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LOVE IT. It absolutely nails the sound of Lufia II as well.

I completely agree. I friggin loved that game too.

Glad to see this theme get some serious coverage. I really love your tried and true combo of synths and guitar/wankery. It's truly been a pleasure see your production and sound design start to match your amazing song writing ability in areas. Massive ass pats from me on this one dude! Can't wait to hear the your next like couple of songs get posted dude!


this is really epic - i love the source and i love the game - the arrangement is very creative and does the source great justice

however, i have to agree with some of the judges and say that it would've been nice if this was tweaked a little further - but it's not bad so if i was a judge i probably would've yes'd it aswell

great work man - keep it up


This sounds great. Really good job.

When that theme enters at 0.59, I got this feeling about videogames and what we do here at ocremix. A tribute to all mixers.

Really good space you're giving the leads at 2.04 for example. Just great.

Awesome string backup.

Calming things down at 2.27 n build up.

Pro track.


I get to say I knew him when he was more Noob.

i remember when he asked me if he could get on the rd project...way back when... :<

shit, that opening was really cool. really polished as a whole =) love the entrance of the guitar part. really effective use of the breakdown as you drop out the main lead and bring in that silence 'fill'.

awesome work!


Love to see Lufia getting the attention it well deserves. You do this tune sweet justice! One of the most hummable tunes of the game, IMO.


Man, really loving the rock/synth combo here. :59 is pure win when the theme kicks in. I haven't even finished the song yet cause I keep rewinding back to it.

I've had the pleasure of hearing a lot of your not-yet released stuff as well, so I can say there's a ton of great music coming soon. Great job, man.


I especially loved your opening. This was very nice - I'm not too familiar with the source, but you made it sound like something I want to look up! Excellent way to start the new year.


Great stuff, been ages since I played through Lufia II (wasn't quite at the top of my rpg list, but far from a bad game) hearing this inspired me to go dig up a Lufia II gamerip since I knew I remembered this song but just had to compare it to the original. Lufia battle music is pretty much all hard rock in style, and you definitely nailed that aspect of it here.

Here's to reawakened memories!

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