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Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?  

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  1. 1. Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?

    • Yes
    • [b][size=7]YES[/size][/b]
    • Larry's merely part of the establishment now (i.e. yes)
    • Yes, as this promotes affirmative action

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Let’s continue covering the summer stuffs from May 29th to June 4th, for June is the month of the junebug...

Motoi Sakuraba, Shinji Tamura & Ryota Furuya - "Freeze" [Tales of Phantasia (SNES Game Rip)]

Here's a relaxing track from the ever-so-often remixed Tales of Phantasia, taking 1st Place for Song of the Week, Week #25. A bit, well, gimpish, compared to how we get spoiled with the bells and whistles of pristine redbook audio, but the composition here is good. In fact, we even have what amounts to a rip of this one hosted on OCR from back in the day courtesy of Spongemop! Some sleigh bells give off the added touch to really make "Freeze" a winner with the GamingForce Audio crowd voting in this week's competition.

Falcom Sound Team JDK - "Legend of the Lone Wolves" [Music from Brandish 3: Spirit of Balcan]

I'm usually not a huge fan of the overly synthy material from Sound Team JDK, but I felt like they delivered in a big way with the 2nd Place finisher for Song of the Week, Week #25. This ones takes exactly 2 minutes to get through the more slowly-paced intro before it kicks into a nice space-shooter genre theme with what I think are obvious Megaman-style overtones. Nice and catchy stuff that I feel could make excellent ReMix material if someone skilled ever felt compelled to give it a look.

Jack Wall & The Northwest Sinfonia Orchestra - "Theme from Amateria" [Myst III: Exile the Soundtrack]

Rounding out the top tracks for Song of the Week, Week #25 is this excellent downbeat piece from Myst III that doesn't sound anything like typical orchestral fare in the slightest. This one is short and sweet, more the length of a cutscene rather than something that sounds loopable, and the word of the day here is "ambient." The imagery here seems obviously that of a port, what with all the clanging involved. Of course I'm probably horribly wrong (and y'all will let me know I'm sure), but I'd guess that this isn't just any port involved, it's a SPOOOKY port. Maybe it's just me, but I got the imagery of slowly arriving toward a port in extremely gray, foggy weather. You download. You listen. You see what it does for you.

Adam Dachis - Final Fantasy 6 "Little Painter Girl" [OC ReMix #1358]

Adam encourages you fine folks to march to your own beat with this vibrant, quaint mix of "Relm" from FF6, which is a game that clearly never gets enough attention. The first submission of this one was rejected by the panel over a year ago, before I joined, so I unfortunately never got to hear how this version compares to its predecessor. But aside from the lil' note flubbery action going on at 1:38 (which some of the peeps love regardless), everything is upbeat and fun with the light orchestral ensemble piece that you can easily pass on to someone who likes orchestral music and trick them into enjoying the otherwise classless and tasteless brand of music that we collectively get off on: video game music. Do right by Dachis's debut and play this for your mom. She'll think you're a fine young lad if you do. Then you can go out and drink and she'll say to herself "My boy can't be bad at all if he listens to something adorable like this." And now that I've fulfilled my Wingless-jabber quotient for this week...

Alexander Prievert - Xenogears "BMR2 Traumsterben" [VGMix2 #4262]

This sequel to Alex's well-known "Broken Mirror's Reflection" warps the hell out of the first mix. Imagine the first one with a lot more distortion and beats and you probably still would properly expect what's coming your way if you check this out. A lot of you will feel this one is needlessly complicated for the first few minutes, but you get something more anchored to the ground around the 2 1/2 minute mark, so if you feel you can't handle the first few minutes, the second half is there to cradle you in its proverbial arms for a minute before spinning you around on your head for the final minute. Nothing hot here, but it's got shock value that's for sure.

Bladiator - Final Fantasy 8 "Moon over Rinoa" [VGMix2 #4078 / Splendid Performance: On the Keys]

For fans of Karl's previous piano waltz remix Super Mario World "Grand Valse Mario", you get more of the same goodness here with “Moon over Rinoa” which applies some waltzy touches to "Julia" before moving into some richer-sounding territory and circling back into the whimsical waltzy schmaltzy. Not really groundbreaking or anything, considering past work using the same idea, but now the FF fans have something from Blad to sink their grubby little paws into. I'd also like to point out how I didn't care much for the FF8 soundtrack, just to rub it in GrayLightning's face.

