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Sure, I've got a small arcade that's part of a go-kart park where I play DDR at, but most of their games are redemption(tickets)...boring.

There's a Mario Bros/Donkey Kong/Donkey Kong Junior cabinet that I recently started playing on after I get done with DDR so I can cool off. My friend and I played what felt like an hour trying to get the high score. I've never seen most of the levels because back then DK Jr. just seemed so hard, so I'd give up on the first stage. :P

There's a pretty nice arcade about an hour from where I live, but sadly it's going to be shut down due to high expansion or some crap. The owners are going to retire after they shut it down instead of relocating. Sad :[

Anyone have any really nice arcades in their area? I'm sure people in California have pretty sweet arcades since there are a million locations that have DDR/ITG/etc machines. Or anyone here in Japan? I know the arcades over there are pretty sweet. I know Evilhead is off the top of my head, but I havne't seen him post in a while.


Usually once a year, we go to see my extended family down in Chicago. Next to the Woodfield mall they have a Gameworks, which is filled to bursting with arcade games. They've got a ton of stuff. Off the top of my head, I can remember a Metal Slug 5, MvC2, tons of assorted light gun games, F-Zero AX, classics like DK, Dig-Dug, and Pac-man, as well as 4 Mario Kart Arcade machines that were only made available in Japan! They let you use credits on a gameworks card instead of the usual quarters, so its all about swiping instead of inserting. Yeah, that place is pretty great...:smile:


Just south of the SF Bay in California here.. there aren't many dedicated arcades around me. The bowling alley has a small array of racers and pinball machines, and Golfland has one.. and the LaserQuest (laser tag) has a small corner of arcade games.. and then you've got your Chuck E. Cheese, but I don't know where the closest one to me is.

But the closest dedicated arcade I know of is on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. Fun place, but by now all the games are old news.

I dunno if its still around, but there was a relatively local Nickel arcade called Nickel City.

I used to go to them all the time as a kid, and all of my saved up tickets are worthless since they're shutting down. Fuck you, Smokin' Token. Fuck you.

edit: oh, and DnB. Hey, I guess there are still a number of em around. I just don't participate.

Usually once a year, we go to see my extended family down in Chicago. Next to the Woodfield mall they have a Gameworks, which is filled to bursting with arcade games. They've got a ton of stuff. Off the top of my head, I can remember a Metal Slug 5, MvC2, tons of assorted light gun games, F-Zero AX, classics like DK, Dig-Dug, and Pac-man, as well as 4 Mario Kart Arcade machines that were only made available in Japan! They let you use credits on a gameworks card instead of the usual quarters, so its all about swiping instead of inserting. Yeah, that place is pretty great...:smile:

When I went with my parents to Vegas a long time ago, we stopped by the Gameworks that was there. Shit was crazy.



Fenrir, you lucky jerk.

I must say, I was never too big into the arcade scene until I got older. When I was in college there was a miniature golf course with a pretty good arcade, and from then on I loved playing in arcades. I think I really fell for one of the Aerofighters Assault shooters on a multi-game arcade cabinet. Lots of good times...

I really wish there was a decent arcade nearby here. Wouldn't mind going there every once and awhile.

I miss your old samus sig.

The orange one? :<

Being in SoCal, there's plenty of arcades around here. There's two within walking distance of my house, one of which is part of a mini golf course. Most of the nearby malls have arcades as well.

Also, walk into any local fast food joint around here and you'll likely bump into a Neo Geo with a Metal Slug, a Samurai Shodown, and an occasional KoF.


About a 100 miles north from me is a themepark which has a small arcade. Everytime i visit, it´s completely empty. Which is stupid, because they got some of the best games there.

House of the Dead 2, Crazy Taxi, 4 Sega Rally cabinets hooked up, Virtua Cop, aaaaaaaaaand.....Time Crisis 2! They get more games every year, but it´s been a while since i´ve been there.

I always go there for two reasons. The go-karts, and Time Crisis.

Speaking of arcade games. I nearly bought Killer Instinct last week. However, the cabinet was trashed, and the seller asked way to much money. Shame, having the arcade version of KI in your living room kicks ass. :P


I recently went to a mini-arcade a while back ago in a movie theater. I reflected on my younger days of when arcades were dying out, but were still a bit big. I take arcades over online play since you can see the person you are fighting against and any attempt at talking shit could result in an ass beating.

Also, walk into any local fast food joint around here and you'll likely bump into a Neo Geo with a Metal Slug, a Samurai Shodown, and an occasional KoF.

Holy cow that is cool.

Every CiCi's pizza I've been to has a tiny arcade, and the one here used to have an arcade with one of those NeoGeo collections, with Metal Slug 2! Which in turn always made me really eager to go to CiCi's.

