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Toonami died a looong time ago when they replaced Moltar with Tom. Back in the good ol' days toonami was about showing new western action cartoons like Swat Kats. Back when CN was actually a good network and did cool things like... gah, I can't remember the name of the show because it's been a decade (lulz), but it was the original format of Cartoon Cartoons. A half-hour block that showed three new indy 'toons, where Courage the Cowardly Dog and Powerpuff Girls got their starts and had that one show with the rat and the fly (Rat on a hot tin can or something like that).

Then they brought in Tom and brought anime to Toonami. And anime in and of itself was not bad (I like the stuff), but the gutted and censored versions they were showing were just embarrassing. They tried showing Tenchi but had to edit so much of the episodes. I can't remember if Outlaw Star was originally Toonami or Adult Swim, but they cut out the entire hotsprings planet episode which left all the viewers wondering where Gene pulled those two caster shells out of his ass at the end. The shows they were too lazy to censor got put on the original Adult Swim, and that's all it was at the beginning; stuff like Cowboy Bepop and its drug references and other such things. Even in those days, it was semi-decent with new and interesting shows like Big-O and Blue Sub 6, rather than picking up every Dragonball clone in the world and showing ten squillion episodes.

Basically, CN stopped being what it got known for -- being an original, new channel that showed new and interesting animation -- and became a 24-hour version of the anime/action/comedy 'toon blocks of every other channel. They tried to be hip and show the popular series, but realized they couldn't do that and be kid-friendly so they neutered the shows. It's exactly like when that bullshit G4 channel bought out TechTV and turned a great technology-driven channel into "GAMES AND GIRLS AND ANIMU LOLZ". For fuck's sake, they had a THIRTY MINUTE show dedicated to having the hostess print out a bunch of pages from GameFAQS and READ CHEATCODES ALOUD.

I gave up on CN and stopped watching long before they tried to show Evangelion on the network. Man that must have been some serious lulz, I'm almost sorry I missed it.


I'd like to take a moment to point out that Cartoon Network is and always has been owned by Turner Broadcasting. It doesn't matter what the guys in the Atlanta offices want to do, they only have so much control over what they put on television. If the people in the corporate offices, the big-name people who tell the smaller branches what to do, decide that a programming block isn't worth keeping around, or they want to focus on developing original material that panders down to the micro-brained toddlers we have watching TV anymore, that means the good stuff, the things that are actually enjoyable and funny if not actually mature and engaging, will get canceled or taken off the air...

And don't forget that on top of that creators of shows like Samurai Jack always have other things that they'd like to work on and most likely they have contracts which state that they can only have one or two of their works in production at any given time so they're often forced to pick and choose what they work on. Naturally I'm sure they'd love to use all the concepts rattling around in their heads but unfortunately it is usually not to be.

EDIT: how the hell did you post before me despite typing more?

Also, there's a certain show (Family Guy *cough cough*) which got its start, at least in some form, on What A Cartoon. Good times. *sniff* Good times.

*sigh* Long Live Toonami, may your memory remain untainted by whatever may follow.

Is Ed,Edd,and Eddy gone as well?

Apparently the folks who make it are focusing on creating an Ed Edd n Eddy movie at the moment, and as such there are no plans for another series of the cartoon "at this time".

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, though. Hopefully CN will bring it back in full force once they actually have some new content to show again.

Big O was awesome! I remember when the show was the only anime show on the Sunday block. Did the ran through the entire series or did CN took a shit on it and left it alone?

CN paid for the second season to be made and aired it exclusively. All 26 episodes aired at least twice on Adult Swim alone.

Really, both seasons end on a cliffhanger, but season 1 had far fewer loose ends, I think.

There was the incident of the very last episode's first airing, actually -- or, rather, how it didn't air. When the final episode was supposed to air for the first time, they had a webcast going at the Williams Street studio. The people there made some comment to the effect of, "is anyone even watching this shit?" And then they showed the second-to-last episode again instead.

The following week, they apologized and showed the ending, even deigning to bump a premier Family Guy episode out of the timeslot.

Ever since, it's been clear no one in charge at CN cares about anime one bit.


If this ends up being a double post, them I'm sorry, but I gotta bring up all the kickass things Toonami & Williams Street brought us over the years.

They showed the DBZ movie Dead Zone IN JAPANESE, UNCUT at midnight, and then did the same thing for Tree of Might & World's Strongest, like, a week later. It was AWESOME.

Then there were the uncut episodes of Gundam Wing that aired at midnight, before the Midnight Run became what it did.

