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Just a fraction of the maybe 25 people we had at Friday's

Speaking of TGIF's...I can't wait to see the pictures and gifs that Flik has from there. He took like 60 pictures alone of Cyril eating a hamburger...and then a gif of the whole table doing the wave...and it turns out the table can djp.


Man, PMD is really setting in badly. I don't feel like going back to work at all; an extra day off this week helped, but not by much.

Anyway, I'm still working on editing all my photos, but for now, I present to you the shining moment when Audio Fidelity and DrumUltima discovered the glory of chicken'n'waffles:

"I dunno, you think it's gonna taste all right?"




So yeah, highlights:

1) Favorite expected concert: The Megas. Being a big Megas fan, this was almost predetermined to be one of my highlights music-wise.

2) Favorite unexpected concert: A_Rival. I had no idea who he/PlanetSkill was before now (well, except for AE's OCR submissions). But... damn. I mean, damn... And working the Colossus Yell into his set? ...damn

3) Concert that exceeded expectations: The OneUps. I mean, I had high expectations to begin with, but even then I didn't expect them to be that good on stage.

4) Concert that I liked despite expectations: Metroid Metal. I don't even like metal, and they still rocked.

5) Sid Meier. Did anyone else expect him to be that friendly? But yeah, I even got my copy of Civ4 signed!

Me: So... did you intentionally release Civ3 around the time of my midterms?

Sid: Yes. We wanted you to fail.

Me: Dangit! I had to uninstall that like 6 times!

Sid: Thanks for your support!

6) Jon St. John. Hearing random stuff in the Duke Nukem voice alone was worth sitting in on the panel. Everything else was just bonus.

7) Late late night concerts... The Chiptunes concerts (especially the guy with the Gameboy), q-pa's set, etc.

8) And beyond the convention... I don't know what else to say. I mean, I met so many other folks here for the first time, and many folks here that I hadn't seen since Otakon or even the last MAGFest. Then there's Brushfire who invited me over to his place, him, Stevo, and AeroZ at the Non-Denominational Holiday Party, all the folks who came out to Dave & Busters after the con...

...yeah I'm gonna cut myself off there before PMD sets in again. Once I can think more clearly I'll thank everyone I met this last time.

The TARDIS plate, hands down.

Though now, I'm disappointed there was no plate with IDIC or something similar.

You did miss Ari's ABOBO license plate.

And my KURIBO tag. (Super Mario 3 ref, not Yu-Gi-Oh, incidentally.) KF


Everybody needs to rock the fuck out to this song.

Jazz band? JAZZ BAND???

Most of the entire set is uploaded by that same user. Sadly my cowbell skills are not there for the world to see. Doesnt' matter, because NOTHING compared to the awesome that was Hell March.



- Most everyone from OCR stopping by JamSpace to bring copious amounts of musical talent to the stage.

- A lot of guys coming in just to hang out.

- Finally getting to meet Mono and Prot.

- The Megas.

- Being ON STAGE at New Years Eve during the countdown, when Jon St. John came on stage. (I was drumming / fucking songs up for the most people we've ever had inside the Concert Hall).

- Staff afterparty.

Shit moments:

- Liz, I don't think I actually got to meet you.

- Working ALL the time, not being able to make any of the OCR events or the panel.

- Leaving.

Overall, I had a great time... Things ran much more smoothly than it has in the past, and we had over 2200 people in attendance this year. I look forward to the next time I get to meet some of you.

If you were there, and didn't get a chance to introduce yourself, I apologize.


...I guess I should start participating here now, huh? Wow, just... wow. Um, thank you all, really, so very much for being so kind, friendly, and hospitable. I was just a stranger, but you all treated me as if you had known me for years. You opened up your homes to me, and made me feel welcome, gave me hugs! My gods! Me! I barely even post here! (One post? Are you serious?!) ... I guess... ...Being kind of a shut in I was really overwhelmed by it all.

It meant a lot to me. ...You guys are great. I was able to be myself, without shame, that means a lot to a person like me. I am so grateful to all of you, I met so many people but it was all lost in the jumble of everything. I can't even remember many names at all, I'm so sorry! You all made me feel so wanted and welcomed I... I... I wish I had the means to visit you all every year, but even with Kizyr living so close by it's still an expensive trip for me. I'm going to do my best. Even though I only knew a small handful of all of you for those short days... I miss you all. You are all such wonderful people.

