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Hehehe, well, I sure wasn't expecting the beginning. I thought it was just gonna be a straight Metropolis remix...but then there was ice cap zone...and I got confused. But I enjoyed the ice cap portion of it, it was rhythmic and joyous. Only thing I would've changed is making the rhymths more full, to go with the large beat. The flutes sounded slightly weak compared to the drums. But all in all that was good. Then it changed to the metropolis theme for a few seconds, which was cool. Similiar issue here as in the ice cap section. Rhythms could've been bigger. I think this was a great effort seeing as the remixer combined two songs together to make one, and have them layer on top of eachother and STILL make a good mix. Great job! :D



Okay, by the title I was only expecting Sonic 2's Metropolis Zone, but it just made my day when Sonic 3's Hydrocity Zone appeared. The song meld well together, and personally I enjoyed the Hydrocity segments more, but all in all I consider this a keeper. Two thumbs up!

(and to setzer: Yeah. It's Hydrocity, not Ice Cap. Surely you should be able to recognize Ice Cap by now to not get confused :wink: )


Wow, that IS hydrocity. Man, I'm a moron. I think its just cause Sonic and Ice Cap zone are so mutually exclusive at OCR, I figured that's what it was. I should've been paying more attention. :P


I love how this song mixes the Hydrocity Zone from sonic 3 and the Metropolis Zone from sonic 2. I like both of those songs very much. Although the sounds sound midi-ish, it sums up to be a great song and a very nice download.


hmm this is definatly from Sonic 3 and the largest portion of it is from Hydro city (section 2)

Well im not complaning heh iv been waiting for a hydro city remix for a while.

well anyway good song i like it, just wish the original melody was brought

out a little more still great though.


I downloaded this, expecting it to be a straight Metropolis remix, but I got more then that. This sounds great, especially since Hydrocity and Metropolis go so well together. Nice job =~.^=

O, and the sound effects at the beggining/end make great additions =^.^=


I... um. The sound quality isn't an issue as much as the 'There's nothing new in this' issue.

I mean, really. All this guy really did was put two songs together, change the rhythm a tiny bit (very tiny bit), and then record it. I'd rather listen to the original songs;

Oh, and of course, the hydrocity zone segment at the begining is completely out of sync with the drums from metropolis zone. Then he fortunately changes it, but he just didn't do anything else other than put the actual drums from the original hydrocity zone on(completely de-railing whatever he was doing since it sounds entirely different).

Very rough transitions, too many abrupt changes, no structure at all. On the bright side, it's not as ugly as that recent sandopolis remix.

I suppose that even the best samples (or downright playing it live) wouldn't have made much of a difference when the core arrangement is really lacking.


im so glad this got through. It sure does sound like general midi on a wave table sound card, but i must say, I dont care hehe. I like this piece a lot for the score. Its very jazzy and im quite impressed. Next time you gotta get some better samples though, BiTMaP... k? This rox.

Wow, that IS hydrocity. Man, I'm a moron. I think its just cause Sonic and Ice Cap zone are so mutually exclusive at OCR, I figured that's what it was. I should've been paying more attention. :P

Err... "mutually EXclusive" means that two things don't go together, which is exactly the opposite of what you're trying to say.

I really like the inclusion of certain obscure details in the source material (especially one particular detail from metropolis zone - I have no idea what it's called though) but I sure didn't expect to see the metropolis zone and hydrocity together. The mix doesn't do a good job of connection them either - just a good job of sounding good.


Beautifully written, poorly presented. It didn't have the worst sound ever, but it really could've sounded a lot better instrumentally. I think the part that turned me off most was the bass "solo" type thing. Bass seemed somewhat lame alone. But, you know it was still veritably kick ass. I don't mean to come off bashing as it's got potential. Perhaps you could call this a beta version and remake it. Who knows. Overall, I approve.


Hello everyone. This is my first time posting here at OC Remix. I've been downloading stuff from here for a few months now, and decided to sign up to the forums (obviously.) :roll:

Bland introduction out of the way, let's get to the review. I'll refrain from being wordy...

