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Here's the story:

I let my girlfriend borrow my copy of FF7 for the PC, and she loved it.

And so did the rest of her family.

Seriously, they all played it and loved it.

Now that I've given them a gateway RPG, they want more.

So I am looking for a simple PC RPG that will run on a somewhat decent computer.

Any suggestions?


Deus Ex, System Shock 2/Bioshock, Diablo, the Fallout series, the Elder Scrolls series, Final Fantasy VIII was also on the PC, Mass Effect. That's all that immediately springs to my mind but there's a hell of a lot more out there. Not entirely sure what your definition of "simple" is.


If the graphics jump backwards isn't an issue, get her an emulator and have her play the earlier FF games (6 comes highly recommended, and is the most story heavy of them).

Otherwise, it's difficult finding JRPG's on the PC, and the Western RPG game (Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, Morrowind, etc) are often more complicated as far as stat management and behind-the-scenes things go.

If they're up for trying one though, Morrowind comes with my highest recommendations, and will run on anything considered decent nowadays.

Final Fantasy VIII

I was looking at ff8, but I can't believe how much it costs.

Otherwise, it's difficult finding JRPG's on the PC

I guess so...

I asked her what they liked about FF7, and they said the story. If that makes a difference to anyone at all.


Get Arcanum and Fallout!

I hear Baldur's Gate is great but I haven't played it yet [i will one of these days]

Neverwinter Nights, perhaps?

Deus Ex, System Shock 2/Bioshock, Diablo, the Fallout series, the Elder Scrolls series, Final Fantasy VIII was also on the PC, Mass Effect./quote]

I don't know if I can consider Mass Effect, Bioshock, System Shock 1 and 2 or Deus Ex as an RPGs, more like stat-based first person shooters. Mainly because there's an element of real-time reflex and aiming going on.

Then again, what the hell ever, they're all fantastic games and shitty things like genre shouldn't stop you.


Diablo II is for pussies, real men play ANGBAND.

Kidding aside, I'll second Grandia II. Excellent game, and it's the only other JRPG I can think of for PC. I've heard Anachronox is pretty JRPG-like though. And if they like Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic might be for them.

I hear Baldur's Gate is great but I haven't played it yet [i will one of these days]

It is.

I've had it for eight years and it's still my favourite game (or series of games), hands down.

Also seconding Arcanum and Fallout.

Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic might be for them.

That came out for the PC?

I didn't know that...

And, anything about Grandia 2 that I should know that google won't tell me?


I'm trying to figure out what kind of game your girl's family would enjoy. If they're in it for the story, then they'd probably enjoy games that are more or less known for the story (Bioshock comes to mind).

If they enjoyed FF7 due to the combat, you're going to be much harder pressed to find another game that they'll enjoy on the PC (barring FF8, of course). I guess you could always get an emulator and go with older games (FF6 has been mentioned and I will second it here).

If they're in it for the epic-ness, games such as Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, KOTOR, Oblivion, or Fable might do them good...but I don't see them being family oriented in any way.

You could always just give them Half Life. :-D

Kidding aside, I'll second Grandia II. Excellent game, and it's the only other JRPG I can think of for PC.

Falcom demands a word with you!


The Ys series is pretty awesome, and a number of the games have English patches available.

Ys I & II Complete are basically like SNES JRPGs in style, although they have more in common with the likes of Illusion of Gaia or Terranigma than Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. (Not surprising considering that Quintet was created by former Falcom employees.)

Ys: Oath in Felghana is so action-packed and hardcore that it's barely an RPG at all. The whole series has awesome soundtracks which are sadly under-represented here. (Falcom in general is known for great music.)

English patches are also in the works for Ys VI (already available in English on PS2 and PSP) and Ys Origin (which again is so action-heavy and gameplay-centric that I got through it fine without any translation).

If you played Gurumin on the PSP, that also originally began as a PC game, as did the upcoming Zwei!! which is going to be hitting the PSP in Japan soon and might have a shot at a US release.


if they are looking for a jrpg experience again, then the Grandia series is the only one that makes the cut. I never could get into american rpgs, always bored me, I payed the 50 or so bucks for some of them, but could never really get into the stories. If they are like me, they are doomed on the pc as far as RPGs go. Going to to have to get a ps1 or ps2. I would heartily recommend the old snes squaresoft rpgs (chrono trigger, FF6, Secret of Mana), but truth is most normal non hardcore gamer people would have a hard time adjusting to the downgraded graphics with no cutscenes!!!! :D It's like when we were kids and our grandparents would watch old black and white movies, and we were all like, what the hell? If we could only get past the old school acting and simple props we might taste the epic artform of the past. Final Fantasy 6 was the best in the series and most people will never play it (unless they do a remake) because of the graphics.

Ahem, one more thing though, heh... This is just me but, if they're more into the story telling on PC, get em

some old school Lucas Arts adventure games. flippin Monkey Isaland games, "Full Throttle" "Day of the Tenticle" "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (talkie version). Those games are long shots, but they f-ing rocked! If I were you I'd get a ps2 cause like I said, pc sucks in this arena,

I don't know if I can consider Mass Effect, Bioshock, System Shock 1 and 2 or Deus Ex as an RPGs, more like stat-based first person shooters. Mainly because there's an element of real-time reflex and aiming going on.

Then again, what the hell ever, they're all fantastic games and shitty things like genre shouldn't stop you.

Yeh, I was wondering whether or not I should shove them in the list but I figured what the heck, they're awesome. Can't believe KotoR didn't pop up in my head the first time around.

Here's the story:

I let my girlfriend borrow my copy of FF7 for the PC, and she loved it.

And so did the rest of her family.

Seriously, they all played it and loved it.

Now that I've given them a gateway RPG, they want more.

So I am looking for a simple PC RPG that will run on a somewhat decent computer.

Any suggestions?

Breath of Fire IV is avaliable on the PC and should run fast. Go!

Ahem, one more thing though, heh... This is just me but, if they're more into the story telling on PC, get em

some old school Lucas Arts adventure games. flippin "Monkey Island" games, "Full Throttle" "Day of the Tenticle" "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (talkie version). Those games are long shots, but they f-ing rocked! If I were you I'd get a ps2 cause like I said, pc sucks in this arena,

every single one of these gets my full and hearty recommendation and approval


I'd suggest at this point avoiding anything that doesn't have some margin for error in terms of picking stats (i.e. anything with a D&D/D20-based ruleset), unless you know already that they're into that kind of thing. A game like Neverwinter Nights has a great story and runs great on relatively older machines, but if you don't have the right stat balance for your class, don't pick the right feats, and don't increase the right stats as you level, you can end up getting destroyed. The game isn't very forgiving.

Morrowind is a game where you don't have to pay attention to stats in the same way. As long as you know what your major skills are, it's not hard to level, and your skills increase in natural ways.

Here's the story:

I let my girlfriend borrow my copy of FF7 for the PC, and she loved it.

And so did the rest of her family.

Seriously, they all played it and loved it.

Now that I've given them a gateway RPG, they want more.

So I am looking for a simple PC RPG that will run on a somewhat decent computer.

Any suggestions?

Honestly, it seems to me that you're not looking for PC RPGs but JRPGs. You're better off getting her some PS1 and PS2 games. PC RPGs are generally a different breed of game; heavily based on the western D&D paradigm. It might be worth checking if she can just emulate PS1 games; barring that just get her a PS2 and buy her like...the .hack games or something.

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