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Well, I think how it happened was... you gave me the sketch, i made a background/text, then i sent friendlyHunter the psd, and he made some cool effects like translucent text and some other stuff. But it's all good.

But! These tracks be nice. :<

I added you to the credits anyway. :) Also, another mirror is up. Harrass it!


Had the chance to listen to the whole thing yesterday a couple of times and I'm listening to it again. I just want to take the chance to say great job to everyone. This album rocks.

I'm curious as to the meaning of the Strike911's title "Eat This, bLiNd." It sounds like a challenge or something. I like it though.

I'm fairly certain that when bLiNd was sick he was on a pretty strict diet. Oddly enough, I didn't get that title either until I saw your question right now.

I'm listening to all the tracks right now and I must say this album blows my mind :)

I'd like to contribute by offering a Mirror Download for a zip containing all MP3s and the cover art.

I should have it up and running in about half an hour.

Edit: Here it is! http://www.pin-city.de/OCRemix/OCR_Reserve_Tank_Variations.zip

They say its unlimited bandwidth, but you still dont have to post it on Slashdot ;)

Heh. Thanks for the zip mirror. :)

My point about digg and slashdot is less about bandwidth and more that I don't want non-OCR people listening to the tracks by the newbies that contributed to the project and basically just saying "there are a lot of shitty tracks on this album ocr sux." They're not shitty tracks, but there are some on this album that you can tell the artist is still new to the craft. The point of this project was never to create a super-awesome-end-all-Super-Metroid-remix-bonanza. It's a well-wishing album from our community where the sentiment counts more than anything else. I don't want to take that away from everyone who tried their best by subjecting them to the criticisms of assholes who simply would not get the point.


This album is amazing. Showcasing the efforts of a community like this is really a tribute to the strength of OCR and the unbelievable talents of its various artists. Well done!

As an aside, congratulations to bLiNd and Jade!


Woohoo! Here i thought I'd never be able to hear this album at all, hearing it would be for bLiNd. But hot damn, I'm already jiving to the music here, especially Energy Recharge and From Brinster, to bLiNd. Well done guys. EDIT: Just managed to download them all, as apparently there was compatibility issue with the new IE and the site I'm trying to visit.

In any case, here's to me, here's to you guys who did the album, but most of all, here's to bLiNd *cheers*. Glad to hear he's doing better; I really do enjoy his work.

Woohoo! Here i thought I'd never be able to hear this album at all, hearing it would be for bLiNd. But hot damn, I'm already jiving to the music here, especially Energy Recharge and From Brinster, to bLiNd. Well done guys. EDIT: Just managed to download them all, as apparently there was compatibility issue with the new IE and the site I'm trying to visit.

In any case, here's to me, here's to you guys who did the album, but most of all, here's to bLiNd *cheers*. Glad to hear he's doing better; I really do enjoy his work.

Thanks :) always an added bonus when more people than Jordan is enjoying my track.


So I've found myself listening to Unknown Origin alot and was looking around OCR for more of k-wix's work and only found one, and it was collab. You really should submit more, k-wix. That track has been playing alot now on my player. Very nice work. :nicework:

So I've found myself listening to Unknown Origin alot and was looking around OCR for more of k-wix's work and only found one, and it was collab. You really should submit more, k-wix. That track has been playing alot now on my player. Very nice work. :nicework:

If you like his stuff you can check out the stuff he has on VGmix and the Cave Story Remix Project.

So I've found myself listening to Unknown Origin alot and was looking around OCR for more of k-wix's work and only found one, and it was collab. You really should submit more, k-wix. That track has been playing alot now on my player. Very nice work. :nicework:

Thank you so much! Actually.. I have my own website that has all my tracks.

old and new alike.

With vgmix "down", I don't really post much stuff - and Recently my onboard sound card has literally like exploded or something, i get terrible hissing noises on one ear randomly while trying to mix and its just very difficult, but i think ill be getting a new soundcard for christmas :)

http://kwix.shackspace.com <-- website

Also, Unknown Origin is part of my first album which is available completely for free on my website. A lot of it is original work - and its the first time i've attempted anything like that.

I would really like to submit more to OCR, But i always feel that my stuff will not be accepted, so i tend to not really bother with it, but for what its worth, it makes me really happy to see someone digging on one of my newer tracks.


Didn't you hear, he just got...

he just got...


That poor guy... I mean, out of the hospital and thrown into matrimony... CAN'T HE CATCH A BREAK?

ROFLMAO CAN YOU GIVE MEEEEE A BREAK?! He is the one that PROPOSED TO MEEEEE! LOL I would obviously say yes... I'm madly in love with him. =P It also helps that I've been listening to his music for 6 years before I actually met him. Come on, it's like a dream come true... better then Cinderella's average prince. =P

And bLiNd isn't entirely better... Without Remicade every 3 months, he would probably die. No kidding either. 2 weeks before the Remicade, he feels like crap. That thing is like over 7 grand too. 8O

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