Angelus Laminarum Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 kLuTz... I must say, you are a master of the piano, whether with a technoish backup, or simply by itself... it is amazing the things you pull off... keep up the good work, and make some more, dammit! I particularly like the innovated variations you put in the parts at 2'27" and 2'41"... That's a Mozart-type technique, correct? Anyways, keep up the good work *attempts to force all of his divine inspiration (not much) into kLuTz* Aagh, I'm spent... ~Falcis Umbrae~ Quote
AbyssWyrm Posted October 3, 2004 Posted October 3, 2004 This is a stunning piano arrangement which beautifully retains and adds to the emotion of the original piece. One of the best piano arrangements of video game songs I've heard including the Final Fantasy Piano Collections. Um, can I get the sheet music anywhere? Quote
BlueMage Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 I personally felt this piece lacked the feeling and conviction of Town Life in Piano. But otherwise, a fine piano solo piece. Quote
btangel Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 stuck pretty close to the original. Which is exactly what I expect from a remix of a song like this. This has always been one of my fav. CT STs Great remix! Quote
notaku Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 absolutely beautiful. I look forward to more works. Quote
AngrySquirrel Posted December 24, 2004 Posted December 24, 2004 This is a stunning piano arrangement which beautifully retains and adds to the emotion of the original piece. One of the best piano arrangements of video game songs I've heard including the Final Fantasy Piano Collections. Um, can I get the sheet music anywhere? I believe he has the full thing on his own site: .I'm definately going to practice this masterpiece sometime. Quote
Vero Posted January 2, 2005 Posted January 2, 2005 Great piano piece by kLuTz as usually. The only downside is that it sounds like most of his other ones, but it is still very good. Quote
Amaranth Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Though I said a lot of bad things about his 'A World in Piano' mix, all of that still stands, but I'd like to say some different things about this mix. This is probably my favorite of kLuTz's work, and there's something about the 600 A.D. theme that just clicks with his style. Though it includes a lot of what I didn't like in 'A World in Piano', like I said, his methods just seemed to go better with this track. Where the generic styles of his other songs seem to lead them to failure in my eyes, there's something about this that just.. works. It's probably the first of his mixes that I feel go beyond the source material, and maybe even the first to really be emotional. Though it doesn't do much to go progress from the original song, everything added in that used to just be put in there for further arrangement seems to emanate a better vibe for the song, whereas all that improv just led the other mixes to become too generic. Though it is a great mix, kLuTz has yet to really take his talent a step further. He uses the same styles in every mix that he has on this site, and though it worked for this one, I'd like to see some new ground covered by this talented pianist. Quote
Davedawg235 Posted May 25, 2005 Posted May 25, 2005 First post, but I've played Chrono Trigger avidly since it's release....I just find the fluidness of the music in parallel to the emotion as perfect...But as far as this piano piece is concerned, it offered what it said and way much more. I could tell he was totally feeling this as he played it, it's so innocent but resonant. Quote
kLuTz Posted May 26, 2005 Posted May 26, 2005 Thanks guys! Feel free to check out for more recent stuff! I'm not sure exactly how much I've progressed since this piece, maybe a little.. Quote
WolverineDK Posted June 12, 2005 Posted June 12, 2005 kLuTz: when i showed my father your music and he listened to it and he just sat in my couch and went WOW and he said you must be a professional and he loved the music and was amazed , and i hope you remember my two emails to you (my real name is Martin K R) and i made alittle mistake in the weekdays. and yes Greg you make really great music thumps up i must say Quote
Vexxon Posted June 13, 2005 Posted June 13, 2005 Yeah, this is one of my favorite piano mixes. I loved how it stuck fairly closely to the original, while still making expansions on it. Kudos, kLuTz. Quote
bladiator Posted June 17, 2005 Posted June 17, 2005 I'd like to say that I think kLuTz is the reason that solo piano does so well on this site as a whole, but in the innovation field, all his pieces are exactly the same. The only thing this one does that is different is the scherzo part that shows up early in the piece. Enjoyable to hear (very clear sample and production), but predictable if you've listened to any other kLuTz pieces. Quote
maestermatt Posted July 5, 2005 Posted July 5, 2005 klutz should change his name to klutz the great at the begining there should someone singing the long and winding road but still it is an awsome song keep it up klutz the great Quote
synthetic_realities Posted July 26, 2005 Posted July 26, 2005 *applause* I always loved this song. Now, you have created an amazing rendition of it. I think that makes me love you now. I wish I was a woman just so that I could have your children, and you could teach them how to play piano. Quote
Rouen Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 This song was done very well. You stuck with the original and added some extra depth to it. Good Job. Quote
Bummer Posted September 11, 2005 Posted September 11, 2005 When it comes to piano remixes, you always admire the work of a kLuTz. The piano flows through the whole song, and increases in speed when it needs to. Beautiful! Quote
Belexus Posted December 24, 2005 Posted December 24, 2005 A good piano solo does the soul good. When I hear piano done right, it makes my skin crawl, in a very good way. I am a huge fan of piano mixes, and therefore collect many of them, but this one ranks very high on my list. Indeed, very beautiful. Quote
ph0sphorousgobu Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Dear Klutz: Your piano skills are inhuman. I have all of your mixes from this site, as well as many from your personal site. They are all amazing, and a testament to your mad skills. Rock on, brother. 10/10 Quote
Lucentas Posted December 7, 2008 Posted December 7, 2008 Ooh...this is one piece that gives me the chills every time I listen to it. kLuTz is another one of my big favorite piano arrangers here on this site. Quote
Marmiduke Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 There are people who make Chrono Trigger sound boring, archaic and stale. And then there are people who make Chrono Trigger sound interesting, surprising and downright fine. A piano mix that doesn't disappear up its own behind is how I would describe '600 A.D. in Piano'. While there is a time and a place for insane piano hammering and avante-garde improvisation, I really appreciate the simplicity and attention to serving the source directly that kLuTz submitted here. I personally prefer this over 'Town Life in Piano', mainly due to my personal preference of source melody, but needless to say I have a fondness for piano pieces that remake, redefine and recollect gaming memories without letting off creative fireworks to obstruct it all. There is a time and a place for all walks of music; simple, faithful piano pieces deserve their time in the spotlight once in a while. This mix is one of the best to start with. Quote
goombapatrol Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 liked the beginning, but i think this remix could have been much better. Quote
Jillypuff Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 This is insanly good. I've found the sheets for this, and learned alot more then half the song, but how much i train it will never sound as good as this! Quote
soka? Posted March 1, 2010 Posted March 1, 2010 Maybe it's just because my musical taste is crap, but I was hoping to hear something over than the 'kLuTz Formula'. Very nice, soft, simple piano at the beginning that progresses to more complicated very quickly. Obviously not a lot of people are going to be fans of this, but it might be interesting to hear a mix from you that ditches this formula. As it is, I usually just listen to your otherwise amazing songs for the first 30 seconds or however long it takes to ditch the calmer parts. And, I haven't heard your other songs so what I just said might be worth my musical taste: crap. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted September 1, 2010 Posted September 1, 2010 Perfectly named remix title. No false advertising here. Beautiful work, and a very accessible arrangement. Quote
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