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Honestly, I played the demo on 360, and I honestly didn't care for the game, and I've been hyped for it since the day I saw it in Game Informer. To me, it just feels like some other game's engine tacked on to with the awesome physics they've integrated into the game.

But hey, that was just a demo, I'm positive it's polished.

But I'll probably just rent this game, no real reason I feel to purchase it. But hey, that's just my opinion on it...


Hype sucks the life out of some games, and I think that kind of did it a little for me.

Dont get me wrong, I liked the demo (smashing dudes into the ground never felt so real awesome!), but I figured I would be able to do a little more than just that.

demo bored the crap outa me

Same here. I spent too much time waiting for my Force meter to charge up or whatever. I was also annoyed about how some materials were fuckupable, but others didn't really react to anything you did. And why does my light saber cut robots in half but doesn't dismember people? I'm not a fan of the Star Wars Universe, so beyond gameplay, the game has nothing intrinsic to offer me. I honestly expected the demo to be more fun than awkward. I will give them credit though for managing to capture the stiff dialogue of the the movies ;-)

My best friend will be buying it and will tell me how the real game is. If he's positive about it, I'll rent it. Then if I really really like it, I'll buy it.


Wait, did you seriously think this was going to be anything besides than an over the top beat em up with a decent story? Cuz that's exactly what they've been advertising this game as since they announced it.

Also, I thought the opening line was fine. The original trilogy was full of weak lines like that. They've just grown on us over the years.

Where are you guys getting this demo?


I'm pretty excited for it, but I don't see a reason to buy it. Especially because I've got Gamefly. I'll just beat the whole game in a week or two, then return it. Unless it's really, really good, which will cause me to replay the hard difficulty and send the game in later. Now, the only question is, how long is it going to take for Gamefly to get SW:TFU in stock?!


Looks great for an afternoon staring at hot blonde chick's rack, (And it's good to know she's actually modelled on an actual woman, which means I have to find out who this "Nathalie Cox" and her sexy British accent is, and beating up stormtroopers.

But it's not exactly something that asks you interesting questions, does it? I always thought that Bioware really knew how to impart some sort of interesting choice into how you played- Of course, Deus Ex did it best. Did you sneak into the Statue of Liberty? Or did you blow the shit out of everyone? When you played Mass Effect or NWN or BG, did you judge in that haunted castle, or did you give mercy? Did you hold the human fleet behind, dooming millions to death, or rush in and doom just as many just to save them? Before I learnt that being good actually got you heaps of rewards (More than being evil), Bioshock really made me sit up and take notice in the moral choices you made in a very similar manner. Star Wars is perfect for this kind of question to be asked of the player.

Here, you know how the story ends. But I always liked Jedi Knight 1- because you made choices and those choices mattered.

But anyways- it looks like a lot of fun. When I have time I think I'll get a copy.

Edit: Minor bitch, but why does Lucasarts think it's necessary for a highly decorated, model Imperial navy flight officer who otherwise acts in a completely professional way to wear a non-standard uniform that shows off cleavage? For God's sake, not all of us are 14 year old boys and need cleavage to know she's the bloody love interest.

Edit: Minor bitch, but why does Lucasarts think it's necessary for a highly decorated, model Imperial navy flight officer who otherwise acts in a completely professional way to wear a non-standard uniform that shows off cleavage? For God's sake, not all of us are 14 year old boys and need cleavage to know she's the bloody love interest.

I was wondering this too, considering everything in the goddamn Imperial Navy is *supposed* to be standardized. Hell, most pilots and regular flight personnel don't even go by their *names* officially. Well, it's just stupid pandering and misguided attempts to pick up sex appeal. You'd think *someone* at LucasArts would have common sense enough to try to stick to the canon, but whatever.

Would you play it on the PC if it came out on it?

No. My PC can barely handle portal on lowest specs, and its a laptop, so not much room for improvement.

and wacky, bewbs are still kewl.

Same here. I spent too much time waiting for my Force meter to charge up or whatever. I was also annoyed about how some materials were fuckupable, but others didn't really react to anything you did. And why does my light saber cut robots in half but doesn't dismember people? I'm not a fan of the Star Wars Universe, so beyond gameplay, the game has nothing intrinsic to offer me. I honestly expected the demo to be more fun than awkward. I will give them credit though for managing to capture the stiff dialogue of the the movies ;-)

My best friend will be buying it and will tell me how the real game is. If he's positive about it, I'll rent it. Then if I really really like it, I'll buy it.

Yep, my experience with the demo was that it was a less enjoyable (read: retarded) version of Psi-Ops

Not James Earl Jones.

Weakest opening line I've ever heard Vader say.

I would say it's a video game, but then remembered James Earl Jones starred in Tiberian Sun. Go figure.

Still, the guy is not going to live forever, so they might as well start testing talent out for later use. Besides, Matt Sloan (see also Chad Vader) does a fairly good rendition; he's not spot on, but he's got me convinced.

I was wondering this too, considering everything in the goddamn Imperial Navy is *supposed* to be standardized. Hell, most pilots and regular flight personnel don't even go by their *names* officially. Well, it's just stupid pandering and misguided attempts to pick up sex appeal. You'd think *someone* at LucasArts would have common sense enough to try to stick to the canon, but whatever.

Well how many female Imperial commanding officers have you seen in the series? I can't think of any. And I would expect that a Dark Lord of the Sith, an intergalactic emperor, and a dirty old man would MAKE cleavage the standard. I mean, the light side Jedi Council got away with epic bewbs, so what's stopping the dark side? I can't even begin to imagine a Sith Lord not using the full power of the Force to further the dark will of his penis.

Well how many female Imperial commanding officers have you seen in the series? I can't think of any. And I would expect that a Dark Lord of the Sith, an intergalactic emperor, and a dirty old man would MAKE cleavage the standard. I mean, the light side Jedi Council got away with epic bewbs, so what's stopping the dark side? I can't even begin to imagine a Sith Lord not using the full power of the Force to further the dark will of his penis.

That there is an In Universe explanation as to why all female character models in Star Wars games dress like porn stars (Jan Ors being the exception) shows why I prefer Star Trek.

Yes, I include Bastila Shan. Just because the woman shits me.


I got to play the Wii version the other day for about two hours.

It controlled well enough, but the only reason I kept going after a half hour was the Star Wars appeal. Definitely did not meet the hype. I'm still curious to see how the hi-def version fares, though.

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