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Oh, crap, I KNEW I would get flamed for this. . . Alright, alright, just forget everything I said. I shouldn't have posted, I shouldn't have given my opinion, just forget about everything. God, I'm so dumb, why did I write that?! :banghead:

dude, I dunno how to say this .. if you say something like "my opinion is that monkeys should be raped for breakfast" in a monkey loving forum, ofcorse your gonna get flamed, so what if your expressing your opinion? what if you go out to an all african american club or something and say" I hate niggerz!! and thats what I think" .. it's self explainatory .... I think thats kinda stupid.


Listening to the long version now... This is like candy for my ears. Wow.

Oh, crap, I KNEW I would get flamed for this. . . Alright, alright, just forget everything I said. I shouldn't have posted, I shouldn't have given my opinion, just forget about everything. God, I'm so dumb, why did I write that?! :banghead:

Um, calm down. He may have been a little sarcastic but he wasn't flaming you. Since I only lurk here I don't know how bad the flaming can get, but compared to where I usually post (somethingawful.com) that doesn't even barely qualify as a flame. It's not the end of the world here. Have a little respect for yourself.

I actually agree with your opinion somewhat, although on a more specific scale - I think most techno sounds exactly the same, especially trance. Note "most" - this one is one of the few that I absolutely love. Although I'm not saying trance or techno is bad, just that there's a lot of crap out there.

Anyway, I think I'll load up my "SGX-only" playlist for a while. Whee.


Amazing to listen to, after the first time hearing the ocr version I just popped straight to the high-quality one. I've never played ICO before, but I'm going straight to the rental after hearing this. It's robbing me of my coffee right now, but I'm going to listen to it for awhile :)


I think anyone with complaints might need the full version to get the full *effect* :P It really is immersive, like a little world in its own. Occasionally an SGX track *does* seem to be an uninspired, slightly messy compilation of very good *technical* skill, but this shows true inspiration and creativity as well. It's a rush and very pleasing to the ears. (And judging from Kamikaze Noodle's post, other parts of the body as well.)


As far as easy-listening Trance is concerned this is pretty damn classy stuff. They could just add this to the new Robert Miles or Minimalistix-album and it would fit right in.

  • 2 weeks later...

As always SGX provides us with more quality trance and techno music. I'm not the most knowledgealbe person about this type of music, but I know what I like. This I love. But everyone should pick up the full 9 minute version. When he first told me it was 9 minutes I was thinking why would I wanna listen to a song for 9 minutes? But again he amazed me, and at the end of the 9 minutes I found my self wanting more and listening the the song again and again. This is the song that I play for all my friends whenever i tell them that my friend makes music. But seriously, it's amazing.


I thought this mix was VERY good. There is a really good beat, and a professional sound to it. Everything seems to be done perfect. I love piano in techno stuff so HECK YEAH. I got the long high quality version and I have to say I could just listen to it all day. Anyway keep up the good work. :D

  • 3 weeks later...

To be honest I havent heard the edit version. I saw the word "edit" and immediately checked this thread, then went and dl'd the full version. Anyways...

All I can say is... BADASS (in a pretty melodic way :D ). I've been opening my vgmusic directory in winamp and immediately playing this song first for at least a month now (I'm slow at reviewing!)

The 4-4 meat of the mix is very beautiful, love the chirpy 303 energy driving behind the spacey sound of the piano, and then theres that SuperGreenX style hard funky break that gets thrown in the middle with the kid's voice...this mix is so complete it makes me wanna puke (in a good way).

this mix is so complete it makes me wanna puke (in a good way).

8O I don't think I've ever wanted to puke in a good way!

Love it. Its funny how the long version has the exact same feel as the short version, you just feel it longer (thats a good thing). Unfortunately I missed the high-quality version. Could someone gimme a link?

As for the whole genre debate, I can understand someone hating techno or trance cause, frankly, 90% of it sucks. But the same is true for every genre. To judge a genre, you must experience the cream of the crop. This song is prime example of great trance.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This song, I listened to it on repeat for quite a while, checked its file info, saw there's a LONGER version, and went for that. The other's nine minutes long, but it certainly doesn't feel like nine minutes. You get so lost in the melody, the time flies by. This one's nearly three minutes shorter, but still doesn't feel like six and a half minutes.

I love the way the song starts. No beat until 30 seconds in, just melody. The long mix's buildup is longer. Somehow this one seems a bit rushed after listening to the long one, but it IS an edit.

I've never played ICO, but I was curious about any remixes that showed up here since I've heard good things about the OST. Now I think I might have to grab the CD to hear what this music's all about. Great job! :D

  • 3 months later...

Great, now I'll NEVER stop listening to this song. Ever. I already loved the save music, and now you've gone and made it even cooler. I'm a little hesitant to download the 9 min version, I'm afraid it'll BLOW MY MIND!

All stupidity aside, this remix is awesome. It's got a great flow, it starts out mellow, then starts to build, and by the time the melody comes in, I'm ready to get up and start dancing. Also, it really reminds me of the game, and anything that reminds me of Ico is good. Great job, I hope to see some more stuff from you soon.


I'm still relatively new to video game remixes, having only been listening for about 7 months, but there is no doubt in my mind that this is by far the best one I've ever heard. It's not the first remix I've downloaded, but it's the first one I've fallen in love with, and I must have listened to this at least 300 times already. I can honestly call this a perfect song, there is not one thing I can think of that would improve it.

This is the song that made me fall in love with trance and video game remixes, and I've since gone on to become an avid listener of both. Still, I've yet to hear anything from either field that surpasses this one. For that I am eternally in SGX's debt.

  • 9 months later...

I can probably safely say that looking at the Reason source file for this track has helped me bridge the gap between "absolutely horrible, never should see the light of day" tracks to "sounds okay, but it's nothing great or anything" tracks. The source was extremely educational. SGX, how did you ever get so h4wt? :D

Of course, the reason I chose this song was because it was yet another one of those SGX songs that sucked me in with its melodic lines and awesome breakbeat section. It's not exactly the most innovative SGX piece out there but it's definitely a keeper. Two years later, I still love it.

  • 3 weeks later...
Errr. Binster's great, but I made the track, not him.


I jest of course. I only wish I could do this sort of stuff...

(...and seeing as I don't seem to have commented in this thread yet, I should probably add what I think of the track...)

Top marks SGX - captures the feel of the game completely while standing on its own as a complete seperate work of trance genius. Two thumbs up.

  • 2 months later...

Wow, I can't believe I didn't review this one way back when. Okay, so review number 2 on my "review all" list.

This is defenitely one of my all time favorites from this site. It takes the techno sound and transforms it through the ICO medium into something that just carries the listener into a realm of fantasy. I'm hesitant to listen to the full 9 minute version, simply because this one is so good, and I can't think of anything to add to it. I personally like its brevity (well, brief when compared to 9 minutes!). The voice tracks are brilliant, as well.

I think the final thing to say is that this is the song which made me buy the game, and you can't get much better than that. I give it 5/5.

EDIT: Okay. I broke down and downloaded the full version. Looking forward to it.

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