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Holy shit, I didn't realize Xenophule was such a badass!

I was about to ask, was that really Xeno or just someone borrowing his name.

He didn't even post here anymore when that happened.


Near the end of Unmod. I forget if most of my threads were boring or not -- guess not remembering doesn't say much, ha ha. Only one I remember was the zombification one, though it's too bad there weren't any other shoopers at the time because everyone wanted to be a zombie.






Jesus. That shit brings a tear to my eye. Sir_Nuts. Also, holy crap, didn't realize that Atomic Fog, Atomic Dog, and Wacky were around back then. Serves me right for going on a 2 year hiatus. And I knew I knew the name bagel fuzzynuts from somewhere. Also, does anyone know where INJIN and her shit post modern arguments went to? God I miss those.

UnMod question

after the deletion of UnMod, many people were banned. At once. And chaos and disorder reigned among the people

Why were these specific people banned?

When OCR switched from phpBB to vBulletin, the banlist didn't transfer correctly. As a result, all of the people who'd been banned previously were no longer banned. Once a few people discovered that, they spread the word and all started posting again. Larry and I starting going back and banning everyone who'd been banned before again, and people got angry about this, so they started using alt accounts to spam the forums. This was about a week before UnMod was deleted.

UnMod was deleted on a Saturday night during MagFest. Most of the site staff was in attendence, partying up and generally having a good time, save for me and Smoke (who was a moderator at the time). Once the forum was actually deleted, there were only two moderators available to deal with the subsequent fallout, which was pretty bad. There was a lot of spam in General Discussion that night, and not just whiney threads; there was some really vile, abusive stuff being posted, particularly about pixietricks, who was a judge at the time.

Most of this was coming from a stream of alt-accounts that were being banned as soon as they posted something, but it was still a massive amount of garbage coming through. There was one particular graphic that was being posted over and over again that featured some pretty hateful, abusive comments. Smoke and I tried to delete and ban as soon as we could, but we were still getting used to the new forum software, which had only gone live a week before.

The worst part about that night for me was that someone had written an image-embed script and made it so that if any of the site staff loaded the image that was in a post, they'd see some innocuous brain-teaser (it worked by checking the client's hostmask), whereas everyone else would see the previously mentioned abusive graphic. I realized that this was happening about 10-15 minutes after the first usage of it, and connected to OCR via proxy so that I could moderate the forums properly; using a proxy would prevent me from seeing the harmless image and show me what everyone else was seeing.

After about 10 minutes of non-stop editing, deleting, banning via proxy, I realized that I was spending my Saturday night--hell, the last couple of months--on one of the most worthless endeavours ever: trying to moderate childish, ignorant, hateful people with an unbelievable sense of entitlement. That night showed me the absolute worst the community had to offer.

I shut off my computer and decided to watch kung fu movies with my dad instead. The next day, I resigned from all of my staff positions on OCR.

I went off on a tangent for a little bit, so to get back to the point: people were banned because they did some bad shit. Mostly spamming and harassment.


darke still has a point. dave decided to delete unmod. he had been warning people that he'd be deleting unmod for weeks. then he did it, and people went apeshit and were like OMG Y DID U DO THAT and started posting some of the most hateful shit i've ever seen...because he deleted a fucking subforum. THAT HE WARNED THEM HE WOULD DELETE. the worst part was when they went after Jill, they posted some really nasty stuff about her. really callous trash.

it's dave's site, and he can do what he wants to do with it. it's not like those spamwhores were actually contributing something to the forums besides worthless shit and porn and garbage.

darke still has a point. dave decided to delete unmod. he had been warning people that he'd be deleting unmod for weeks. then he did it, and people went apeshit and were like OMG Y DID U DO THAT and started posting some of the most hateful shit i've ever seen...because he deleted a fucking subforum. THAT HE WARNED THEM HE WOULD DELETE. the worst part was when they went after Jill, they posted some really nasty stuff about her. really callous trash.

it's dave's site, and he can do what he wants to do with it. it's not like those spamwhores were actually contributing something to the forums besides worthless shit and porn and garbage.

I seem to remember djp saying that the forum was going to be turned into a moderated one, not simply deleted out of the blue. THAT is what set people off as I understand it.

After about 10 minutes of non-stop editing, deleting, banning via proxy, I realized that I was spending my Saturday night--hell, the last couple of months--on one of the most worthless endeavours ever: trying to moderate childish, ignorant, hateful people with an unbelievable sense of entitlement. That night showed me the absolute worst the community had to offer.

I shut off my computer and decided to watch kung fu movies with my dad instead. The next day, I resigned from all of my staff positions on OCR.

I went off on a tangent for a little bit, so to get back to the point: people were banned because they did some bad shit. Mostly spamming and harassment.

In absolutely all fairness and seriousness, how was this not expected? If i were a moderator, I'm sure I would have felt the same way. But UnMod's deletion was like the 9/11 of OCR.

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