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Wild Arms: ARMed and DANGerous - History

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This is starting to make my skin crawl. Neither bLiNd nor JaDE have signed in since August 26.

UPDATE: I checked JaDE's user profile, and it says she's laid off again. Unless it's OLD'D, this means she's been absent to focus on a job search.


I know I don't log on much, but I figured I would make a note here that Jades E-mail address is no long functioning. I tried to send out and e-mail recently, and I got back a message that states that the address no longer exists. Not sure what is going on, but I hope everything is ok with both of them.


UMMM not diggin it. Jade better get on here quick or my song will go somewhere else. Tsk, not cool especially when I'm directing my own project and trying to gain some rep :(


Jade asked me and abg to assistant direct the project some time ago. I would assume that, if she's not available, you can defer to either abg or myself for some WIP reviewing. No project decisions will be made on her behalf, but at the very least we can do what we were asked to do, which was basically follow her direction as well as give WIP feedback.

If you're trying to get feedback on your WIP, seeing as Jade isn't reachable right now, send abg or myself a PM. I have not heard from Jade in a little while myself, but I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure she'll show up in the thread sooner or later. We do have a little while before the next deadline anyway.


ok ok,

i do have a new twitter, and a new url for my website and a new facebook music page. I am no longer having a personal page for personal reasons. I will relaunch everything when my album is done most likely. Jade and I are working things out so we are staying away from the online communities but she is aware of her project at the moment. You can send your WIPs to Stevo and ABG for feedback as he suggested as I am in over my head with life right now. Don't worry though we haven't dropped off the face of the planet. She told me yesterday she has a lot to catch up on, including this project so keep trucking away people

EDIT: I reactivated my PMs if you need to contact me for any reason

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back everyone! Thank you for missing me. I read what everyone had to say and my inbox is indeed full so I will clean out within 2 days and reply in a orderly fashion.

Long story short - The hard drive to the laptop I was using crashed so I lost everyone's work from July to the time I disappeared... so I will get those tracks back from Stevo. I am still currently in Colorado living with my older brother and he is extremely cheap (lol) so we tend to "steal" internet elsewhere. When my laptop got repaired, we didn't have the internet for a while so I took the time to catch up on some movies and played a few games. Ironically enough, the game I decided to play got it's project posted recently. That was a major coincidence. I'm speaking of Final Fantasy V, obviously. I have a lot to catch up on, especially music-wise on OCR. I will admit, I did really need time for myself and I'm glad I did that.

If something happens to me again, please go to Stevo, abg or bLiNd. PM or e-mail them for anything regarding the project. I will IM certain individuals so we can catch up. I might make a new s/n because for some odd reason "jadearanharuno" is locked. My new e-mail address is lockhartofstrength84@gmail.com.

So start a conversation. How is everyone doing?


I don't think I could be doing much better. The summer quarter ends in a week (I'm excited for this October), and I've been considering playing Wild ARMs again via forbidden purposes (My copy is scratched up), and I was starting to get chills in my gut from wondering what could've happened. I remember swearing I'd be here around Trancegiving, and I have no intention of backing out of such a vow. I'll be here September 26 to see how the repairs are coming along.


Good to hear from you Jade. Hope things are going as well as they can be.

Still keeping tabs on the project, here. From the winds, your team has kept things running, so no stress... just a little played-up drama courtesy of your friendly neighborhood ocr thread. I'm sure folks have missed your direction though; and, like always, it's good to have you around.

Welp, this thread isn't going to stalk itself.

  • 3 weeks later...
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