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one complaint. ONE HUGE COMPLAINT!

you started speeding up the tempo at the end. ::grins:: i could easilly listen to another couple minutes of the mix having gone up tempo. but theres always the OC remix cap and stuff.

anywhos, very mellow, nice to zone out to. is making my next cd i burn. kudos, two thumbs up.



This is the win - very clean chill music, very human and slightly off-time performance. I dig the added depth and atmosphere of the vocalizations. The change in tempo at the end keeps the song interesting for me.

  • 2 weeks later...

The first time I heard this I wasn't really too keen on it.

But now, after repeated listenings over a span of a few days I can say it really grew on me. This song is indeed no less than a true masterpiece.

Nice work.

  • 1 month later...

Did Pat Metheny suddenly pop in a mix on OCR? I almost thought he did! My brother and I were listening to this this one and we just looked at each other. We both said the same thing: "Damn..."

Nice acoustic representation of one of my favorite MGS2 songs and this one was deep. So much feeling in it and since I felt so compelled to have that flow in my home, it was looped on my stereo for five hours! I almost want to cry over the goodness...almost.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

Really I don't know how to describe this song. If you sit down, alone, and listen to this song it's as if every emotion you experience is there. It's almost like the melody of life, as strange as that may sound. It's an indescribable song, a total masterpiece. I don't want to get bashed by anyone but I've never played MGS2, so I never heard this song until I downloaded this 'remix' but it was the most awesome thing I've ever heard. Personally I listen to a lot of rap music, but even on my rap CD's, I include this track. It's amazing. I think everyone should hear this song, should have this song. It's a great song that totally relaxes you, and engulfs you with a sense of understanding, and gives you a chance to think about the things that really matter, and gives you a chance to take a perspective look at the things that happen in your life. This sounds like a really deep review, but this is a very deep song for me personally. I wish I could shake the hand of the mixer, Jesse Taub. Total masterpiece.


Robert Whitis - roadog0037@hotmail.com

  • 4 weeks later...

This song really calms me down while inspiring me at the same time. I have heard many songs where the artist lays down vocals and it simply ruins an otherwise great song, but this... this is the epitome of how it should be done. But that's not even the majority of the song, everything is just oozing with flavor and attitude, and I can't get enough of what all has come together here, thanks for this most badass interpretation, Vig.


An amazing production. When the singing comes in, it really captures the listener in the mood. There's nothing else like this I've ever heard in my life... absolutely gorgeous.

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Simply beautiful. I'm glad someone did a remix of Fortune's theme, it was just asking to be remixed since the first time I heard it. Awesome guitar, very peaceful, great work!

  • 1 month later...

I do not remember this song from the game, probally the credits theme but nonetheless, Vigilante did perfect capturing a beautiful feel! The song is so calm and relaxed I just love it!

  • 2 weeks later...

Calming.. I listen to this mostly when I'm heavily stressed about something, and it always hits the spot. A perfect combination of a soothing solo electric guitar backed by an acoustic guitar, creating a perfect background. The length is perfect, and the vibe just lets you drift off to another place for a little while.. Sometimes I just close my eyes while listening to this, and it's enough to get me out of a bad mood after having a less-than-decent day. The speeding up at the ending is a great way to end the mix, and sort of gives you a chance to snap back into reality before the song ends.

  • 10 months later...

Very soothing. Whenever i need to think about something or just slow down, this song is great. It's perfect for reflection and the sound is not oppresive in the least-- it just sits in the background and lets you drink it in. I don't mind how it meanders at all, mostly because while you listen to it that is what your mind is doing. Like DJP said, it kind of wanders, but with focus and direction. Just like a thought pattern. Really nice work, Vigilante.

  • 1 year later...

i felt the ending could've been elaborated on more...not necessarily into a climax, but just half a minute or so more build up. as it is it creates tension that was otherwise absent but the sudden stop is disappointing.

otherwise, not bad. very pat metheny

  • 8 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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