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Interesting sounds going on here ... I'm guessing that's a soundfont guitar, or Pretzel got into guitar a while ago (maybe a Motif preset I haven't heard yet ... since there's no fret or sliding noise, I doubt it's real). The strumming sounds a little akward here.

Anyway! Nitpicking aside, this is quite a nice folk tune. I can almost imagine a gypsy band playing it at a market or something. Well done!


Feh. Right out of Trigun, huh? I bet half of you guys have never even *heard* of Tull (thankyouthankyouthankyou djp for referencing them, I can definitely hear the influence). And besides, the intro chord progression is Norwegian Wood. It is! Really, listen to it, sing along. "I once met a girl, or should I say, she once met me." It's the *same progression*. I'm not sure if Mitsuda and Uematsu noticed it, but it even feels like Norwegian Wood.

(this isn't to say I don't like the Trigun OST - but it's much more Tullish than Gunnish)

Good points... the melody at 1:08. Feels *very* Tullish. Thoroughly enjoy that one, there. The flute sound is quite excellent. The bass line is good - I'm glad you didn't just opt for a I - V - I and take the easy way out. A little more variation in the bass would have been nice.

Neutral points... well, some of the notes in the acoustic guitar throw me for a loop. I can't quite figure out why they're there, but they make sense. The drums are nice, but I'm missing some variation there, and some extra instruments would have fleshed it out a bit more, I believe. Possibly (if you're counting it in 6/8, which I'm assuming is what it is) shekere and afuche with accents on one and four, tambourine on four, cowbell playing one three four six one three five (gogo bells would work too, low on the first half, high on the second), maybe some timbale fills... percussion wise, I think it works as it is right now, but could be improved. (It's entirely possible the way I assumed the time signature was will make no sense in the morning, anyway)

To be honest with you, this feels like something that would be in a modern video game. I mean, the sounds and everything. I don't like guitar when it's not played (I'm assuming this wasn't actually played on a guitar live, it feels and sounds too strange). It feels like it should be direct from a video game, rather than a remix. Almost sounds like one of the themes from Xenogears, but I can't quite put my finger on what it feels like. Anyway, I appreciate the mix for what it is, regardless of how much I don't like the song itself, but even so, this feels very repetitive. I know there's not much subject matter, but it just has a feeling of repetition. And the ending... Tull stylish, but very abrupt. It just *ends*. As a guitarist, this feels very natural, but I don't particularly like. It perhaps a fingerstyle run of the chords with the melody might work?

It sounds good, but in my opinion, it's no more than mediocre. Not awful, but not your best work.

(all, again, in my opinion)


I'm a huge Tull fan so this was a nice treat. :) The section at 1:10 in particular has that Tull vibe and is insanely cool to boot.

Very groovy stuff. 8)

Hey, just noticed that two days in a row now the mix writeup has included a link to a prog-group...let's try to keep that trend going. ^_^

And besides, the intro chord progression is Norwegian Wood. It is! Really, listen to it, sing along. "I once met a girl, or should I say, she once met me." It's the *same progression*. I'm not sure if Mitsuda and Uematsu noticed it, but it even feels like Norwegian Wood.

Heh, nice call on that one, but they aren't exactly the same. On Norwegian Wood when it returns to the tonic chord it goes down, and in this one it goes up. But um, yeah they are very similar.

I really liked this piece, it has a great vibe to it, that just puts you in a happy place. I especially like the percussion work, as it's more complex than most people would settle for. Also the added notes in sections never feel unnecassary to me. I thought everything was pulled off very well. From the call and response soloing to the breakdown in the middle. Minor gripes with the ending though. It just...stops. Shoulda gone with a more "folky" ending. With the guitar sort of picking the last chord slowly. Other than that, all good things from this piece.



I am packing up myself to leave for my first semester of college, and looking back I realize how enjoyable oc remix has been for the short time I participated in it during high school.

I absolutely adore the Millenial Fair Theme, and I have always found remixes of it a little lacking simply because Mitsuda himself did such a wonderful job arranging it on The Brink of Time. The pure *energy* that went into the live version blew me away.