Blue Magic - Dark Cloud 1 "Moon Dust" [OC ReMix #1359]

Damon Campbell hooked it up this week with his second OC ReMix from the criminally undermixed Dark Cloud soundtrack and the results were pretty strong. Aside from what I dubbed a wonky (yep) string sample that's in stark contrast to the rest of the track, Damon nonetheless wove together some beautiful, mesmerizing ambient textures and a downbeat groove that ties up the spirit and leaves it gazing at the stars. (Ya like that? Of course you do.) Not many mixes pull off the use of a guitar synth nicely, and I loved the belltone-ish sounds and the surrounding use of panning effects to create a wider atmosphere. That string'll do ya wrong, but for all of you who haven't heard the source tune, that lone fakey string is a direct homage to "Ocean and Moon" from Dark Cloud and does in fact pay homage to the original material involved. Solid work here, so I'm looking forward to Damon recapturing the blue magic in his future works.

Blue Magic - Sonic & Knuckles "Project Blue" [VGMix2 #4154]

Damon Campbell's back with another laid-back style of arrangement with "Project Blue" featuring some bird SFX going on throughout the entire track. If that's not great incentive to DL a track, I dunno what is. This one was held back to me by some fairly generic synths, most notably the Ari Asulin slap bass of extreme fakery and discomfort. The track somewhat has an identity crisis, as the slap bass and occasionally the loud percussion kill off the potential for chillaxation. Sample realism's not high, and the composition doesn't really seem to go much of anywhere. But with some significant reworking, this could be some stronger work. Blue's one to keep an eye on with VGMix releases in his quest to get a 3rd mix posted to OCR.

Darangen - Final Fantasy 6 "Deadly Promises" [Dwelling of Duels: Free Month (March 2005) / VGMix2 #3866 / OC ReMix #1360]

Let me preface this one by saying that I hate "Terra." I think it's a crappy theme, and I won't lie when I say that most of the problem of it lies with it being so overmixed, not to mention creamed on by the smelly masses, who all love FF6 with no measure of objectivity. But when I first heard this one, I had to give it up to Michael Boyd who managed to take Terra's theme and create some genuine gold out of it. Jeremy Soule did a great job with "Squaresoft Variation", but I'd rather go for a piece like this which really does the interpretive route much better than everything else Terra on the site. Mike managed to adapt a very old original piece of his to click nicely with the source material here, and the guitar, drumkit and vox come together near-perfectly. This one competes with his previous OC ReMix, Final Fantasy "Warriors of Light", for what I personally think it his best work. This guy's like Ailsean 2005, not that it was anything done on purpose. Nonetheless, I give Mike some big props. No reason to pass this one up whatsoever.

Das Karl Werk Projekt - The Human Race "Melodie Eine" [R:K:O #2670]

DHS of the SoundWavers first turned me onto the Human Race soundtrack so I'm looking forward to his own Human Race mix finally seeing the light of day on OCR. In the meantime, here's another relatively conservative but nevertheless expansive take on some of Rob Hubbard's source material in this electronica mix that's fairing pretty well among Remix.Kwed.Org's fans. The sounds are straight electronic until a lushly-used piano enters the fray around the 3 minute mark, taking center stage over the course of the rest of the track and providing a finish that'll leave you saying "piano me some more!" Ok, maybe not, but a man can dream. Nothing earthshattering/groundbreaking here, but at the same time "good werk" from Das Karl Werk Project that puts their name on my radar.

Depeche Mode f/tefnek - "I Feel Loved (tefnek Remix)" [http://www.tefnek.com]

Jack Kirkpatrick takes an approach I'd yet to hear from him, remixing some mainstream a capella lyrics with his own material. I feel like the synths used here didn't stand out as unique, and I would have loved to have heard the lyrics a lot more prominently, but the beats are still dope and on a compositional level the music fit the lyrics like a glove. Personally, I dunno whether the music here is also remixed from the Depeche Mode original, but in any case this is one to scope out for more from OC's resident big beat champ.

Dhsu w/Mustin - The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages & The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "Nayru's Lullaby" [VGMix2 #4228]

David Hsu with some production assistance from the "Mustiest" man in game music remixing, Mustin, breaks off some relatively conservative stuff, also participating in the competition of performances that are splendid with this double-shot of Zelda game coverage. This was revised since the competition in the form that you hear now. Checking this out on headphones, there were tons of instances where no release on various notes exposed the piece as sequenced, killing the ability to really sit back and melt into the piece. But for the relatively undiscriminating ear of the casual listener, release issues like that mean jack shit and it's really easy to just let the piece whisk John Q. Remixing Fan to another place. I always prefer pieces to register with the higher frequencies, but the atmosphere was handled well regardless. Very engaging stuff that I hope gets reworked for the all-important details, for maximum splendidness, am I rite?

