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Awesome! Just when I thought there was no way there was room for another "Brinstar Red Soil Area" remix Shnabubula steps in and proves me wrong.

Then again, ever since "Midnight at Club Corel" I knew I had to keep an eye out for more, these jazz mixes are right up my alley. Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next one!


Both your Metroid mixes are probably my favorites from the mixes of the series, my favorites of those you've made, and some of my favorites from the whole site!

I love how this song manages to sound frantic, energetic and jerky while also being smooth, jazzy, and even chill. Sweet combo of lots of different moods and is complex while being simple, making it top-notch in my book. Plus, I like the spontaneous, on-the-spot kind of feel of the remixes you've done quickly. In short, AWESOME.


Just when I think I'm the most awesome ever, I go and listen to Sam's stuff. Simple as that. Haha.

Seriously though, so amazing with the way almost everything on this track is live. I was there when this was posted, I think I posted something in the same month... or what going to, but never got around to it. I remember listening to it and being all like "Its not metal, so DOD will be less impressed" but I swear to god, if I can get any of my pieces *stops*

Anyway, too much gushing isn't good, but I'm still on my way, I just hope I can get to where Sam's at.

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