djpretzel Posted July 9, 2009 Posted July 9, 2009 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
BlackPanther Posted July 9, 2009 Posted July 9, 2009 Pretty sweet remix. I enjoyed it so that's all I gots to say lol. Quote
Master_Yoshi Posted July 9, 2009 Posted July 9, 2009 This is seriously the "Kefka" remix I've been waiting all my life on OCR to hear. Expansive, true to the source, creepy in that "Kefka" kind of way, and just well done. Quote
yosefu Posted July 9, 2009 Posted July 9, 2009 A pretty cool remix with a interesting intro. A mix that i enjoyed alot thank you for it. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted July 9, 2009 Posted July 9, 2009 I still can't get over how good all of AnSou's mixes are. This one works just perfectly in portraying the decay of Kefka's mind. The part that I really love is the section with the bells playing very innocently, yet with a such a sinister overtone. Great work, as per usual. Quote
Gario Posted July 9, 2009 Posted July 9, 2009 Another Kefka mix - and one of the best on the site, to boot (and that's saying something - most of them on here are amazing). We can't expect any less from AnSo, though - he always comes through with some amazing music. Oh, and music box effects are just downright awesome, especially when used with Kefka. Listening to this was a perfect way to start my morning - that you, AnSo. Everyone should start their morning with this (a.k.a. go listen to it now, it's great!). Quote
Lucentas Posted July 9, 2009 Posted July 9, 2009 I have to admit, the first half wasn't really doing much for me (don't hit me), but as soon as those schizophrenic bells kicked in...yeah, I pretty much did melt all over the place and it was extremely messy and I had to replace the carpet. (Do you know how difficult it is to clean up melted self?) Strange tangents aside...who knew I had a thing for schizo bells? Kefka does marvelous things to a mind. Quote
Fenix Posted July 9, 2009 Posted July 9, 2009 I love this song. I'm using the bells part as the ring for my phone Quote
nrich Posted July 11, 2009 Posted July 11, 2009 sounds like a bizarre christmas theme not digging the ridiculously liberal intro too much. doesn't sound like the source material at all till the bells come in yknowwwwww Quote
Jae Posted July 11, 2009 Posted July 11, 2009 I definitely enjoy a trippy piece of music, and this fits that bill. Thing is though, the intro threw me off. The bells are great. I love the beat in the background, but it took awhile to get there. The distortion from the beginning wasn't used later either. I think it would've sounded really cool to take one of the distorted sounds from the intro and mesh it in with the bells. I can imagine it working really well about midway through the last half. It just feels too separate now, but that's just my opinion. No doubt, you have great talent. Great alliteration in the title. It made me laugh. Quote
Sir_Downunder Posted July 13, 2009 Posted July 13, 2009 I'll admit, the intro threw me off a bit with the driving beat and snares, but once the bells came in and I realised this indeed was Kefka, I leaned back and let my mind melt from magnificent magicite madness (Try saying that fast a couple of times) All in all: AnSo, you are a bloody beast, mate. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted July 14, 2009 Posted July 14, 2009 Nice textures; I really liked the skittering filtered hihats near the end. Quote
LadyReemz86 Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 I absolutely loved this! Though I've never played FF6.. I liked the sound of this a lot! I felt like I was in a trance most of the time while listening to was so captivating! Great work! Quote
ZealPath Posted July 17, 2009 Posted July 17, 2009 Another great Kefka mix that tries and succeeds very well at tapping into the craziness of one of our favorite FF villians. I really like the part in the middle around 2:26 when the bass rejoins the bells, overall I'd have to agree with the writeup, the bells are a little chaotic, but it couldn't be any more appropriate under the circumstances, this is Kefka we're talking about here. I do get a bit of a christmas vibe from it, just a little, very messed up one, but it's there, and that's kinda fun too! Quote
Sorceror Nobody Posted July 21, 2009 Posted July 21, 2009 A welcome change, this is utterly awesome. The tone really sets it apart from the other Kefka mixes, and the second section (i.e. 2:26 onwards) is a masterpiece that sounds quite literally like it runs on clockwork. That is a novel twist, and I love it. The only thing I will say against this track is that I would have liked it to go on longer. That musical box would have sounded awesome if it had grown into a sort of overarcing swell (phear my fancy-sounding BS!). I'm not saying I wanted it to be loud or cacophanous, but that it could have grown, had a few more bells added, etc. On the other hand, it may be a good thing that it didn't do this, because then it might have lost its beautifully innocent-yet-sinister feel that is so perfectly Kekfa. Quote
SwordBreaker Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 The tempo and style remind me of zircon's work with "Dirt Devil" and "Monstrous Turtles", which is obviously a good thing in my book. Although those robotic/mechanized sounds would work a lot better with an FFVI track like "Devil's Lab", I'm digging it with Kafka's vibe. The bells definitely remind you that this is a Kafka remix with all the awesome sounds surrounding the track. Nice work as usual, man. Quote
Martin Penwald Posted July 28, 2009 Posted July 28, 2009 Definitely hearing the skrypnyk influence here, though I have to say that some parts of the remix remind me of Mazedude's work. The part beginning at 2:25 is amazing and sounds like it would be at home in a Castlevania game/remix. Furthermore, I have to say that AnotherSoundscape is slowly but steadily turning into an artist whose remixes I enjoy immensely, no matter what the source or style. His first few mixes were good, but they always had some instrument/synth/whatever in them that really put me off. However, that is something of the past now, seeing as how all his recent mixes have not had anything in them I could really complain about. Keep on rockin' Quote
Mtlbro Posted August 10, 2009 Posted August 10, 2009 I like this one best after the first minute where the synths n various FX start to open up. . And b4 the bell counterpoint stuff comes in, that part's really cool too bc the distorted drums are there, I mean the trance beat is great but still. . Wow I'm nit picky anyway 10/10!!! Quote
Palpable Posted August 22, 2009 Posted August 22, 2009 That distorted beat is so good. With that beat and all the quirky synth effects, the intro reminds me of "We Share Our Mother's Health" by The Knife, another talented artist from Anso's neck of the woods. But it deviates quickly, building an atmospheric and creepy mood and getting sparse at points. Another winner, says I. Quote
Emunator Posted December 22, 2009 Posted December 22, 2009 This mix is definitely AnSo's most 'insane' piece of music. Not really the most listenable, but if I ever want to inject a little madness in my brain I know where to go! All of the synth choices convey a very dark mood and the bells are just devious (and of course, mark this as a mix that only AnSo would do! I don't think I've ever heard a mix from you without those bells!) One of my most-listened to songs on iTunes, I've been playing this one frequently since I downloaded it! Keep it up mate! Quote
co298 Posted March 22, 2010 Posted March 22, 2010 Man this is a great mix. I liked the intro but the section starting at about a minute in sold me. Definitely my favorite Kefka remix. Quote
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