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Oh well. Hollywood is out of ideas these days.

Because now they've shifted from comics, to Saturday kid's shows from the 80's/90's, Video Games (until they get it right), and now anime.

Honestly, I hated the ending to Cowboy Bebop's final episode. The series as a whole was good (I loved the music, every bit of it), but I felt like I was punched in the gut with the conclusion being what it was.

I honestly don't care that they're doing a Bebop movie. All I can say is good luck to the company trying to pass that title off to movie goers unfamiliar with the Anime.

I'm just curious who could play Lupin the 3rd, or Vash the Stampede for that matter.

I never went into it thinking everyone would like what I wrote (though they certainly did at the time!), but the point I'm making--that I've made before--is that people in this country can be unfairly biased towards subtitles for inexplicable reasons.

By the way...

You're not in any position to judge, either, so long as you fit squarely into someone else's pocket.

First of all, I'm an anime fan, but I don't watch subtitled Anime for a simple reason: I can't watch the action and read at the same time. So I just watch the dubbed anime instead. Am I missing out on other anime that's only been subbed? Probably. Unless it's a series I'm absolutely excited about, then I don't worry about it.

Also, don't sit there and presume that I'm in anyone's "pocket". And I don't know what crawled up whatever and died, but you might consider dislodging it, and not attack me here on the forums. You want to talk about it, hit me up on IRC, or PM me. My comment was appropriate because you basically called someone a fag for watching something they enjoy. So apparently, it upset you. Well, you will get no apology from me. You deserve what you bring on yourself, and the same is true of me. But in this case, back off, sit down, shut up.

Oh, and in case you have forgotten, it's your attitude that got you banned from #ocremix. Put it in check before you respond to people, or you're going to get the same every time you hop on the forum.

On topic: I'm somewhat looking forward to a Cowboy Bebop movie, but not if it's a remake, and not if it's starring Keanu. Sorry, but the idea of Keanu with a 'fro just doesn't excite me at all. I also doubt that they could even get actors that could remotely fill each of the characters properly. It would honestly be like watching the Matrix mixed with a western set in space. And honestly, the ought to let The Matrix series stay firmly where it's at.

:| .......

...... :?

I'm confused... I don't know what to say.. I think Keanu Reeves is awesome... but I dunno... sorry you all feel that way.. I know Hollywood messes up movies... but you may just never know.. Have faith! I hope it turns out at least decent. I've watched the entire series plus the movie... all brilliant.. I've been a fan for a while... I'm actually pretty excited.

Did I find someone on OCR who's POSITIVE? Some one pinch me...


I remember reading about the live action bebop movie on Japanator not long ago ( http://www.japanator.com/elephant/post.phtml?pk=8386 ), they had Johnny Depp as an ideal actor to fill spike's roll. I thought he'd be a good fit for spikes attitude, but not for body or hair (the hair is hella important). So I thought about it for a while after that and came to the conclusion that there really isn't an actor that could caputure spike, he's a character you can only dream up with a pencil and paper, which is the beauty of anime. Easily one of my favoirte fictional characters. Sounds like Keanu thought of this as a "dream project" and now everyone is pissed that it's going to happen.

I'm excited for the movie myself, I think I'm I'm going to take a stance where I'll seperate the movie as it's own interperatation apart from the anime. The anime IS my favorite anime, still haven't found anything that has fascinated me more in the anime world.

You could relate this situation to videogame remixing. First there is the original, then there is a dude (myself) that wants to interperate the original in the style of ska. Well, there might be a few folks that laugh and pass it by, but no one is going to freak out at me and say I am ruining the original and never should have tried to do it!! Well maybe there would be but I'll just say "screw you", I'm doing it anyways, and you can suck a binky and stop whining, cause I'm having fun, no one told you that you had to listen to my remix. But most likely thats not going to happen in the vgremix world. In the movie world it's different, like all of a sudden we live in a world full of whiny fanboys that demand this and that, and they'll do the "sign the petition!!" crap to stop a certain group of people (that happen to have the money and resources to actually make something worth watching) choose how they want to interperate the source. It's hiddious... If Keanu wants to do this "dream job", let him, don't take it from the dude, let him have fun and be creative, I've enjoyed his movies, maybe he's not the first person I'd think of as a spike. If you (all you freaky fanboys) want to see it done better then do it yourself and quit whinning, suck on your binky and enjoy some bebop.

