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At first, I didn't remember Team Ninja's logo, then I thought, oh, a brand new game, :shock: HOLY CRAP IT'S SAMUS!!!!!

And, it looks to be part 3D, part 2D, that looks AMAZING!!!!! I'm sorry, I can't contain my fanboyism. Dreams DO COME TRUE!!!

I think the whole, Nintendo doesn't care about core gamers thing can be laid to rest for a while now.

I'm actually anxious to try Wii Sports Resort, starting to remind me of Pilotwings just a bit.

I don't know, I was kind of turned off when they started showing plastic toy Samus flinging things around. Still looked reasonably good, though.

you are daft this turned me on immensely

Well we already got Metroidvania, might as well get Metroid Gaiden.

Yeah, I thought the same thing. It looks interesting at the least, but I didn't get too much of a Metroid vibe from that video, just Ninja Gaiden with Samus. I guess I'd need to see more gameplay to get a better idea of how it'll work. I just hope that they don't turn it into a game focused more on action, cheesy storyline, and killing enemies than exploration and atmosphere.


I don't know, lately I feel like Nintendo (although they're not the only company doing this) is going about making cost-effective games the wrong way. Instead of games with new and interesting engines, gameplay, or purposes, they rehash engines, get other companies to make sequels to their IPs, or make games that have no depth (Wii Sports/Music, anyone?), or any combination of the three.

As soon as I heard "Any objections, lady?" I got goosebumps.


YES, I've been waiting so long to know what the deal was with Adam for a long time. Now it looks like we'll finally get to know who he was!


Running around exploring makes for a boring trailer, I guess. Looks like it switches perspectives often, which can be neat. And as for that other blonde girl... I say she's Samus's sister, or a clone.

I just hope that they don't turn it into a game focused more on action, cheesy storyline, and killing enemies than exploration and atmosphere.

I do.

How many Metroid games do we have now where you're dropped somewhere all by yourself to explore giant planet/space ship/whatever with no real narrative to go by?

Too many.

The Metroid universe is giant; vast. There has to be more to it. There are so many STORIES to be explored, it's insane.


Mother brain is back! Ridley also made an appearance, and some black guy Samus should remember.

Also, I guess that this is a more narrative driven Metroid = Samus talks.

What could this mean for the next Zelda?


They've tried to expand the Metroid universe a bit in the last few games, and I personally don't think it's gone all that great. I still cringe at the character designs for the other hunters, who look like they were pulled from Rise of the Robots.

I've always appreciated Metroid's "less is more" approach to story and setting, which result in the feeling of a more expansive world filled with mystery. The irony is that when you over-develop a setting (as in the typical JRPG), it actually ends up feeling smaller because you know everything there is to know, you've seen everything there is to see, you've visited every place you can visit.

I do.

How many Metroid games do we have now where you're dropped somewhere all by yourself to explore giant planet/space ship/whatever with no real narrative to go by?

Too many.

The Metroid universe is giant; vast. There has to be more to it. There are so many STORIES to be explored, it's insane.

Agreed. Time to break the silence.

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