DistantJ - Slayers "Moonlight and Water" [Anime Remix #62]

What do you get when you cross trance and the gratuitous usage of a shakuhachi? You get "Moonlight and Water", the latest remix release tackling an anime that I've never heard of (SUE ME!), Slayers. While I felt the mixing needed some work and would appreciate more creative synth design, the ideas here progressed nicely nonetheless, including some more active, booty-shaking ideas throughout the second half. Certainly something to check out among AR's growing library during this, the site's formative years.

DistantJ - NiGHTS into Dreams... "Nights into Euphoria" [VGMix2 #3944]

"Dreams Dreams" gets the trance treatment from DistantJ of the UK in his second track here this week. The melody really could have served to be much more prominent here, as it falters on a volume level and a compositional level. But I'm always for using source material very overtly. This one did a decent job of crafting something more from the motifs of Dreams Dreams rather than crafting a full-fledged arrangement out of things. If you like your mixes liberal, this shouldn't be a problem.

Disturbed - The Legend of Zelda 3 "Before the Mirror" [splendid Performance: On the Keys]

Mark Dillon's someone who's essentially a one-hit wonder if you've only combed around on OCR, thanks to his underrated Tyrian mix "Composition in Q". Here, Mark performs in a driving, energetic approach familiar to people who enjoy Noir's work with this arrangement tackling some better-known material from Zelda: A Link to the Past. I felt the arrangement could have stood to be more interpretive with its source material (particularly the Title theme), but each section of this medley possessed some level of personal flair. Another good representative of the talent being brought to the table amidst RPGamer's recent VG rearrangement competitions, which is why it narrowly took 1st place for Splendid Performance's first audition phase.

djpretzel - Star Fox 1 "Fortuna Favors the Funk" [OC ReMix #1361]

When I talked to David Lloyd (or Dave as we commonly call this god of a man) on VG Frequency #50, he said that one thing he missed as OverClocked ReMix got bigger and his responsibilities, both at OCR and elsewhere, got bigger was the ability to crank out music on a regular basis. During the past few months though he's been doing a good job of mixing more often, already dropping "The Sveldt" a few months ago along with a pair of well done vocal Anime Remixes. Here, the Pretz funks you down with some fly-ass shit. And that's pretty much all the selling I need to do for djp's latest ReMix effort. Snack on this shit.

DjUnz! f/Perhaps-a-Doobie - Think Twice III (Frankie Boz Edit)" [R:K:O #2669]

Stupidity, thy name is perhaps Perhaps-a-Doobie. Oy. If you're down with BEERmix given the European treatment, eat a bowl of fudge and kick back with some amusingly abominable joke mix crudulence with Unz & Doobie. Wow, that's bad, Boz! :-P If those Euros aren't joking about sex, then they joke about fudge.

Flik - "Only One Name..." [http://www.vagstudios.com]

Chris Serani puts his voice skills to the test with this, the dilemma of knowing the man with only one name, Mustin. The music may be too loud, but that just means it's INTENSE, HAHAHAHA! Face!

Freemind - "Close Your Eyes 2" [http://www.soundclick.com/freemind]

Thanasis Kaloutzis returns with some original solo pianer stylins [sic] possessing some emotive overtones and constantly morphing ideas. The emotions conveyed in this piece seemed to alter every few seconds in what comes across as a fairly freeform piece that lack a lot of traditional structure. Indeed, it easily sounds like a performance that Freemind could duplicate if he ever wanted to. Did he close his eyes and simply make things up as he went along? Usually when I do that and play the piano, they kick me out of whatever establishment I'm in. Practice makes perfect I suppose. Not really a piece that you'll be able to get a firm grasp on, you should nonetheless feel enthused about taking the ride.

