Wacky Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 A friend is playing Spore and using the abduction beam, and shows off his gratuitous cruelty by flinging them around- one poor creature, into space. We go back to doing other things, and then he decides to go back to the planet for a proper invasion. His ship is orbiting the planet... And then suddenly a screaming, flailing creature flies past the spaceship, clearly the same one we spaced earlier... still in orbit. Anything as funny? Quote
Palpable Posted May 30, 2009 Posted May 30, 2009 Haha, that one's better than anything I've got. The most I've laughed at a game was probably Wario Ware for GC. The novelty wears off, but the first time I saw my friend get tasked with "JUMP!" and he's riding a skateboard and he doesn't jump the barrier because he doesn't have enough time to think - cracked me up so much. Happened with most of the minigames. Quote
JH Sounds Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 Getting flushed down the toilet in Banjo-Kazooie. Somehow I wasn't expecting that to happen in a E-rated game. Quote
Buttercup Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 It's a WoW story, but I think it's hilarious. So during the Lunar Festival you can run into the opposing faction's capital cities and talk to their elders to complete an acheivement. My friend and I were running through Ironforge, trying to get to the wisdom place; I don't remember what it's called, where the pally and mage trainers are. We got there, died, res'ed and talked to the elder then died. Finally my cooldowns were up and I could res, go invisible, and run and hide in a little house. He met me there, and I'm in the middle of opening a portal when around 8 lvl 80 alliance run in and start killing us. (We were both like lvl 72 at the time.) I just finish the portal and yell for him to run through, when a lock dot's me up. I get through the portal, furiously casting decurse hoping I can get some of the dots off before I die on the other side of the portal. I exit the portal and immediately die. In the middle of my monologue of how much I hate locks, my sister ports to org and ends up standing on my corpse. She gives me a couple of /pokes and I'm laughing too hard to even send her a tell as to what's going on. Finally I call her, and she's all "Why are you dead in Org?" I explain and we laugh and laugh, and then I cancelled my account because WoW is for gays. Quote
Red Shadow Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 My story involves being incredibly high, and super smash bros brawl. Dont know if it counts. Quote
jayc4life Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 Arguably one of my funniest recent gaming moments was beating Mohole this morning in Bionic Commando: Spencer: "Whoa! Is that a long health bar or are you just happy to see me?" If there's ever been a game that's been good at tongue-in-cheek comedy moments, it's Bionic Commando. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 Mother 3. "Ok, wow, I've got some really good news and some really bad news! The good news is I found this fang that'll be great for use as a weapon! The bad news is where I found it... it was impaled through your wife." (that may not be correct word-for-word, but that's the gist of it) Quote
jmr Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 Mother 3."Ok, wow, I've got some really good news and some really bad news. The good news is I found this fang that'll be great for use as a weapon. The bad news is where I found it... it was impaled through your wife." (that may not be correct word-for-word, but that's the gist of it) ...You laughed at that? Quote
Bleck Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 It's a WoW story, but I think it's hilarious. WoW stories have a tendency to not be funny to anyone who doesn't play WoW Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 ...You laughed at that? Yes, very hard. I have a pretty dark sense of humor. Quote
DarkeSword Posted May 31, 2009 Posted May 31, 2009 Threads about video games belong in Community. Furthermore, this has to be the 6th or 7th time I've had to move a video game thread out of Off-Topic into Community. Please put your threads in the proper forums. Quote
PrototypeRaptor Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 The most I've laughed at a game for a LONG time is in Mass Effect during the reporter interview like halfway through the game. She's just asking you some questions about your ship and crew, and if you pick the evil dialog...well...watch for yourself. Oh man, did I crack up. Seriously, hats off to Bioware for one of the greatest moments in gaming EVER. Quote
Global-Trance Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 I was playing Skate 2 when this happened. Ow. The whole front surface of his body would be basically gone. Quote
SwordBreaker Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 Mario Party games tend to be so random my friends and I just have to laugh at some of this shit. Mario Kart: Double Dash battle mode also tends to bring lots of laughs...it's just like a random pool game only you're using green shells to hit other karts. Single-player-wise, one of my most memorable funny games is Conker's Bad Fur Day. The Great Mighty Poo song is a highlight. Anyone of you guys listened to Darth Vader's Japanese voice actor in Soul Calibur IV? I suggest you do, 'cause it sounds extremely HILARIOUS. Dark Side-o no shikamara! LOL! Finally, one of the funniest games recently is MadWorld. Commentary and the ways you kill people are just gold. Quote
The Pezman Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 No More Heroes. "You don't want to hear the story. It will jack up the rating of this game even further." "Well... fast forward through it." So that's exactly what happens. The entire backstory of the final boss is fast-forwarded through, and then you fight her. It's also kind of funny that she'll dodge every attack you throw at her, but not in the same way. And then there's the special ending, but I won't give that away... All of Space Quest 1-3. I preferred 6 myself. Quote
PhiJayy Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 Mario Party games tend to be so random my friends and I just have to laugh at some of this shit. Yea, no kidding. Most of the minigames are random, I always crack up when .HAHAH! Quote