Like most others, I was really expecting a Metropolis Zone remix. Fortunately, what I got was something far, far better. Although I may look at it differently a couple months down the road, I can easily see this as becoming one of my all time favorites ReMixes.

First, the bad (of which there is very, very little)

The beginning sound effect is, honestly, way, too loud. I like to pump this ReMix loud. With headphones. And that sound effect can be painful on the ears. And the sound quality isn't that great, either.

Others have pointed out that the drums are too loud. I personally do not mind it much. At a couple points they get in the way, but only a little. overall they're fine, though.

And finally, the end sound effects at the end. Not really a complaint, but the sounds just aren't very good quality and I really don't see them contributing much to the song.

Now, the good.

Let's talk the Hydrocity Zone theme! I'd forgotten just how much I loved this tune. Seriously. I went nuts when I realized what I was hearing. I think I can safely say it's one of my favorite game tunes ever. This remix makes it as good, if not better.

The Metropolis Zone theme. Sure, it's really quite secondary in the Mix, but for a tune that I havn't heard the original to in like literally years, I was able to point it out very easily, as catchy as ever.

Arrangement. I havn't really heard much of either tune in years, honestly, but I can't really hear much variation from the original. This may be a turnoff for some, but it's definately not for me. Not in this case. A good, straight arrangement is sometimes the best.

Sound quality. What's there to say? Certainly there's been better, but top-notch, 'realistic' sound quality doesn't neccessarily mean a good Mix, and I think that a pretty blastedly good job was done on this one, really. Kudos.

In the end, the good definately outweighs the bad here. By a long shot. This is a remix that's just awesome to pump up loud into some headphones, particularly the Hydrocity Zone music from :38 to 1:06 and 2:05 to 2:33.

Score: 9/10.


Oh, awesome! :D I love both of these songs, the samples don't bother me so much, and neither do the drums.

What does bother me is the flat low note (i don't know what instrument that is, i'm not going to guess) at :38. It's painful. Very painful. Like nails against a chalkboard painful. Or packing styrofoam against more packing styrofoam painful. It doesn't hit too often, so it's alright... but damn, shouldn't this have been spotted? Or is this the "not too noticeable" off-note? Whatever it is, it just takes a lot away from this otherwise wonderful song. :?

But you know what? It made it on here, past :pretzel: , past the judges, and past a lot of fans... must be my ears or something :? Anyway, this mix shows a ton of skill, (skill can be measured in tons, now) work, and is an awesome arrangement of some great Sonic tunes. And for that, :nicework:

Edit: Foam is now spelled "fome". Pass it on.


I have this song from VGmix 1,.........and I got that song over a year ago. This song sounds exactly the same fundamentally, in octave and structure.........the only difference between the two are the samples used....Mmmmmm????

"Mano's!!.....The Hand's of Fate"..........heh...heh


I heard the WIP of this ages ago, and little has changed. BitMaP really needs some better software (at least FL ... something that supports VST, for crying out loud!) ...

Anyhow. It's a decent arrangement, but the instruments don't really shine. I've never really liked the slap bass GM patch, which is a little annoying at times, especially at the solo section. Quite often, the toms are too loud on the drums. The scratch needs to be scrapped; FL's more than capable of emulating realistic scratching. Sometimes there's wierd harmonies (in particular the guitar, which is a tone flat just before the bass solo) which don't seem to serve this tune well. On the plus side, at least there's some reverb on the drums, which sounds good.

This could have done with a bigger clean up before submission, rather like the other Metropolis mix here. Good ideas, but poorly executed.


Well, would you guys LIKE a resubmit? I have to tell you, I was shocked to see one of my earliest and crappiest mixes added to OCR, which came from a time when I was still JUST getting into remixing. While my methods and mastering have improved only slightly, these days I have a much better collection of sounds. If you all like, I can have a new version in the coming week.


Quite frankly I thought the song wasn't all that bad, but I expected to hear more of the Metropolis song than the Hydrocity. I was confused at first because the drum riff was for M, but the music started doing H. Two different songs from two different games threw me off a bit.

Considering the title, I think there should be more of the Metropolis theme in there.

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