the funktionalists - "the 5th funktion" [http://www.zykomusik.com]

zyko's pimping the first set of tracks recorded with his new band, the funktionalists, so check out what weed, Ryan & Bryce have laid down in their first session from May 27th. I specifically listed "the 5th funktion" as my personal favorite track here, though I was also particularly feeling the 6th and 9th funktions as well. Everything here's game if you're looking for some laid-back, raw funk recordings. There's even a shoutout to X-Strike Studios head Tim Ekkebus in the titling of "Hthe8th funktion." Everything's pretty basic here, nothing flashy, so this is a good sampling of weed's latest musical project with no pretentiousness. Looking forward to the funktionalists cooking up some more funk stylings as they jam some more and gradually click together as a group.

goat - CastleVania 1 "Scourge of 1691" [Dwelling of Duels: Konami]

Ah, the killer rock medley. A winning staple of many a DoD, Chris Gates slayed the competition with this lengthy CV1 mix that blew away the rest. The great thing about the DoD entries are that many of the longer entries are justified in their length and leave the listener incredibly satisfied for their nostalgic game fix. With the popular choice of Konami for May's competition as well as the DoD format itself steadily increasing in overall participation, many of the other entries deserve your time as well. virt brought up 2nd place with the Metal Gear mix "MY FREQUENCY IS 140.85" while DoD's brother gods of geetar Ashane & housethegrate closed out the winners with the more obscure Madara arrangement "Madara, Movement 1". And of course, being DoD, a shitload of the runner-ups are worthy of pimpage including Dennis Mott, LuIzA TSM, Kadmium, Ryan8bit, zyko, Koelsch1, Ailsean, Rexy, XMark, Shawn Phase ("Bahhh, take THAT bitch!") and many other new and familiar names, including an unforgettable, inspirational performance from the DoD supergroup, The West Coast Shizzies!

Infamous - "Rouge Crakaz" [http://www.infamousuk.com]

Chris drops the quick one on ya this week with some original techno material. I definitely enjoyed that garbled robovoice type sampling in there, and even though the keyboard was a weak point, I started laughing at 1:36 when a sample that reminded me of the Chippettes got thrown in there. Infy's making me chuckle over here. Dunno what the inspiration behind the track is, as I would have loved to have heard some

Jormungand - Secret of Mana "Dark Star Scherzo" [splendid Performance: On the Keys / VGMix2 #3292]

Joe Schwebke took 2nd place in RPGamer's latest remixing competition with this piano-based arrangement of "Star of Darkness", a favorite of GrayLightning's that translates surprsingly well to the eighty-eight keys. Joe does a good job of tickling dem synthetic ivories and really offering up some good rhythmical ideas while arranging this piece. I really loved the quick, sweeping runs around the 2 minute mark, and while the production was lacking in higher frequencies, all-in-all this was a solid piece with an upbeat tempo and some crystalline textures. This being the first arrangement of Jormungand's that I've actually heard I can say that he certainly has work that espouses a great deal of creativity. Get up on this guy's other work as well and see what he has to offer. Forgot to mention the work splendid in here, by the way. Splendid.

Kadmium - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 "Kill the Wabbit" [VGMix2 #4213]

"This is a melodic death metal remix..." Say wha??? Do they do that now? Jesse Higginson channels one of the best Looney Tunes songs ever titled to bring you death in this excellent death metal mix. The lyrics are pure Satanic-level style, though I would have loved to have heard some more ear-breaking volume here. Break my ears, bro! The devil says DO IT! But seriously, when Jesse says melodic death metal, he's not playing around. Any fan of the rock can find something here to like. I'd love to hear this given another hard look at the mixing to really bring out the power and energy here and then have it subbed to OCR. You can break my ears, Kadmium, but don't break my heart.

Kaijin - Air "Summer Lights" [VGMix2 #4278]

Brief but very very stylish material from Tim Sheehy that lacks clarity, but possesses some good pop overtones. In that sense, it's a very loopable. The general vibe here repeats too often for such a short song, but that's likely an intentional move that I still feel sells the original material short on some level. The new sounds around 1:50 did threw me off the first time around, but you get used to them, even if they don't quite fit in there. Any release that indicates Kaijin is still at it is is something to check out. He's been an increasingly regular presence at VGMix with his releases.