zircon Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 I've told this IRL at a few meetups, but I had a pretty awesome moment in Fallout 3. I had just begun the "Head of State" quest, where you talk to some escaped slaves that want to relocate to the Lincoln Memorial as a safe haven. The leader of the slaves is Hannibal Hamlin. So, as part of the quest, I go to the Memorial to talk to some slavers (the guys that hunt/own/trade the slaves) and then, having completed that, return to the slave hideout. For some reason, Hannibal isn't there. So, I wander around to the northwest when I see an Enclave ship (government soldiers) touch down and start firing in the distance. As I approach, I see it's Hannibal fighting them. Before I can even get close enough to join in, a huge series of nukes go off killing all the Enclave soldiers, Hannibal Hamlin (which makes me lose the quest instantly) AND this random traveling NPC called Crazy Wolfgang, as well as his pack-brahmin. My first thought was just "WTF?" so I went closer... it turns out the Enclave had touched down in a parking lot, and someone shot a missile into a car which caused a chain reaction, killing everything there. I looted all the items (including Hannibal) and then set off to get Wolfgang's stuff, but somehow I LOST KARMA for doing that despite the fact that I basically did nothing except walk into a warzone where everyone died at once. Just a random-ass series of events that was hilarious to watch. Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 My PS1 copy of FFV went back in time and clusterfucked itself into a chronotriggural circle jerk when the two worlds came back together. Details upon request. Edit: If I can remember them correctly. Quote
Strike911 Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 I was playing Smash bros brawl with my buddies just recently. It was a high intensity match just for fun, we had items on, and we were fighting like no tomorrow. Real high intensity and then this happened: My buddy grabbed the slow motion item, and it came on right before I started a Falcon punch. My buddy was playing G&W and was positioned right in front of my Captain Falcon, so I felt like I was surely going to get pummeled for initiating such a slow move while slow motion was going on. So what happens? My buddy, instead of jumping around me and destroying me proper, just stood right in front of me and shielded for 3-4 seconds. Made absolutely no sense. For some unintentional reason he waited for the falcon punch to finish. I have no idea why... it took a few seconds. Me and the other guys playing in the round were laughing our asses off because it was so silly at the time. I think I fell out of my chair. I think it was the lull in intensity (in addition to the silliness of waiting to block a slow motion falcon pauunch) that made it funny. I guess since it was in the heat of the moment and unintentional also made it funnier. Quote
Dr.Flintlock Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 Mine would have to be a combination of funny/awkward. I remember playing Final Fantasy 7 for the first time when I was 13. I was pretty naive and didn't get all the ridiculousness of the entire Don Corneo sequence. The cross-dressing, the gay bar, and all the other innuendos went completely over my head. Now 9 years later, I realize what Tifa meant when she said she'd "RIP them off" Quote
AarowSwift Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 F-Zero X on Gamecube, playing the X cup with randomly generated tracks. Random generator creates a donut track, but a donut with a really tall hill with a severe drop off. Green light, all of my computer controlled opponents zip off the start line. I sit there and watch the car counter. 30 cars...30 cars...30 cars, then they hit the top of the hill. 30 cars...30 cars...29-28-17-12-3-1 car. It's easy to win if all the other drivers plumet to their doom. Quote
Bleck Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 I've told this IRL at a few meetups, but I had a pretty awesome moment in Fallout 3. I had just begun the "Head of State" quest, where you talk to some escaped slaves that want to relocate to the Lincoln Memorial as a safe haven. The leader of the slaves is Hannibal Hamlin. So, as part of the quest, I go to the Memorial to talk to some slavers (the guys that hunt/own/trade the slaves) and then, having completed that, return to the slave hideout. For some reason, Hannibal isn't there. So, I wander around to the northwest when I see an Enclave ship (government soldiers) touch down and start firing in the distance. As I approach, I see it's Hannibal fighting them. Before I can even get close enough to join in, a huge series of nukes go off killing all the Enclave soldiers, Hannibal Hamlin (which makes me lose the quest instantly) AND this random traveling NPC called Crazy Wolfgang, as well as his pack-brahmin. My first thought was just "WTF?" so I went closer... it turns out the Enclave had touched down in a parking lot, and someone shot a missile into a car which caused a chain reaction, killing everything there. I looted all the items (including Hannibal) and then set off to get Wolfgang's stuff, but somehow I LOST KARMA for doing that despite the fact that I basically did nothing except walk into a warzone where everyone died at once. Just a random-ass series of events that was hilarious to watch. I think this is what happened to me in Oblivion except it happened to every single town and before I even got there for the longest time I wondered if there was some huge dragon or something just wandering around killing everything but eventually I realized that the game was just killing itself Quote
souldragon777 Posted June 1, 2009 Posted June 1, 2009 Well I've had a few funny hahas when playing some games but here is one that comes to mind when I played Syphon Filter 2 on PS1. Go to about 3:38 on the video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnlyCgokP0U At first I was like WTF?!? I thought I was the good guy... then I just started cracking up lolz. I guess it is pretty dark humor...but man was it unexpected to hear him say that. Quote
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