But here is something new and fresh, I knew for sure when the drums began shuffling and the accordian began backing things up with a clean controlled vibe. All the parts, as usual, fit wonderfully together. And perhaps the most important thing about djp's mixes is this: none of it sounds strained, forced, or contrived. This sounds like a band just chillin' on a saturday afternoon with no audience but itself.

Here's a mix with that special something -- when you've analyzed all the beats and chord progressions and articulations, when you've put it through the meat grinder of thought, you won't have gotten to it all. Just listen again, and there it is, whatever we listen to music for is right there from the founding father of oc remix himself.


[edit: I'd written about Lahan on Creid by accident -- I meant to refer to Mitsuda's arrangement on his 'Brink of Time' CT arranged CD. But 'My Village is Number One' from Xenogears suffers the same fate as the millenial fair does for me -- it's hard to beat Mitsuda at arrangement.]


I never heard anything from the Trigun series but I really liked this piece, it has a totally unique feel to it compared to most music on OCR lately. I like it DJP, you don't hear music done in this style too often. :)

Edit: The part around 1:58 gets me heavy nostalgia of Chrono Trigger.. Oh sweet days!!


What a great remix, you never cease to amaze me, DJP-

The Jethro Tull influence is definitely there, and I can already see this song is making fans of Tull flip out. It's like Millenia Fair was made for Tull to cover.

As someone stated earlier, I don't really hear TOO much of a Trigun influence here, though there is a slight one. Also sounds like it could've come from the Wild Arms anime series...that series obviously has a western feel to it as well...

Keep up the great work DJP, and I hope the move goes well for you. I've moved quite a few times in my life, so I know it can be rather stressful. :wink:


Say, I really liked this. Lots of fun!

Having admittedly heard very little of Jethro Tull, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that particularly the airy woodwinds and light percussion makes me think of Mannheim Steamroller.


This here is a pretty decent remix : I loved the variations and changes you did to the melody to give it rhythm and life - the question and answer section was quite groovy too. The only thing that really ruined this remix for me was the volume of the flute thingy and the guitar with the melody. Way too quiet. It seemed like they were being swamped by the drums and the background stuff.

But that's only a minorish gripe - this mix here has the vibe, the skill and just...it's groovy.

Download it.

OneWordReView: Groovy.


Definitly some Trigun-style in there (but only from the last episode ending, really). Not familiar with that other artist (Jethro). Basically, this sounds like nice, ambient background music that you might very well see in the credits of the ending of something. Upbeat, well arranged, not terribly repetitive, high quality samples. 8/10 in my book.


Yo Dj Pretzel, what the $@%^ ? I've come to expect more from you, but for the last 3 or 4 remixes you've totally failed to deliver. This song was absolute crap, there was nothing original or entertaining about it. The remixing was decent quality but so what? You used to be so good, but now you're barely on par with most of the remixers on this site. This song pales in comparison to starblast's recent chrono trigger robo remix. Sorry but this is just worthless remix garbage.


Well, Pretzel, I can definately hear all of the different influences. The music from the fair was awesome. Trigun just rocks. Jethro Tull is okay. Somehow, though, I expected more. Maybe you should have left the supercharger on there...


TULL!! w00t!

Nice mix, very catchy, very Tull-ish, and quite nostalgic. Acoustic, but still with an edge. Addictive, and doesn't force itself into the exact melody of the fair, while still staying close enough to it to be recognizeable.

Sure to become one of my favs.


Very enjoyable. I really enjoy the interpretation and variation from the original. I've never heard of Jethro Tull, but I like what I hear... your pieces have gotten a LOT better since you stopped abusing the godawful distortion (Hardcore Densehead, dubnofantasyaloneman, and several other tracks). Keep up the good work, I hope you can pump out some more great tunage, and as they might say in Ghosts and Ghouls, the strongth is welling inside of OCR.


I agree with Blak_Omen here. This a decent remix, but the flute, and with it all other melodic instruments that's not the rhythm guitar could've been louder, especially around 1:58.

Overall, pretty nice. :nicework:


In my opinion, this is a very nicely done folk music mix! There's a lot of guitar and light percussion and occasionally sounded like Irish folk!

This is obviously not your typical techno oriented mix, and the soundsamples are top notch!

Though other reviewers think the percussion was too low, I think it was perfect! Too much percussion would've made this something entirely different than was intended. Needless to say, the tones and the samples were outstanding in this mix!


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