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Gold and Silver are actually the only Pokemon games in the normal series I didn't play (though I did only play Emerald of the RSE generation). That said I can't really muster the excitement for this. Pokemon requires too much effort for too little payoff. Levelling up and evolving the critters, filling out the dex... It's just not all that satisfying after a while.


On the contrary d00d, filling out the dex, evolving, and all that jazz, has a huge payoff when the little kid accross from you has his dreams of Pokemon mastery destroyed when his team of mistrained legends get trounced by your Weavile that was properly trained.

True story btw, they had a tournament here in Japan and I totally rocked the face of this kid who thought 6 Mewtwos would bring him the gold.

His tears quenched my thirst.

I have a made idea for a pokemon remake. Don't.

The series has been going nowhere since gold/silver (perhaps the reason behind the announcement?), so unless nintendo can make it not suck, just put the franchise out of its misery. I mean, seriously, how is it still alive?!

(I'm not trying to say anything to start a flame war here, but I am saying that nintendo needs to up the ante on the series, or just stop making them)

You could say that about just about every game out there, do you think all games should just stop being made. :P

Maybe they should, I dunno.

Just wait for the remix project :P

I'm waiting with great impatience in fact :D

I really hope that it will satisfy me, because the Pokémon soundtracks are too much underrated and I always loved them...

Anyway I'm pretty sure that, with that project, at least some tracks will have the respect that they reserve :)


I remember playing gold and silver back in the day, I could not believe it when I found out you could go back to Kanto. Hopefully they'll expand on the Kanto region in the remake with more things to do instead of just flying through the gyms.

I went straight from Red and Blue to Platinum

what did I miss

You missed the one instance of a rival that didn't need to be strangled.

Red/Blue: Arrogant prick who always claims to be better than you no matter how many times you obliterate him.

Gold/Silver: Arrogant prick who always claims to be better than you no matter how many times you obliterate him. Also a thief.

Ruby/Sapphire: Mild-mannered. Friendly. No delusions of superiority.

Diamond/Pearl: Arrogant prick who always claims to be better than you no matter how many times you obliterate him. Also a hyperactive twatbasket.

Presumably, once they're done with remakes, the next generation will feature an arrogant prick who always claims to be better than you no matter how many times you obliterate him and is also a child rapist. Just to keep the trend going.


Soooo happy they're remaking Gold and Silver. It's actually the version I keep playing the most, because I don't enjoy playing Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, or Pearl (no joke). What better timing too because the internal battery of my cartride is actually on the verge of dying.

Looks like I need to buy myself a DS :-).

You missed the one instance of a rival that didn't need to be strangled.

Red/Blue: Arrogant prick who always claims to be better than you no matter how many times you obliterate him.

Gold/Silver: Arrogant prick who always claims to be better than you no matter how many times you obliterate him. Also a thief.

Ruby/Sapphire: Mild-mannered. Friendly. No delusions of superiority.

Diamond/Pearl: Arrogant prick who always claims to be better than you no matter how many times you obliterate him. Also a hyperactive twatbasket.

Presumably, once they're done with remakes, the next generation will feature an arrogant prick who always claims to be better than you no matter how many times you obliterate him and is also a child rapist. Just to keep the trend going.

By that logic, you figure being a hyperactive ten year old is worse than being a thief and vanadalist? XD

By that logic, you figure being a hyperactive ten year old is worse than being a thief and vanadalist?

I'm on the fence.

Granted, I'm probably biased by the fact that I've had to put up with hyperactive children a lot more often than I've had to put up with thieves.

or would just take something more valuable then something that can also be found just walking around outside

Ah ah ah, Bleck. Have you forgotten your lessons so quickly? Going into tall grass without already having a Pokemon of your own is a death sentence.

Those Pidgeys are fucking brutal.

Ah ah ah, Bleck. Have you forgotten your lessons so quickly? Going into tall grass without already having a Pokemon of your own is a death sentence.

Those Pidgeys are fucking brutal.

but if he just wnated a pokemon so he could be a pokemon trainer then why didn't he just ask professor elm for one I mean he was pretty much handing them out

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