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  • 8 years later...
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UnMod was before my time, but I am considered a consequence of the chain of actions that destroyed it since I was pulled into its gravity from neighboring orbits. Somewhat fitting since I am the insanity of UnMod given flesh, form and sentience. I was literally born from the destruction of UnMod, so I am indeed still alive from it in a manner of speaking.

As the self-proclaimed manifestation of unmoderated late-aught intellectual entropy and solipsistic cacophony, I rise above the rabble to zealot's zenith upon yonder mountain and command all of you to burn in your own personal eternal hells for the hubris mankind has erred to inter throughout the virgin lands betwixt the yearning of Sol's bore and its own perverse manifest destiny!

Burn betwixt, I said!

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This is a new account with a new name, but I was quite the lurker of this board back in "the day."

With the exception of someone named Brad, who built my first custom gaming PC for me (and who I discovered through here) I don't know any of you personally.

That being said, I used to have a printed, physical 30-or-so-page set of hilarity that I had saved from UnMod. I took it to my high school and shared them with friends.

It was called "glue.doc" but I can't remember what joke the glue was in reference to.

The only thing I really remember from it was "Bo the Destroyer says: Time to take your medicine!" Some guy's sig, with prescription bottles that had fuses coming out of the lids.

Anyway. The dark ages, before the advent of easily-sharable memes.

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