My highlights? Hmm...

Sharing my coat with a perfect stranger.

Making Wes blush (we had a connection Wes! It was destiny!)

Kizyr driving past a security checkpoint and shitting himself....

(...anything with Kizyr really ... but I'm biased.)

That Colossus thing, wtf.

Shooting zombies at Dave and Busters.

"Dancing" with new friends to good music.

...meeting new friends in general.

...feeling human.

Words cannot express my gratitude I pray I can see you all again next year.


So I'm taking the afternoon off from snowboarding, I guess I'll go ahead and post some thoughts now:

HIGHLIGHTS (in no particular order, and overlooking many, I'm sure)

-Uh, simply being there

-Seeing familiar faces

-Meeting new faces

-Rocking out some classic 90's with Harmony in the hotel room

-The concerts

-FINALLY saw the One Ups live. They rock!

-Chicken Balls for Smash Brothers were quite tastey

-OCR panel went really well, I thought :)


-TGIF Tradition still holds! :)

-Flik is as funny IRL as he is online. Still waiting for those .gifs :D

-Hanging out with my buddy Josh, and his friend Lauren. And that they were kind enough to let me freeze on the floor of their hotel room one night ;)

-Hanging out with Dave and Anna, always a treat.

-Picture with Jon St John. That guy is awesome.

-When I would introduce myself, and a couple people would say "holy crap, you're BGC??? Wow!" quite humbling and awesome.

-Glad Mazedude made it back. My resolve to learn real capoeira someday is even more firm, now.

-Glad Joe Cam made it, even though we barely got to hang.

-Glad many others made it who I wasn't sure would.

-What I feel was a VERY productive OCR staff/judges meeting

-Blake's panel on music production/licencing/etc. Fun, enlightening, and entertaining.


-Parking generally made me go FFFFFFFF

-Hotel being over-booked, and we lost the OCR staffroom. So my lodging arrangements got sort of thrown out of alignment. But no biggie. I think that was the main cause of next point, though.

-Felt largely disconnected from M8, compared to past MAGs. I guess it's because I had to commute, or participate in various planning/etc events, I missed a LOT of the panels/events that I really wanted to see.

-My camera isn't working properly, so I maybe got like 5-6 pictures I think. Boooo.

-I froze every time I went outside.

-I didn't really get to see/do the Jamspace thing. The one night I was in there, I was soooo tired, I couldn't hardly think straight. I went to bed shortly after.

-Had a plan to record a certain musician for an OCR collab, brought my gear and everything, but the schedule just didn't allow it this year. :(

-I was a founding member of the OCR-IHOP tradition, and that's yet ANOTHER thing I missed out on this year.

-Lots of people (probably too many to list) that I REALLY wanted to hang out with (more or even at all), but didn't have the opportunity. If you're wondering if you're on that list, trust me, you are.

Anyway, in summary, this was a great MAGfest. I can't say I liked it any less than my previous two, but I definitely didn't have enough hours in the day to accomplish/attend even half of what I wanted to. The addition of new faces/friends always reinforces my satisfaction in attending as well. Will definitely do everything in my power to return for M9.


At the expense of sounding sappy (I don't really care :P) Jenner's post made me all warm and fuzzy. I love to see when 1st-time-MAGfest-ers go and are so amazed how naturally everyone gets along without really having to put on any faces or anything :)


okay, time for me to make one of these posts:


-getting there and being super pumped

-getting to jam with VIRT! and DANIMALCANNON! but also tons of other notable --personalities/awesome musicians, like prince of darkness, OA, melody, level99, prophet, rellik... the list goes on!

-MAD PROPS TO XENOTONES! lets do it for real next year!

-finally meeting ash, neko, prot, and mono irl



-TGI fridays and olive garden trips

-OneUps, Metroid Metal, Select Start. do like

-room parties, once again ALCOHOL! and PIZZA!

-dod listening party, even though it went FOREVER

-getting SONAR 7 at the OCR panel! Deeply humbled.

