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Recentally just finished Mario RPG on the VC way faster than I had ever done on the SNES.

I felt like a champ afterward.

So I was wondering, what is the quickest game you ever finished? And how long did it take?


Well there's always this: http://tasvideos.org/1124M.html

This guy does Mario RPG in 2 hours, 35 min, tool assisted. As for me, I don't remember how fast I'd ever beaten it as it's been a LONG time since I've played. I'll have to get to work fixing that.

And as for the quickest game I'VE ever finished, it would have to be Super Mario Land. I played it so much when I was a little kid that I got every secret, every point and time saving technique down to an art.


Super Mario 64. 100%.

Well, it's not me, but it's still damn awesome and I figured other people would want to see it. NOTE: it's about 1 hour and 40 minutes (and tool assisted, but that doesn't take away from the awesome. If you want to see non tool-assisted, head this way: http://speeddemosarchive.com/demo.pl?Mario64_SS_100p_20940 . There is also info for the 120-star run, a 70-star run, and a 16-star run here: http://speeddemosarchive.com/Mario64.html ).

For myself, probably Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I'm not sure the time it took, but I have played it so often over the years I blast through it (though I take my time on Hydrocity because the music is just TOO DAMN AWESOME) in ...I don't even know, it's been a while. I guess I should play it again.

[...]I buy 11 Tonics, 41 Mid Tonics, 21 Revives, 11 Shelters and 11 Heals in Porre Market[...]

Indeed, this is a speed run :razz: I lol'd

Mmm, maybe the original Lemmings for me ? I could resolve all the levels in a row many years ago...


Quickest run period? Probably story mode in Tekken 3 with Eddy Gordo, lalz

I've beaten Super Mario World in under 20 minutes, Mega Man X in an hour or so (100% without using Hadouken), and some other shtuff here and there... nothing much to brag about really


Probably the fastest I have ever done a game that I care to remember is Super Metroid 100% in 1:21 I think.

The one I am most proud of though is probably Zelda LTTP 100% in about 3.5-4 hours. The route I use was devised entirely by myself and I have never watched a video of someone doing this game. In my run I don't get the bomb and arrow amounts upgraded because I am always so dang impatient.

I beat Marble Madness in like 4 minutes or so ... not world record time or anything, but not bad nonetheless

Just beating that damn game is a worthy accomplishment.

I used to be able to do MMX2 100% in ~45 minutes. That was a few years ago though, I'd need a hefty amount of practice to get back to that.

I'm around 1:15 minutes to finish Castlevania: SOTN -- anyone else here play it a lot?

Addicting bastard, it is. I don't think I've attempted to beat it in a single playthrough but I've gotten close to 100% completion a couple years back. I could never find the last few map spaces, it was driving me nuts

Addicting bastard, it is. I don't think I've attempted to beat it in a single playthrough but I've gotten close to 100% completion a couple years back. I could never find the last few map spaces, it was driving me nuts

How many percent it was, already ? 201.6 %, something like that, if I remember well...

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