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And so, one of the longest running gaming magazines closes its doors. I know some folks have felt that EGM has been shit for a long time, but I personally have been reading it for years, and still enjoyed picking up and flipping through the issues. It's disappointing to learn that after all these years, EGM bites the dust before the horrid GamePro :lol:

The only question remaining is, is the issue that's supposed to come out next week the final one, or is the one that came out last month the final one? "January 2009" could go either way.


Oh man, it's about time. Now you can switch to a decent gaming magazine like Game Informer, Coop. So Gamepro is pretty bad these days? I didn't even realize they were still around.

EGM was one of the few video game resources I trust; really now all that I'm left with is Kotaku.

1UP.com IS EGM. And its weekly video blog is just amazing piece of gaming journalism. Maybe one of the best. At least better than the cliquey GameTrailers shows.

Oh man, it's about time. Now you can switch to a decent gaming magazine like Game Informer, Coop. So Gamepro is pretty bad these days? I didn't even realize they were still around.

Game Informer and the word "decent" don't go in the same sentence for me. I tried to read that magazine for a while, but the visual style, writing and coverage just felt... "meh". Not to mention, I disagreed with their reviews more often than not during the 16bit/32bit/Dreamcast eras, and things like that tend to keep you from coming back.

1UP.com IS EGM. And its weekly video blog is just amazing piece of gaming journalism. Maybe one of the best. At least better than the cliquey GameTrailers shows.

But to compound the terribleness is the fact that along with EGM's closure, 1UP.com just got acquired by UGO.

They fired Shane Bettenhausen for God's sake. And most of the 1up staff that does the podcasts and other cool stuff. Things like The 1UP Show, Broken Pixels, Retronauts etc. are now all gone down the shitter or are going to be severely limited, and a handful of their most credible journalists either left after the announcement. Great.

EGM and 1UP as we know it gone in one day. My favourite magazine and website, both of which were related and awesome. For fuck's sakes.

It was like the one super credible game journalism site that was built by gamers for gamers and went above and beyond to cater to its fanbase. And now it's all falling into shambles. D:


Sounds like they simply made a good point to me. One of the reasons I like their reviews so much is because they always give a great general review rather than giving into their personal opinion. Not to mention their reviews are very elaborate and they try to mention both the good and the bad regardless of the rating (even with some of the lowest scores).

And for reference the full review:


I haven't played the game, but I like that they are frank about the whole thing. A long RPG with bad dialogue and plot points does sound like an issue.

Sounds like they simply made a good point to me. One of the reasons I like their reviews so much is because they always give a great general review rather than giving into their personal opinion.

And that's why I was never fond of GI's reviews. It usually read like they were making up my mind for me, rather than giving me their experiences with the game. I don't want people who rate a game on how they think the general public might like it, and skew their scores accordingly. That just rings very wrong to me. I'd rather they rate on it on how they felt about it, while giving me facts and personal insights/opinions about the game.

I'd rather read the review of someone rating a game on how they felt about it, than the review of someone who's rating a game based on how they think John Q. Public will feel about it.

Edit: Don't take my comments the wrong way, Atomicfog. I'm not jumping on your case or anything. Everyone looks for different things in reviews. GI meshed with you, and that's cool. It just never meshed with me.

And that's why I was never fond of GI's reviews. It usually read like they were making up my mind for me, rather than giving me their experiences with the game. I don't want people who rate a game on how they think the general public might like it, and skew their scores accordingly. That just rings very wrong to me. I'd rather they rate on it on how they felt about it, while giving me facts and personal insights/opinions about the game.

I'd rather read the review of someone rating a game on how they felt about it, than the review of someone who's rating a game based on how they think John Q. Public will feel about it.

Edit: Don't take my comments the wrong way, Atomicfog. Everyone looks for different things in reviews. GI meshed with you, and that's cool. It just never meshed with me.

Yeah, I completely get where you're coming from. Generally, it's best to go with whatever review source best matches your tastes, otherwise you'll likely end up getting games you don't care for. Though I have to say, GI does rate based on personal opinion as well, they just try their best not to let it clout their judgment of a game too much.


And for reference the full review:


I haven't played the game, but I like that they are frank about the whole thing. A long RPG with bad dialogue and plot points does sound like an issue.

Wow, you're right:

Sadly lacking in wit, humor, and intelligence, the dialogue kills the entire experience

This is the most ridiculous statement ever. The dialogue in this game was one of the best parts, and PM2 was one of the very few games to actually make me laugh out loud on numerous occasions. Granted, much of it was (very well scripted) fan service, and some was some somewhat awkward social commentary (re: the crows), but the wit, humour, and associated intelligent combination of the two is what held the game together.

And their argument, that it is for players under 10, is complete non-sense. I had never played any of the Mario RPGs before this summer (shame, I know), and PM2 was the first. I'm far from 10 years old, and the game provided one of the best gaming experiences of the whole year.

Anyway, it's really sad to hear that EGM is finished (I also remember being disappointed about the discontinuation of Incite, although I bet if I looked at it now I would realize how horrible it was). While I agree that they haven't been as good over the last few years (not to mention their issues are smaller and more expensive, at least at the newsstand), I still considered it my favourite game magazine. The issue featuring DK64 was the first magazine I ever got, and I fondly recall subsequent issues during the Dreamcast era. I don't know whether this was a long time coming or anything, but it sure came as a shock to me. FRD and EGM within a month... who would have thought.

But to compound the terribleness is the fact that along with EGM's closure, 1UP.com just got acquired by UGO.