PICK OF THE WEEK: ktriton w/Christian Pacaud - Tsugunai, Shadow Hearts, Xenosaga, Magic Pengel 2 & Xenogears "Static Wonderland" [VGMix2 #4272]

Boston's Kunal Majmudar collabs once again with the venerable Mr. Pacaud on bass to hook it up with another great medley mix, this time completely derived from material composed by Yasunori Mitsuda. In this case, most of the source material is relatively obscure, as you certainly don't see anyone else covering this stuff. While the mix is a bit on the quiet side and some of the quick static breaks in the track will definitely throw people off, the sum total of ideas here is total ear candy. Over time, I came to appreciate a lot of the strangers ideas placed in here, and most of you should as well. With Christian helping subtly with some stylish bass, ktriton carries the bear's share of the work in this smooth, jazzy hybrid of some of Mitsuda's finest compositions. Truly professional grade work that's a required download. You should be charged money for something this solid.

Leis Miller - Megaman 3 "Plan B (80's Version 1)" [VGMix2 #4246]

Leis's stuff is just a wonder to behold. It's really not for everyone. He takes an analogous approach to zyko in all of his material in that he doesn't care whether the mixing is slick, and doesn't mind relying on drumloops and odd sounds and textures as long as he's feels he's successfully expressing himself; that's always the most important goal for Leis, who many will only be able to classify as an acquired taste. Frankly, this wasn't as crazy as say "Start Button", and could use a lot of work on the support instrumentation in particular. Still good to see Leis breaking some off. He's become a cult figure of sorts over at VGMix, even having Ryan8bit remix some of his previous Metal Gear mix material.

Nasenmann - "Pack Your Sack, Square!" [Thematic Original Music Competition 1]

Picking up the victory for the first ever TOMC, Nasenmann created his own Overworld theme in a chiptune-inspired style. It's pretty loopy and brief, just like in the 8-bit days. With this kind of title, it sounds like one of those tunes used in those unpopular 3rd party NES games that you wondered "who in the hell would buy that?" But if in fact you wanted to envision what it would be like playing something called "Squirrley's Nuts," you've got you man in Nasenmann. Wait a second, that says "square???" Bah. Seriously though, this competition helps to fill the void created by the lack of CompoST competitions over at zircon's site SoundTempest.net, and Nasenmann's winning effort earns the victory through some catchy old-school composition.

Nasenman - "Power Hardcore" [Original Remix Competition 22]

Damn, that's hardcore. While the mixing is frankly pretty weak, there's certainly much power to be had in this purposefully ear-splitting winner of ORC22, which took a decidedly different approach on Ichitootah's work than Rexy's 2nd place finisher did. I really would have liked to have heard some more work done with vocals, because the distorted vocals briefly thrown in here were pretty damn cool. So while it ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer in regards to the percussion, there were a lot of driving ideas and thick textures here that made this better and better over multiple listens.

Nick Tam - Tales of Symphonia "Fair Lass of Ozette" [VGMix2 #4280]

Some cool new material from Nick Tam who continues to come out with some worthwhile releases at VGMix. He'd be a killer with some more experience to refine his work, but he's definitely got the right idea. I didn't really mind the production and timing issues so bad as a causal listener, and checking this one out does give you a window into the guy's potential. Acoustic guitar, piano, light drum work, woodwinds, and the all-important harmonica come together to form a pretty promising piece of music. He's got a lot to learn in order to up his game, but I like hearing this guy at work nonetheless.

OverCoat - "Type" [http://www.neutronstar.org/soc]

Scott Porter can't sleep. And what SOC can't sleep, that means he's busy making musicks for you the people, the ones that he loves (or at least has a desperate need of gaining their worship). Scott SOC's it up per his usual style with some nice distorted techno featuring some dope drumloops, vox work and a tight, beepy (yeah, shutup) lead that locks everything together. OverCoat been pumping out the jams for as long as I can remember. The distortion may not be your thing, but it's not over the top or anything like that. Very loopable and ready to give you a good example of what OverCoat's general style is about.

Rexy - Dragon Warrior 2 "Anguished Beyond Words" [splendid Performance: On the Keys]

Bev brought out her own splendid performance this week with this delicate DW2 arrangement on solo piano. Personally, I go for fuller pieces myself, though that's nothing some extra sustain or reverb couldn't have handled here to take away some of the relative sparseness. Compositionally, I also felt this could have been more dynamic over the course of it's four and a half minutes, but like I mentioned the slow, delicate nature of this one does a good job of conveying solemn emotions and, for some of you heart-on-your-sleeve types, an atmosphere of quiet introspection. (Hey, did ya like that close?)