They paid to have the final 13 episodes of Sailor Moon R dubbed! They ran a marathon of the entire series, building up to the unveiling of ALL 13 episodes back-to-back for the first time. It was the tits.

The 20-hour marathon of DBZ? "DBZ20XL." A bold move indeed.

Of course, paying to co-produce Big O season 2 and IGPX.

Seriously, all the music, clips, montages and one-liners themselves were enough unto themselves.

"The revolution will be televised." Indeed, sirs, it was. Toonami revolutionized a cable channel, sure, but it also set fire to a cultural revolution in the hearts of thousands of youth in America.

If this ends up being a double post, them I'm sorry, but I gotta bring up all the kickass things Toonami & Williams Street brought us over the years.

They showed the DBZ movie Dead Zone IN JAPANESE, UNCUT at midnight, and then did the same thing for Tree of Might & World's Strongest, like, a week later. It was AWESOME.

Then there were the uncut episodes of Gundam Wing that aired at midnight, before the Midnight Run became what it did.

They paid to have the final 13 episodes of Sailor Moon R dubbed! They ran a marathon of the entire series, building up to the unveiling of ALL 13 episodes back-to-back for the first time. It was the tits.

The 20-hour marathon of DBZ? "DBZ20XL." A bold move indeed.

Of course, paying to co-produce Big O season 2 and IGPX.

Seriously, all the music, clips, montages and one-liners themselves were enough unto themselves.

"The revolution will be televised." Indeed, sirs, it was. Toonami revolutionized a cable channel, sure, but it also set fire to a cultural revolution in the hearts of thousands of youth in America.

Reading this makes me so nostalgic.

If this ends up being a double post, them I'm sorry, but I gotta bring up all the kickass things Toonami & Williams Street brought us over the years.

They showed the DBZ movie Dead Zone IN JAPANESE, UNCUT at midnight, and then did the same thing for Tree of Might & World's Strongest, like, a week later. It was AWESOME.

Then there were the uncut episodes of Gundam Wing that aired at midnight, before the Midnight Run became what it did.

They paid to have the final 13 episodes of Sailor Moon R dubbed! They ran a marathon of the entire series, building up to the unveiling of ALL 13 episodes back-to-back for the first time. It was the tits.

The 20-hour marathon of DBZ? "DBZ20XL." A bold move indeed.

Of course, paying to co-produce Big O season 2 and IGPX.

Seriously, all the music, clips, montages and one-liners themselves were enough unto themselves.

"The revolution will be televised." Indeed, sirs, it was. Toonami revolutionized a cable channel, sure, but it also set fire to a cultural revolution in the hearts of thousands of youth in America.

I can't believe I remember all of that

What the hell, Cartoon Network?

What the hell, Mike Lazzo?

What the hell?


Oh, and FUCK Cartoon Network for canceling Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Best cartoon in 10 years.




Are you really going to ignore the loads of better animation options and call this mild attention grabber THE BEST CARTOON?!?!? Bloo was a friggen' annoying jerk, Cheese was a complete retard. Mac had zero personality, and so did the entire cartoon, it's cast, and every voice actor who had the misfortune of working on it! And I'd know, I watched the movies and several seasons. It was a pathetic waste of time, at best.

Frick, some people have no taste...How about you mention something like The Venture Brothers? Then maybe people could take you seriously!




Are you really going to ignore the loads of better animation options and call this mild attention grabber THE BEST CARTOON?!?!? Bloo was a friggen' annoying jerk, Cheese was a complete retard. Mac had zero personality, and so did the entire cartoon, it's cast, and every voice actor who had the misfortune of working on it! And I'd know, I watched the movies and several seasons. It was a pathetic waste of time, at best.

Frick, some people have no taste...How about you mention something like The Venture Brothers? Then maybe people could take you seriously!

I'm guessing you never watched more than a few episodes in total, if any from beginning to end.

If you had, you'd notice an incredibly grown up sense of humor laced in with the kiddie stylings. Very similarly to what Animaniacs did.

I'm guessing you never watched more than a few episodes in total, if any from beginning to end.

If you had, you'd notice an incredibly grown up sense of humor laced in with the kiddie stylings. Very similarly to what Animaniacs did.

I don't know about the US, the the Australian portrayal of the show has just killed any semi-decent intelligent elements. They absolutely killed it, only showing the most annoying, terrible, dumbest parts.

Then they did song remakes. And shows about shows that suck. *coughItsyourshowshow*

In fact, CN's inability to make any decent decision is the reason I don't watch TV anymore (as all the other channels are terrible).