-not playing video games because i was having that much fun the whole time

-drunk dancing at A_Rival's concert


-having CHICKEN AND WAFFLES for the first time. it was good!

-going to dave and busters with a bunch of peeps after MAG, and then partying all night at my apartment

-surprise extended stay at my apartment by mono, prot, liz, ash, and neko--for three days!

-having a delicious homecooked meal by mono and prot. Mashed sweet potatoes and steak! So good.

-making a dod joke remix with EVERYONE last night.



-having to sleep at all

-getting my ass kicked (literally) trying to sleep

-having to miss things because I was at other things (like the dance party because of dod :[)

-not getting to go to the new years party because i had to work :[

-everyone got mag flu

-it had to end :(

So all in all, a fantastic time. I love mag so much with all of my body. What a week.

Everyone who was there who I didn't meet. Which apparently includes Upthorn. I didn't even know you were there bro. What the hell!

Man, I didn't know you were there either, or that you'd be interested in meeting me.



Hanging out with (in no particular order) the new (Jenner, AeroZ, monobrow...) returning (Vilecat) & the old (everybody else!)

New Year's Eve. We did Bond OUR way!

(in my case, pregaming champagne in coffee cups in the room then running downstairs for midnight)

Shael + DJP + "Music of My Groin" = EPIC!!

Rocking out with Vilecat & Stevo to the Friday bands

OCR panel--even though I was on my laptop for half of it preparing for that night

Just going crazy on Saturday night--because there was nowhere else for me to go

Watching Nekofrog and Larry go at it on SSF2HDR super late on Saturday. T-Hawk vs. Chun-Li. Then again. And again. And again....

Watching Jose's "Chop Sucky" videos in the room. There's just something about those that was made to be watched in groups...

A_Rival: OMG. That guy, Aimee & DJ could seriously give MC Lars a run for his money!

Remembering all the cool things I did by reading your posts




Stressing the fuck out over DJ prep

Missing John St. John, the OCAD recording, AND all the Saturday concerts due to DJ prep

Not spending more time in JamSpace

Missing the DoD win and everything else after Sunday

Realizing all the cool things I missed by reading your posts

But really guys, it's ALL OF YOU that make MAGFest such a look-forward-to event every year. It's your energy and enthusiasm that keeps me going until the next meetup.

And now...


Here are the best ones:





Let me just say how much I love that fistpump picture. The shirt is mostly unbuttoned for a reason: each button represents two drinks I had taken.

This is awesome, I'm putting all these on my digital picture frame at work to keep me company until next year.

I KNEW I had bumped into you - I was waiting for an elevator whilst you were describing that counting mechanism. You went into how you'd end up with your shirt off. XD


Finally got home from all the Mag stuff and the post-Mag stuff at Doug's apartment (including an EPIC DoD collaboration). Thanks to a ride from Ari, Katie, Justin and Ash (who will be continuing on the road for the next few days) and their heroic braving of shitty weather up here in Ohio I made it home.

To everybody - I'm so glad I got to meet all of you guys! This is like my third post so I'll shut up now, but it has meant a so much to me as someone who just recently rejoined the community and as someone who is in such a rough transitional phase right now. I really thought there was no way I was gonna get to MAG, even when it became more probable that I could go. Like my voice sucked, and nearly every photo that got taken of me I hated, and I felt weird or awkward on occasion, and yet I still managed to have an epically fucking great time. A testament to the awesomeness of it all, I suppose.

This is gonna be a long year :( But at least I feel more of a desire to get back into remixing.

it has meant a so much to me as someone who just recently rejoined the community and as someone who is in such a rough transitional phase right now. I really thought there was no way I was gonna get to MAG, even when it became more probable that I could go. Like my voice sucked, and nearly every photo that got taken of me I hated, and I felt weird or awkward on occasion, and yet I still managed to have an epically fucking great time.

Sorry to hear about the tough times. Good thing you came to MAG after all. It can whisk away the worst of your worries -- at least for a few days! :<

Also, I think I speak for everyone in saying that nothing seemed 'sucky' or abnormal about your voice, or about your appearance. In fact, the long hair & glasses look was rather slick. Don't be too self-conscious, bro. ;-)

But at least I feel more of a desire to get back into remixing.

Excellent. :twisted:

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