjoyment." ...Well, Ryan, there's more than one style of carnival.. although the spelling is different. In Brazil, they hold a VERY large festival for a week(or month? not sure) called "Carneval". As you can see, this sounds like something that could originate from that. Perhaps carnival can be referred in other ways than the american version... ...Although it just might be that I live in mini-brazil, itself, Framingham, MA. -shrug- either way, over here it doesn't sound like a glorified MIDI.. Quote
Psionicist Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 This thing is GREAT! It's the perfect take on Kefka's theme really. One of my favourite mix that's for sure (out of 675 and counting) Quote
Shhteve Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 Hmm, it sounds pretty catchy at times, but I don't think Kefka's theme should ever be remixed in such a way. It's not a very good song to remix I guess, as it didn't really catch my attention very much in any way. I'm sorry. Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 !ME GUSTA BAILAR!! Tu madre es gorda y tu padre es tonto. !El perro y el gato tiene hambre! Mi queso no es su queso, y las maracas son muy caliente. !Yo tengo tu familia! Tu hermana es muy bonita... I loved this remix to no end. I always thought Kefka's theme had a latin flavor to it, and indeed I was not the only one, as we now have TWO Latin Kefka remixes at this site. I've heard some people call this beat "salsa" and "mambo" but really it's more of a soca (read:soul calypso) beat. At least, the snare is playing a total soca rythym. I found the brass hits got on my nerves a lot, but other than that, I really liked this song. Great jorb Noppz! !La pelicula es picante! Quote
Elex Synn Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 I'm with NeoPhoenixTE on this one... This feels more like an original piece then a remix. But hell I like it. To be honest, I was a little weary at first to check it out because the last few "Kefka" remixes I got from here, I absolutely did not like. Just not my thang. ... This though, I do like. I swear the quality of music around here is getting better and better. First 'Battle Rocks' now this. Quote
paddym Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 Oh well. This remix is all right. But it was a different carnival than I expected. Especially when it seems like Kefka would be just the sort of ringmaster you could expect to find at any sort of evil carnival/circus. Quote
Proffessor_Scissors Posted April 30, 2003 Posted April 30, 2003 Don't listen to this at high volumes. It feels like someone's kicking your ear. Not that the song is that bad, but the drums are hell on headphones. Maybe it's me. The song is alright. Quote
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