Rexy - "Snowflakes" [Original Remix Competition 22]

Bev really steps shit up with this bueno-bueno arrangement of some original material by Ichitootah for OCR22, taking 2nd place. The compositional and pacing are both solid, and I liked the energy here, where the pluckiness of the intro gave off some good snowfall imagery. Very loopable and catchy. Not really there in terms of sounding like a real piano, but this was well done for synthetic piano and something a lot of you out there will enjoy greatly. Only 4 or 5 months removed from the winter too, so this is the quite the seasonal arrangement for ya.

Roetaka - "Let Yourself Live" [http://www.soundclick.com/roetaka]

The first thing I noticed? Mixed too damn loud. Shame on ya. But one you reconcile the volume levels with yourself (or just turn down the volume, I imagine), you can enjoy this original that Alex Roe has labeled as Big Beat Orchestral. The sounds are fairly basic for the most part, but the texture is pretty decent. Wish I could have heard the melody a bit more in here, but I really liked the composition here regardless. There was a fair amount of variation here and a ton of energy. If this was revisited in a few years, it could be revised an turned into a monster of an original track that would fit like a glove into any action-based game soundtrack. I noticed at a relatively brief 3 1/2 minutes that the track didn't drag on like many of Roe's lengthier pieces. Good stuff. The sides needs to be refined, but the meat and potatoes are mmm-mmm good (and so forth). I wouldn't pass this one up at all. Just watch your ears though. I mean it.

Roetaka - Pokémon Gold & Silver "Rest" [VGMix2 #4264]

Alex keeps it coming this week with some almost tropical-sounding chillout from a game I shall not name, for it makes me retch and gag. Charmander-char. I any case, at a lengthier 5:05, the track manages to wander aimlessly around a bit before returning to that sweet sequenced guitar melody. The support on strings, string pads, and piano was pretty solid, thought the drumkit felt rather out of place here. This was really one I appreciated for the compositional ideas rather than the production, which was downright muddy and washed out. That, and the needlessly loud volume, made it hard to really get a grasp on things, and probably went over the top with reverb in order to present a fairly ethereal atmosphere. With the mixing and mastering being reassessed, along with some other areas, this could be a winner. In its present stage, it's absolutely worth getting to keep tabs on Roe and is efforts to get onto OCR. You may still find yourself chillin' to this one.

SGX - "Distant" [http://www.supergreenx.com]

Danny Adler, now using his SuperGreenX nickname in shorthand, releases his first original track since officially adopting the SGX moniker. My attention was hooked by a very tense intro that made me think the track would be dark the whole way through. But a nice change in the tone thanks to a lush piano and strings taking over brightened the mood. And indeed, later on, the track continued to change, going darker and cycling back to brighter sounds. Quite the identity crisis, this original piece. Not the normal high-tempo, beat-intensive work of Danny's that I'm used to hearing, "Distant" has the potential of really altering your perception of the potential of SGX's music. Very cryptic and indeed on some level unbalanced and disturbing, you've just gotta check out the buzz.

Shnabubula - Secret Stuff [Like I'm Gonna Follow Up on That]

I thought I'd heard the last from Samuel Ascher-Weiss once we posted "Mucho Dollar Care a Junk CIA" over at OCR and he disappeared for six months to follow his musical lust for Chopin. But fear not, because he's back and he's tackling some cult classic source material that you'll be proud of when you finally get your hands on it. I've been sworn to secrecy by Sam and another top name in the scene on this one, so that's all you get so they don't outright kill me.

Trenthian - "Asper Laboratory Complex" [Lifeform OST]

John St.John hooks it up with some action-oriented original material featuring strings, synths and some subtle synth electric guitar filling things out in the back. To me, the track is missing a certain "I don't know" to really give the whole think punchiness or meatiness or some other word espousing overall manliness. Right now, this one is more of a demo-level version of the track, so there may be more to come as far as additional ideas go. This was some good hybrid stuff, melding string orchestration with electronic and industrial-style elements. And clocking in at over 3 1/2 minutes, the major majority of this one seems to be in the can, so now's a good time to see what Trent's got cooking since he hasn't had any remix releases in a little while.

trickwaters - Final Fantasy "Contrapunctus" [splendid Performance: On the Keys / VGMix2 #4160]

Got 10 minutes? You do? Well, that's still not enough time to sit down and check out Patrick Waters' organ-based FF mix. Got 10 minutes and 47 seconds? Ok, now we're ready to talk turkey. I think the novelty of this one is strong enough to make y'all check it out, though I will say from my genuinely ignorant but speculative opinion that this didn't have much in the way of splendid performance dynamics. The organ sounds far from realistically sequenced, I mean FAR, though my limited experience listening to organs involved visiting a few Catholic Sunday masses. I'm much more used to church choirs singing a capella. So while I think it's a lemon, and that's no offense to Pat who I'm sure is aware of his own limitations give it that look and see if you're down with a very unorthodox idea for a remix. And yes, for those of you with no patience, this is arranging only one source tune. That's stamina for ya.

