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Excellent orchestral arrangement from the site newcomer Jeremy Robson but to me he isnt a newbie I have heard much of his work years ago it seemed. He has done many other excellent FF arrangements most notably FF6's locke's and sabin's themes in the exact same kind of epic style as this one and also a FF megamix of various themes which is on his mp3.com site that is sure to please all you orchestral lovers out there. :)


This is incredible! The quality is simply dripping from this piece! The samples, the arrangement, the mastering, it's all perfect. Although at times something would come up and it would sort of ruin the feel by being too Midi-ish in execution, they are rare and overlookable. The feel of this piece is very cinematic and you can feel the emotion coming out of it. The breakdown at 4:20 made me soil my pants with its sheer awesomeness. I don't know enough about the original to pass good judgement on the arrangement, but it sounds a lot like the original. There are some parts I don't remember from the original though, so I guess those are your parts. Ah hell, with this kind of quality you could make a MIDI rip and I wouldn't care. This is just nice stuff. Nice Work! :nicework:


Well, having listened to the original hundreds upon hundreds of times, I've become very used to all the little nuances in the song that made it great. So, all in all the mix was amazing...but I'd say, I was sorta disappointed that there wasn't a harder bass on the bottom, that's sorta what made the song what it was, the very powerful beat. As well as at the end of every little trumpet riff, to have a loud cymbal crash. I was soooo sad that wasn't in there, it sorta killed the whole climax of the song. :(

But I mean, the quality is ungodly regardless. I'm shocked this wasn't just taken from some soundtrack. hehehe


What a fine morning. I wake up, have my coffee and check the site. And what do I find? A Jeremy Robson arrangement. And I got all excited.

This guy has done some of the most amazing orchestral work I have ever heard. I've been following his stuff for a few years now, and I have yet to be disappointed. His track "A Falcon, a Whale and an Unknown Land" is one of my favorite orchestral pieces of all time.

But enough about that. What of this new arrangement?

I love this piece. There is so much power in it, but no single part ever becomes overpowering. The horns are used quite well and build the tension and excitement while the strings help hold it up.

The piece builds wonderfully, becoming more intense, and leading up to a wonderful break. Then after the break, the sudden silence fills up very slowly and peacefully, but the final twenty seconds are a bit eerie, giving little satisfaction and bringing up the feeling that all is not quite well.

So, Jeremy. How's that reworking of your Locke piece coming?


Expressing my awe is best explained by my gaping maw. Explaining my thoughts and feelings on listening to this piece is limited by the English language. I downloaded the song this morning at approximately 10:30am CST, and I am still listening to it at 12:44pm CST. I'm certain that going to work at 4:30 today will put a damper on my allotted "Listen to fricken' amazing music" time, and for that I'm saddened because I'll have to go five hours out of my day without listening to this gem of a remix.

Truly dynamic. Good god, this is nothing short of amazing. I eagerly look forward to your future works.


Wow, when I heard this, I didn't know what song he was remixing, then it slowly came back. Then I was like O_O HOLY SHIT I REMEMBER THIS SONG. It makes me feel like this part of the game was turned into like an oscar movie.

I am gonna loop this song while playing Warcraft III Frozen THrone.


This song opens up with an incredible reinterpretation of the opening ambience of Final Fantasy 7. I absolutely loved it.

However, at about 1:35, from then on, what I really hear is a very high quality MIDI-Rip with minor additions. I'm not saying the arrangement is without skill, just without anything amazing to signify a mastery of arrangement. I'm sure Mr. Robson knows exactly what he is doing, but with these quality samples, I think it's imperative to reinterpret and reorchestrate to play upon the original and come up with something half-original. But that's just my take on it. If you're looking for a near-verbatim, high-quality version of the originals at hand here, this is great for you.

But I sure wish that people with gigas and super high quality samples would not depend on them so much to MAKE the song. Rather than use them as a crutch, they should be something to enhance a great arrangement. Again, I mean the artist no disrespect, but this could have been a true masterpiece with a bit more creative input and rearrangement. But if that's not what the intent of the song was, then so be it.



Woah, you've done incredible stuff with this... Honestly, I loved it more before about 2:09 when I finally remembered the original song. It's a good song, but listening to it back in the day for so long... I dunno. Maybe I grew not to like it. That doesn't mean this is any less good; new life into a song that many of us listened to for hours on end is always welcome.