They fired Shane Bettenhausen for God's sake. And most of the 1up staff that does the podcasts and other cool stuff. Things like The 1UP Show, Broken Pixels, Retronauts etc. are now all gone down the shitter or are going to be severely limited, and a handful of their most credible journalists either left after the announcement. Great.

EGM and 1UP as we know it gone in one day. My favourite magazine and website, both of which were related and awesome. For fuck's sakes.

It was like the one super credible game journalism site that was built by gamers for gamers and went above and beyond to cater to its fanbase. And now it's all falling into shambles. D:

Ew. Boo. The webcast was just incredible and so was the down-to-earth conversations they had. Remember when EGM magazines were monstrous 300+ page beasts? It's so sad. In a way, I feel the same way for TV as well. The traditional stuff is all out because of the flailing economy and the way the internet is dominating everything.

Anyway, my last hope now is ironically, an anime-fans' take on videogaming:


I think these few events are just sad for the gaming community as a whole really.


Wow, that really sucks. I'd been a reader of EGM for awhile until recently (canceled my subscription since I couldn't really afford to renew it at the time), and I've enjoyed it throughout the years. I wasn't as big on it as Shoe, Crispin, Shane, and the rest of that crew started to leave, but it was still one of the best gaming mags out there. Oh well, at least there's always Sore Thumbs.

Wait... So what happens with my subscription?

Pardon me for being a jerk, but...


lol, I can't wait to do that in person to my brother.

No but seriously, I'm sure something will happen, like you'll get reimbursed, perhaps with cash, or with another subscription of a different magazine or ... monkeys with pitchforks will ... raid.. video games..uhm..flying.. underwear... disregard said post. :/

And if things don't work out as you'd like, you can probably sue someone.

So Gamepro is pretty bad these days? I didn't even realize they were still around.

I actually picked up an issue of Gamepro at a drug store yesterday and tried to flip through it. I loved their game coverage back in the late 90's early 2000's, but it was literally unreadable now. It actually took me a minute to figure out that a few pages I was looking at were actually an article and not ads.

Anyway, on the topic of EGM it's no big loss for me. I read it for a short stint several years ago, but gave up on them when I noticed a few instances of them publishing things known to be rumour as fact. In fact, by the time the issue hit the stands these rumours had often been debunked. Tough to find a magazine credible when stuff like that happens.


As I recall, EGM was responsible for an argument I had with someone in eighth grade about the new character in the forthcoming N64 game Mario Tennis. I think it was EGM that incorrectly printed his name as "Waruigi" instead of the proper "Waluigi." I, with the information of the experts on my side (Nintendo Power), ended up being correct and being able to prove my point that EGM was wrong.

I thought EGM was pretty good back in the day. I liked the fact that several reviewers usually discussed the bigger games. I am interested in finding out what people thought of the game, and one person's take is often insufficient. For the record, with respect to the Game Informer quote on the first page of this thread, I don't care what the gaming public at large is going to think of the game. If I did, I'd read a gamefaqs review. I want to know what they thought of the game. And I also don't agree with deducting a point (or more) because a quality game is "kiddy" in nature. If it's good, it's good. That's all there is to it.


I had a whole duffel bag of GamePro Mags from the 90s and maybe earlier, there around somewhere. I never liked EGM anyways. After my dad refused to extend my GamePro Subscription, when I got a job, Well I was making 5.90 at the time, this was about a year and a half ago mind that. I was subscribe to them for 3-4 years. I just couldnt afford them. Now I could. But I have a free sub from Game Informer, that i got from gamestop as a promo. I will one day get back into GamePro.

Sorry EGM, :P.


Fuck! I used to love EGM D: but I haven`t read them in ages so...

Was EGM the mag that once answering a reader mail, said that Aeris was killed by Sefiroth?

I think a reader asked if there was any way to revive Aeris after being killed by Sephi, and they answered there was no way to do that.

And I think the next issue, readers who didnt play the game yet were so mad, so did I too.

Anyway, you will be missed EGM :sad:

And Gamepro sux!!! :mad:


Holy fucking shit.

I JUST payed for a new subscription too, AFTER I bought one from RLN Inc.


Well at least now I won't have any more OCD problems with my EGM collection (which is now roughly 140 lbs of print)

Edit: Shit, they owe me a game too. I was letter of the month in October 2008. Shit!


Wow. Just wow. I can't believe it's going away. I figured Gamepro would disappear before it. Next will be Play, mark my words, maybe.

That's sad. This isn't the news I was wanting to hear starting today. But with the economic struggles these days, it's possible. Not to mention this buyout has been a long time coming.

Such a shame.

Game Informer and the word "decent" don't go in the same sentence for me. I tried to read that magazine for a while, but the visual style, writing and coverage just felt... "meh". Not to mention, I disagreed with their reviews more often than not during the 16bit/32bit/Dreamcast eras, and things like that tend to keep you from coming back.

Obviously, EGM going away is tragic. I literally bought the FIRST issue off newstands when it came out. Did I just date myself? Anyways, it's been a mainstay. I guess they feel the online presence is more lucrative, but for a site like that it seems that having the print counterpart is key. Maybe not, who knows...

Tangent, but regarding Game Informer... I certainly *used* to have a so-so to bleh feeling about it, to be honest. Seemed a little thin, corporatey, dumbed-down, etc. But that was a few years ago; recently, admittedly because they ran an interview with us, I subscribed, and personally I've been really happy with it.

I hope GI or someone else can at least snatch Sean Baby or pick up doing some of the more fun stuff EGM always ran; that's what's been setting it apart for me, lately. Also, they did that awesome piece on Maezawa.


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