The Wingless f/Aurora - "Auroramix" [http://www.thewingless.com]

Doing radio (and doing it well) has it perks, I should know. You get zealous fans and community fame, and on top of that, you get community artists sampling your voice and immortalizing you with fucked up remixes. I've gotten the "I used samples and soundclips from you to embarrass you" treatment from Rayza & Jared Hudson among others, so it's only fair that VGDJ sex kitten/host Teresa Fisico get the same treatment from the OCR panel's resident black stallion and all-around deviant John "The Wingless" Burnett. It's only a minute and 16 seconds long, but you'll loop it for 16 minutes if you're as horndoggy lonely as some of the schmoes around the community. "Funky, cool, this song has energy from start to finish. Oh my God, I loved it. Um, ok."

Xtormrage - Metal Gear Solid 2 "Salsa Snake" [VGMix2 #4276]

So I saw this one in VGMix tier 1 and had to check it out, since everyone like salsa muzak. Despite some MIDI-grade samples, the heart of this one is the stylish arrangement from Jorge Luis Boscan that takes a creative spin on the frequently mixed "Metal Gear Solid Theme." I have to say, I'd love to hear this performed by a live band, but if you're gonna sequence salsa music, this has to be the way to do it. Haven't heard of Xtorm before this one, but he provides the goods and the substance. Twirl your lady around with this one while she holds a rose in her mouth. It's what God intended for you to do.

Enjoy the community stuffs.

And now...the disappearance...

Bah, fuggin' touching my poll! Dammit, I'm gonna kill u Gray and/or Navid!

Do not oppose the ruling of the High Court, of which I am the most eminent representative. You, Mr. Oji are in contempt! Bailiff Byrd in da house.

Shiiit. Always blaming the minority.


Dude, if Israfel was still in the game i'd be humping the vote button all over. No worries, I'll think carefully over this one while looking on at the selections out there.

Thank God you didn't mention anything about the DoD aftermath, or I would have exploded 8O

And yes, for those of you with no patience, this is arranging only one source tune. That's stamina for ya.

I'm not Trick, but he arranged two sources from the game - the castle theme and the prologue music. Just for clarification purposes ;)

And yes, for those of you with no patience, this is arranging only one source tune. That's stamina for ya.

I'm not Trick, but he arranged two sources from the game - the castle theme and the prologue music. Just for clarification purposes ;)

HEY, don't undermine me, lady! My word is gold. Every last word!


analoq all the way. PURE SEX0Rz!

I mean... look at all of them. Only Aaron, Vigilante, Larry and zyko are known from pictures. And Aaron is definately the coolest (dig up the thread with the pics of the VG concert in LA... then you know what I mean).

Well and Larry is our Sex-God anyway. Did Paige finally get her sexual frosty by now? XD


Be honest! You voted for yourself, aight?!


Everyone knows that the sexiest judge was Malcos. That lovable negro bloke. I abstain unless one of the current black panel members can fake a British accent.


Haha... I vote for "Demonik Electronik". Cause Analoq sounds more evil in this track. The title "man sieht sich Galaxie" was from me, well... Analoq asked me how to write it correctly. XD

AH MAN! Close run. So far Gray seems to be the most loved and sexiest bitch, closely followed by analoq. Could it be that Gray is on the mysterious side? No pics from him available and always being the OCR watchdog (moderator)?

*/me hides in darkness again*


People seem to be taking this vote as a vote for an all around cool judge rather than the intent of the poll. I know several judges got votes just for that reason, especially the ones with 0 votes.

Anyway, larry does another lame poll again.

I'm sure Paige will vote for me though, she has better taste than larry. :lol:

Paige 4 Judge.


I must say, I was interested to notice that Liontamer was not even listed as a possibility of a judge to vote for as the sexiest. I must remind the panel that although I am more of a girl than Liontamer aka Atitti the Hun, is, he still is my sexual frosty and that should count for something.

But regardless, I would still have to pick Gray as he knows flattery with women will get him everywhere ;)

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