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Where the fuck is Krillin?
Where the fuck is Krillin?
Where the fuck is Krillin?
Where the fuck is Krillin?

holy shit how did I not notice this until now



Looks like balls(hurr), but really. I mean, REALLY. Did anyone expect anything other than crap? I'm just surprised that the movie's actually happening.

Plus Goku just looks plain weird.

It's pretty sad yet at the same time utterly hilarious that the guy playing Goku is actually the guy who most looks like his anime counterpart.

I think?


I'm a little disappointed that they're not taking the opportunity to have sky fights and gigantic laser beam energy cannon kamehahas.

This trailer makes baby Jesus cry.

Thanks for contributing.


The Fuck

Does This

Have To Do

With Dragon Ball?


I'm not one to trashtalk stuff so easily, but this is just ridiculous.

It's uhh, Hollywood Ball Z?

I myself have never had interest in Dragon Ball, so, the trailer just looks like lols.


... oh ...

... my ...

... God ...


I guess Hollywood likes to take all the charm away from the original tv show and manga, and then turn it into a generic looking martial arts movie.

... as far as game/anime adaptations go, I hope Metal Gear Solid isn't going to tank like this DB movie is.


I sort of want to watch it now.

I know at least that no movie can conceivably be worst than most Uwe Boll movies I've seen or Ultraviolet... Ugh.. Ultraviolet.. People laughed at that movie in theaters. The loudest jeers I've heard in my life.


I thought this would be awesomely bad but its just bad.

Hollywood needs to get of this phase of taking foreign films or shows and making remakes out of them. They miss the point of the original movie and mess characters up. I'm so dreading the Chun Li movie this winter......

Was anybody expecting DB to be anything other than a cheese fest, with matrix figth scenes? Does no one rmeember the old cartoons, & how "serious" & "realistic" the fight scenes were on that mug.

Yeah, I do. The problem is that when you get a new movie trailer on the internet you also get thousands of man-boys who have determined that the associated movie sucks without having watched it. Also, thank God that none of the characters look the same as they do on the cartoon because they basically looked like a bunch of inbred children on steroids.


It better be more awesome than this entire scene alone :lol:

Aw man that's awesome.I would gladly pay 10 bucks to see a movie if it was like that. I was hoping the DB movie wouldn't be so serious


Well, I have been a fan of dbz for about... god... well, years.

Anyway, I'm going to see it, or watch it in some way or form at some point, if not cinema. I will give it a chance, but seeing as a tralier is usually better than the film itself, my expectations aren't high, so odds are it will be better than I am expecting :D

Also, its dragonball Z, and anything with the logo on it people swarm like flys around.

My only concern is that they will go through the entire series (a film a Saga) and completely tarnish the name of the series.

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