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OCR00214 - Lunar: The Silver Star "Singing Pretzel"


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Lunar: The Silver Star 'Singing Pretzel'

Just.. .. DJP.. You know we all love you right? The remix is awesome,

but please, don't sing.. I really like this remix.. I really really do, but

it just makes me feel dirty to know it's you singing. :( When I do a

remix that I sing in, and I do plan on doing that, THEN I'll quit bitching. (:

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  • 3 months later...

This is a VERY nice ReMix. The electronic (instrumental) aspects are all superb. The vocals are surprisingly professional and are actually astoundingly good! The drum loop is very satisfying, with a very exciting (if predictable) beat. The modulation is above average, even for DJP. The only criticism I can make is that DJP needs to enunciate more. Then again, I suppose I'm the pot calling the kettle black, but we can all learn from some constructive criticism. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

:::Screams and covers ears::: MY EARS ARE BLEEDING!!!!! Nah im just kidding, its a great remix man, i know how it feels to record a vocal, you never think it's right you get real insecure about it. I'm glad you mustered up the courage to submit it, i know it would have been tough for me!! But saying that i work for a anime fan sub group, and im lending vocals to someones new remix that i hope you will post real soon!


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  • 1 month later...

OH my i am afraid this one is what we call bad... I am sorry to say that i love Lunar it is my favorite game of all time, but this mix is bad. I really don't like the singing. I loved djpretzels Xenogears mix were he sings but this one is best put by my good friend Nall.... MY EARS!!! THEY ARE BLEEDING!!! 3/10 sadly you got a three because i love the game and that is only why.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Actually, I never liked the original much, but this is pretty good--until the end when vocals get a bit messed, though I must say that I would be pretty hard to sing the female part. I would have to say that SSSC's theme is better, and you could probably do a pretty good cover of that, too.

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  • 1 month later...

I love how you throw in that random solo in for no good reason.

I haven't heard the original, but from the melody (I'm assuming you sang the exact tune with no variation) it doesn't really please me.

I was just going to post the top sentence, but I saw there were actually people who took the time to actually say something about it =)

I'd listen to anything else any day =)


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I didn't make this, btw. It was my evil twin brother, Zorlog, whom the family keeps in a cage and only lets out for sunlight on the summer solstice. He must have used what little time he had whilst emancipated to record a questionable Lunar mix, w/ vocals, and post it under my name. Bastard.

Along with my Contra and Sailor Moon mixes, not my finest hour, admittedly. Has some redeeming qualities, but not redeeming enough. Might one day return to re-record and attempt to fix this sonic injustice, but I seem to remember something about not tempting the fates twice . . .

Relative to much of what I've heard in my tenure as the Rupert Giles of OCR, however, I do still find this listenable.

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  • 1 month later...

hey Pretzel.. don't feel bad, it was actually pretty good... cept I couldn't understand a damn word in it.. of course that might have been the generous amount of crack I had smoked earlier that made it alright.. I'll try listening to it again soon.. not now.. collloors :P


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  • 4 weeks later...

Wait a minute, that wasn't so bad. Actually the singing pitches were very well controlled in the song. The beginning of song turned out very nice too, in my opinion, the best part of the song. It had a nice soft atmosphere to it. The singing did become a little repetitious, but that was because of the song's tune itself. Yeah, it is kind of a difficult song to sing to, but the effort was admirable. So a pat on the back for djpretzel.

ho ho ho


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:| Well, I liked the solo... Er, sorry DJP, but these vocals are pushed too far in the back and poorly recorded. I'm not saying I'm any better a singer or anything, but people criticize works of art they could never make themselves all the time. I think it would be a good idea to retry this, record the vocals better or something. The instrumental aspects are very well done, if not a bit muddy. The bass pwnz me, so kudos for that.
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Hey, I think this took guts. I don't know the original song, but I like the quality of DJP's voice here. It coulda been recorded with a little better quality, I grant you, but the singing itself actually rawks. He sounds like a mellower version of George Michael (and that's a compliment!), and I think the effect fits the song.

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Sorry, I still gotta call this bad. Not because djpretzel is a bad singer--I really liked 7YearsBroken--but because this was just a pretty bad take. In any case, not the worst OCRemix I've heard, but pretty far down. Glad to see that with experience comes improvement; maybe one of these days I'll take a crack at singing.

(If that happens, then fly, you fools!)

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Hey, I like it! I went through 1-4, then repeated them with emphasis, and figured I was in for a ride. I was ready to cringe, too...

Regardless, you did a great job with this, and managed to turn a song I can't stand into a song I enjoy. Imagine that.

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  • 3 months later...

I am quite a very good singer (even on boy band levels) And I thought that Pretzel did a very nice job on this remix. I haven't actually heard this version of this song but I am very pleased with how it turned out.

Oh and one more thing.

Tell Zorlog that my good bud of his Zarnoff says "Hi!"

Peace Pretzel

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