I do however hope they keep the same flavor with the music, hell they should hire on Yoko Kanno to do the music, hopefully they don't turn it into matrix electronica crap (good for matrix, not for this). If the music was different, they might as well take the "bebop" out of the name. And personally, if they did a remake of any of the episodes, they should do either the mushroom one or the refridgerator one. Haha.



Enh Whatever. Anime is terrible anyway.

So to offset fanboys, I will offer facts in Keanu's defense.

Fact: Keanu Reeves is one half of the greatest movie ever made: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

Fact: Keanu Reeves once stopped a bus from exploding, WITH HIS MIND!!

Fact: Keanu Reeves was the first choice for Luke Skywalker, but was already working on Bill and Ted so he couldn't do it.

Fact: Bill and Ted is actually a documentary on Keanu Reeve's teenage years spent with George Carlin and Beethoven.

Fact: Phil Collins once wrote a song about Keanu's nickname "Sudio."

Fact: Keanu caught all 150 Pokemon using only Pokeballs and Splash Attacks.

Fact: Keanu is the only person to get every single achievement for the Xbox 360's game library. Gamerscore currently sits at 2,234,869,395.

Fact: Keanu is the inspiration behind 97% of all Overclocked Remixes to date.

Fact: Keanu Reeves is an unlockable Super Street Fighter 2 character. You have to beat the game with all availible chaacters, including Sheng Long, without taking any damage.

Fact: Keanu once ate Texas.

Fact: Keanu has his own planet, in which the year lasts about 10 hours.

Fact: Keanu is friend to children and puppies.

Fact: Keanu Reeves created anime. You all like anime right?

Fact: Keanu is clearly a good choice when it comes to playing Spike from Cowboy Bebop.

Now lets stop all the fussing and the feuding, because he is gonna make the goddamn movie anyway and every single one of you fanboys are gonna pay $17 to see it.

/thread over


It's easy to dislike the casting of Mr. Woah, because he has become the default science fiction choice, and Hollywood (generalisation) is an insecure entity having trouble creating something original, thus following the path of least resistance (licensing existing ideas, remakes, or picking Keanu in a science fiction production).

At the end of the day, I really don't care what happens to narrow things like these popular productions (movies, remakes, television series, and the like), because I don't make it a religion. I assume this applies to most people, but the fact that so many people appear to express their interest in such matters in general (not just here) reflects how shallow existence is. :D

You could relate this situation to videogame remixing. First there is the original, then there is a dude (myself) that wants to interperate the original in the style of ska.

This is where I tell you to make a ska Cowboy Bebop cover for my animeremix site :3

I could totally see a Real Folk Ska happening, actually. FUND IT

Jesus christ what

I think he meant $17 to see it multiple times, and then rent the DVD and then buy it, and then buy it on bluray, and then find $50 on the street so it evens out to about $17.

Fact: Keanu once ate Texas.

Ummm, some of your facts are a little wrong, especially this one. He ate Texas three times, at least.

I think he meant $17 to see it multiple times, and then rent the DVD and then buy it, and then buy it on bluray, and then find $50 on the street so it evens out to about $17.

Ummm, some of your facts are a little wrong, especially this one. He ate Texas three times, at least.

I was talking about inflated Japan movie ticket prices.

On the subject of Texas Consumptions however, only one time has been scientifically proven. As none of the residents of the Lone Star State noticed the passing through the digestive track of Mr. Reeves, only once has it been proven through medical and scientific means. The other two are currently under review.

Anymore times after that, are believed to have been caused by Lawrence Fishbourne on one of his "binges."


You have this weird habit of inferring more than what's actually being said.

My comment stands. It's funny how you always seem to be the first to try and call me out on something--like you're not even reading what I say and are just blowing your rage-load the first chance you get.

In case you WEREN'T listening (and I know you weren't) I'll say it again.

People who treat subtitled works like they're godsent and infallible are fags for the pure reason that they prefer listening to someone jabber in a language they don't understand than in one they do.

And you're a fag for getting upset over something that wasn't even directed at you, therefore, derision.


Ahh, but Ferret, you are being extremely simplistic there.

For one, language is considerably more than the words you say. The intonation of the speech, timing, and emotional content is just as important as the actual words. What people who watch subtitled foreign films seek is the meaning of the words (which they get from the text below) as well as the director's original intention for the intonation, timing, and emotional content. Often dubbed works fail to include proper intonation, timing, and emotional content, meaning that they are exactly as effective as someone simply reading the words that the subtitle would have given the viewer.