But time moves on. Now the only good thing is a Mrs. Pac-Man/Galaga combo.

There's also this place called Funstation, but how that place hasn't run out of business yet is beyond me.

About a 100 miles north from me is a themepark which has a small arcade. Everytime i visit, it´s completely empty. Which is stupid, because they got some of the best games there.

House of the Dead 2, Crazy Taxi, 4 Sega Rally cabinets hooked up, Virtua Cop, aaaaaaaaaand.....Time Crisis 2! They get more games every year, but it´s been a while since i´ve been there.

I always go there for two reasons. The go-karts, and Time Crisis.

Speaking of arcade games. I nearly bought Killer Instinct last week. However, the cabinet was trashed, and the seller asked way to much money. Shame, having the arcade version of KI in your living room kicks ass. :P

I know how you feel about time crisis. I ended up buying time crisis 3 used with 2 guncon 2s, and crisis zone, but they wont work on my HDTV. So I have to use my shitty 25" tv in the bedroom, but damn its still fun.


Sologamer, where do you live in socal? I live in Escondido, and I can't find a single arcade. Funny this thread should pop up. I've been conducting gaming cafe searches looking for any place I could go to get a challenge --with no success. It doesn't help that I don't know which keywords to use...


I love to look for arcades whenever I travel somewhere new.

The ones that stick out the most in memory:

Florida -


The World's Largest McDonald's (or whatever). They have DDR extreme, PIU pro, some awesome drum game, and an F-Zero AX machine(very nice arcade cab).

Space World Arcade(or whatever that place is called in Disney World). They have some awesome fire-fighter game (I believe it's called "Real Heroes" or something quirky like that.) Also, some other oddball machines that I can't recall anymore, and I think a DDR machine.

Pizza Planet Arcade: This place was pretty nice. It has a Pump It Up New Xenesis machine, an Afterburner Legends Machine, A donkey kong jr. machine was upstairs as well. And then there is a random tekken 5 arcade cab in the corner

Maryland -

(Anne Arundel County)

Dave & Busters (aka "The last real arcade chain on the planet" ) -

It had the following:

Pump It Up Pro machine

Tekken 5 arcade machine

A massive Virtua Tennis Machine

Assorted other machines (house of the dead 2&3, racing games, etc. Nothing else of note)

Virginia -

(Fairfax County)

Fun & Games -

A very nice traditional arcade:

ITG & DDR Supernova machines

SC2, SF:III TS, Tekken 5 cabs, and some assorted japanese arcade games like Raiden or something.

Those are all of the arcades I've visited that I thought were pretty nice.


Tekken 5 arcade cabs are teh sex. They have like two twenty inch lcd screens back to back with surround sound speakers and really nice arcade parts. :}

Don't lie to me...that's a movie.


I actually haven't seen any arcades here in Misawa...:{

Believe it or not Pizza Planet is an actual restaurant. And it has a pretty nice selection of arcade games.

I'm not sure if you were serious or not, but I am.

Space World Arcade(or whatever that place is called in Disney World).

Do you mean DisneyQuest? DisneyQuest is pretty cool because you pay for a ticket to get in but don't have to pay for any of the actual games, which is awesome. Sadly, the last time I was there (which was... oh, maybe ten years ago) their actual arcade game selection wasn't too great -- most of the focus was on weird "virtual reality" game/ride things. Maybe that's changed, though.

Dave & Busters (aka "The last real arcade chain on the planet" )

Is that any good? There's one (relatively) close to me and I keep meaning to get some friends together and check it out, but I've never actually been. Booze and video games never go badly together.


I live in Portland OR, there's this sweet arcade downtown I go to quite often (mainly to play street fighter games against people in the flesh, there aint nothing like it) called Ground Kontrol. Flippin tight, has every classic arcade game you can think of, mainly 70's 80's and 90's, not too many new machines.

It turns into a bar at 5, at the bar you can play nes games. Awesome atmosphere, they have a stage where they have shows and "Rock Band Tuesday", where tons people come to get smashed and play rock band, flippin hilarious.

Best arcade I've ever been to.

Too bad next gen online game play has killed off most arcades, it's fun playing SFIV againts someone across the country, but it's just not the same when they're not right next to you, that and when someone mops the floor with your ass you can give em the finger, sure you can flip off the tv but we all know you're not accomplishing anything.


There aren't many reasons to visit Utah, but if you're looking for an arcade it's a good one. Besides the mall chains that are still around, there's a chain of Nickelcades all over the Wasatch front. They don't fix broken machines worth a damn, but for the money it's a great, disturbingly nostalgic good time.

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