The only show I watch now is Naruto. But I get the jap subs: english dubs are...*shakes head*

Toonami? What about the Action Hour from back in the day? Why was no one sad about that. I know I was. Where else was I gonna get reruns of Johnny Quest?

I thought Boomerang covered that...

Then again I wouldn't ask for the channel when the net is in existence...

Also Venture Brothers is still ongoing :)!!


If you hate foster's, you are indeed without a soul and a fucking retard.

That being said, Mike Lazzo can suck my dick. The Big O was god damn awesome. I have both seasons on dvd actually. But since he wouldn't clear it for season 3, it was canned and doomed to probably never return ever. So yeah, Lazzo, douche.


I'm not one to write songfic, but I feel like what I'm listening to right now pretty much describes the relationship between the anime fans that watch Cartoon Network (or used to at this point) and the producers/directors and the general fucktards that run the network.


Go look up the lyrics for Forsaken. Yeah, it's by Disturbed with a dash of Korn thrown in, but still seems a bit appropriate here. Anyway, that's my two cents for this post.

I'm not one to write songfic, but I feel like what I'm listening to right now pretty much describes the relationship between the anime fans that watch Cartoon Network (or used to at this point) and the producers/directors and the general fucktards that run the network.


Go look up the lyrics for Forsaken. Yeah, it's by Disturbed with a dash of Korn thrown in, but still seems a bit appropriate here. Anyway, that's my two cents for this post.

I had no idea that song was by Disturbed O_o I just remember it from the Queen of the Damned.


I personally believe that animes are low rated because:

a) The ones we were introduced with (mainly "Outlaw Star" and "Big O") were great till the end, which made no sense thus giving an impression that all animes are like that. Not to mention one of the first anime movies we were introduced to was "Akira" (maybe one of the anime fanatics can correct me or confirm this).

B) They have a continuous plot line (unlike "Family Guy", "Robot Chicken", "Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law", "Space Ghost: Coast to Coast", ect.) which makes it hard to continue if you miss an episode.

b.2) The plot line is long. DB and DBZ come straight to mind when I think of long, drawn out stories ("What will he do for the next 6 episodes?!? Charge up his attack and monologue, of course!")

c) Since they are aired so late at night, there is not much incentive to watch it if you had missed a previous episode.

I understand I'm more focused on the AS slot mainly because that is were Toonami was born. I think more current Toonami took on the less adult animes which is fine, the focus group is kids to teens.

I had no idea that song was by Disturbed O_o I just remember it from the Queen of the Damned.

You watched Queen of the Damned?

Also, I seem to remember that Midnight Run (right around when it was transitioning into becoming Adult Swim) ran Wolf's Rain among other things. I can't really recall just what else they had before Stand Alone Complex came along and completely numbed my brain.


Toonami sucks now days, because they killed off the awesome and original Tom. Now we have this shitface whatever you call it, thinger. The Original was awesome. Plus. i always forget to watch it anyways.


Wow. Just wow. Adult Swim's Saturday action block got hit hard last week, moving the English premieres of Code Geass and Moribito to like, 5AM, and now canceling Toonami entirely? I'm beginning to think this is over Cartoon Network's head, coming from someone at Turner itself. This is pretty ugly for anyone who enjoyed watching anime on TV. I haven't been a fan of Toonami in years, but this comes as a surprise. I was under the impression that was doing pretty well in its bracket.

Foster's cancellation comes as a surprise as well. I figured that show was largely well liked. Hell, I knew a lot of teenagers and young adults who found the show hilarious for its offbeat sense of humor. Who knew?

Though, on a side note? On that "goodbye" video someone posted from Toonami, I appreciate that Steve Blum ended it with "Bang", as a tribute to Cowboy Bebop. XD


My first thought was the same as everyone else's: Toonami died with Tom. That having been said, I haven't watched Toonami since 2003, so I guess I really don't care. For me, Toonami was over once DBZ ended. I have such fond memories of Season 3 of DBZ's opening from 1999 when I watched the Frieza Saga for the first time. You know, "On earth when you call the dragon, all kinds of crazy stuff happens. For one thing, the sky gets completely black." ...

This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrvpbJ718wY

I remember hearing the song from 7:11 in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWPbnJZv-nw

immediately after the intro. The opening was kind of like ... alright, here it comes; the recap music was when you're really back into the feeling of it, then the episode starts and I was in total-DBZ mode. I think that was when I was in 8th Grade, but even now I can't get enough of that nostalgic stuff.

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