That isn't to say that all dubbing is bad, note, just trying to teach you what people are actually looking for in a subtitle. People don't watch subtitled films/shows because they "like to hear someone jabber in a language they don't understand."

Make sense?

There already is a Cowboy Bebop movie, and for what it was, it was goddamn awesome.

Yes. This.

Yeah, I will say I really did enjoy the dubbed Bebop. Every once in a while, an anime will get a cast of voice actors that nails the characterization, and this was one instance of that. I really can't bare to hear anyone but Steven Blum talking as Spike.

more tl;dr

I'm talking about the people who specifically go out of their way to avoid watching dubs because they are dubs. As if the original voice actors are any better at what they do than the guys working for the five or six studios that are even bothering to license, translate, and distribute titles.

Not to mention that subbed shows are hit-or-miss, especially considering how not everyone who tries to translate stuff is any good at it. And it's not that hard to find examples of what I'm talking about, either.

As far as idioms and cultural nuances go, perhaps you do lose something in the translation, but then, we have our own sayings and aphorisms and things of that nature that probably don't translate accurately, either.

It's a two-way street.

And by the way, no, they will not do a better job than Knocking on Heaven's Door, though this is the Live-Action vs. Animated bias talking.

You have this weird habit of inferring more than what's actually being said.

My comment stands. It's funny how you always seem to be the first to try and call me out on something--like you're not even reading what I say and are just blowing your rage-load the first chance you get.

In case you WEREN'T listening (and I know you weren't) I'll say it again.

People who treat subtitled works like they're godsent and infallible are fags for the pure reason that they prefer listening to someone jabber in a language they don't understand than in one they do.

And you're a fag for getting upset over something that wasn't even directed at you, therefore, derision.

First of all, I don't recall anyone actually talking about how subtitled versus dubbed was good, bad or otherwise. If I'm wrong, then quote who said it, and that'll be fine. Secondly, you need to stop the name calling, and I'm saying this from a stand point that you have an attitude problem. Now it's funny, you can act like a decent human being in public at MAGFest, but when you're on the forums or in IRC, you act like a complete jackass. Pick one behavioral pattern and stick with it please. Preferably the nice Ferret we used to know and like. Because we all know you're a decent guy when you're not raging about something.

So, below is my quote which you responded to above.

First of all, I'm an anime fan, but I don't watch subtitled Anime for a simple reason: I can't watch the action and read at the same time. So I just watch the dubbed anime instead. Am I missing out on other anime that's only been subbed? Probably. Unless it's a series I'm absolutely excited about, then I don't worry about it.

Also, don't sit there and presume that I'm in anyone's "pocket". And I don't know what crawled up whatever and died, but you might consider dislodging it, and not attack me here on the forums. You want to talk about it, hit me up on IRC, or PM me. My comment was appropriate because you basically called someone a fag for watching something they enjoy. So apparently, it upset you. Well, you will get no apology from me. You deserve what you bring on yourself, and the same is true of me. But in this case, back off, sit down, shut up.

Oh, and in case you have forgotten, it's your attitude that got you banned from #ocremix. Put it in check before you respond to people, or you're going to get the same every time you hop on the forum.

On topic: I'm somewhat looking forward to a Cowboy Bebop movie, but not if it's a remake, and not if it's starring Keanu. Sorry, but the idea of Keanu with a 'fro just doesn't excite me at all. I also doubt that they could even get actors that could remotely fill each of the characters properly. It would honestly be like watching the Matrix mixed with a western set in space. And honestly, the ought to let The Matrix series stay firmly where it's at.

And this particular quote right here, should speak volumes to you, because honestly, you're not in a position to respond like you do to others, what the hell did they ever do to you?

Hm, last I checked, you weren't exactly someone in a position to judge anyone else. Mr. I-write-risqué-stories.

I don't think Keanu is right for the part either, but hey, maybe he really will surprise us...and maybe not... Whoa...

You're one of those fags who only watches shitty subtitled anime, aren't you?

This was your original post. Had you said PEOPLE instead of FAGS, I would never have responded how I initially responded. Therefore, learn the f***ing lesson already, and move on. It's not rocket science damn it. I'm not trying to s**t on you. I just don't want to see you get yourself into trouble. Geez.

I still don't believe that Keanu is right for the part. Honestly, they shouldn't even make this movie, it'll be a total flop. And yes, I agree, the Cowboy Bebop movie was excellent. I very much loved that film. And no, I watched it DUBBED, because again, I don't like to read while I'm watching a movie.

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