And for the guy who's playing this while listening to Frozen Throne... Good choice. I used to make playlists of stuff like this while I was beta testing it. =D


Its like being in a dream state. From the first note that I heard it was just breath taking. A great arrangement. Its almost like listening to a acutally movie soundtrack. Nice use of brass, woodwind, and percussion. Very intense, with great sounds. Nice transitions through out. Great use of Strings. It's fucking great. Great Job. Can wait to hear part 2. I'm Out!! 8)



But I sure wish that people with gigas and super high quality samples would not depend on them so much to MAKE the song. Rather than use them as a crutch, they should be something to enhance a great arrangement. Again, I mean the artist no disrespect, but this could have been a true masterpiece with a bit more creative input and rearrangement. But if that's not what the intent of the song was, then so be it.


Ok, seriously now....

I had not wanted to post a review, as the few times I've been asked my comments on this song, half of those people came back with comments of "You're just jealous!" or "What, don't want someone else to write orchestral remixes?" This is my opinion of the mix in particular, and not toward the person -- I can't even remember his/her name while I'm typing this.

The beginning up to the swell of the orchestra is nicely executed, even if it comes out of nowhere and serves almost no purpose in that particular section. Then once the brass 'section' comes in it becomes sloppy. Nice and chaotic, but still sloppy. The marcato of the SAM Horns delays the attacks and makes them sound late, not to mention the horns are *SO* far back into the mix that they sound like they're into a completely different room. If you're using the "far" version of the horns then I wouldn't add any reverb as it sits well in almost any mix that has a decent amount. I know that a little 'lateness' is acceptable on the brass parts, but the horns just sound so late the by the time the notes are heard it's too late -- even the percussion is more in sync than the horns.

The dissonance around 4:15 is very nice and sounds great. But from here on out it just... dies literally. That may have been the point but once the quiet section begins it just sounds out of place after the "Bombing Mission" part. Is it bad? Not at all, but it just doesn't fit to me.

The spatial field seems to move on a few things -- the bones and the violins. When the violins play the staggered sustain they're on the left but when the runs begin in "BM" they're on the right/middle. THe bones also seems to drift from center, right, and back to center. Maybe it's just my ears....


This has to be the most incredible piece of work to hit OCR in GOD KNOWS HOW LONG. ..This is the kind of music I look forward to hearing, but never quite see on the site.. Very good work Jeremy Robson, VERY, VERY good work. This was a masterful piece of work, and I simply cannot put any more hype behind it.. You just need to hear it for yourself, this is GODLY. 8O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When I read the write-up about this song, I noticed that there was some question as to the origin of this piece and whether it came from an orchestral album or not. I feel that it should have. This song is downright amazing, and it surpasses the quality of many songs on the Final Fantasy arranged albums. It has this cinematic quality that no FF 7 arranged song on a professional album ever boasted. (Of course, there were only ever 3 arrannged songs on the FF Reunion Tracks album to begin with) This is a stunning piece of music that no one should miss. Download it NOW.


I have to agree with some of what Russell said. For me some parts simply were chaotic in a bad way. It just sounded disorienting. Little issues aside, this is still a great piece of work. Great knowledge of orchestration is displayed. I would have liked more of a personal touch as others have mentioned, but the overall quality of this mix can't be denied. Well done.


I listen to these arrangements all the time, but this is something else, I LOVE the intro, oooh my god, I just wish they made the intro like THAT, but when the main melody hits, .... no, ..... at 1:36 ... no that part is suppose to be more ... I dunno .. more .. KABOOM! just sorta ruined the song, but afterwords, I realise that the songs could have been much more, with ... drums? sound fx? SOMETHING MORE CREATIVE THAN WHAT I HEAR, UGH, this is why I havent remixed songs like these, cause if you dont add the right touch to the song, it dosent sound appealing, AAH! I hear it, at 3:46! DRUMS LIKE THAT! ooh but it leaves soo quickly, damn, but, this exit is nice, it sooth's down, I like.

now in all honesty, this is a good song, but, .. I dont think this sound would go good without drums. p.s., too much reverb.

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