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Posted (edited)

Unstable, if you want "Cult Classics" I'd say look into either Tekkonkinkreet:

It's a pretty odd flick, with a distinct visual style (you haven't seen anime characters look like this), and a pretty zonky plot flipping around all over the place (but it's never hard to follow). The relationship between the main characters, Black and White, is very well done, and the side characters (the yakuza boss and his underling, and the villain) all have their chance to really shine. The English dub isn't bad, per se (Robin from Teen Titans voices Black), one look at the trailer shows that these characters aren't really meant to speak in English.

It's a thought. Made by the studio who did Animatrix, which I remember liking a whole lot (and after The Matrix, is probably the only other good piece of media in the whole Matrix franchise, hah hah.).

Or the incredibly entertaining and awesomely dubbed Dominion Tank Police:

The guy who made this would go on to do Ghost in the Shell.

It was dubbed by Manga UK, who did the Mad Bull 34 dub (which was awesome - anything they did was always incredibly entertaining).

Also, unlike many dubs, they redid all of the music. Instead of the

, they decided to make everything cool house/dance music.

(title is a misnomer. New Dominion Tank Police is the sequel series with many of the same characters)



The dub is pretty hilarious, and every actor sounds like they're having lots of fun with the role, which means you have fun with them.

The only bad thing is that it's four episodes long, and you want to have an entire series with these goofballs and badasses.

Edited by EC2151
I'm watching Clannad with a friend. Great plot and character development, the dub is decent, the animation is great. I'll recommend it for somebody that wants quality anime. Oh, and Dangos :oops:

Even if you don't care for Clannad, you need to watch it just to gain access to After Story.

Seriously, it is exactly what the hype says it is.


The Chaos;Head anime is terrible, I'd drop that and play the VN instead.

The Steins;Gate anime however is something everyone should watch. Additionally, if you haven't seen Code Geass, I would advise doing so.

There are many many more amazing, must watch anime, but I just woke up and my mind is kind of foggy. :(

Evangelion did something new and different -- props to them for that. But that, by itself, doesn't make it good.

actually that's exactly why it's good

when a piece of entertainment strives only to please by being the same as everything else, that's when it has no artistic value and is therefore pretty bad

I mean that's a super cool opinion you have there and all but uh yeah enjoy having no taste

actually that's exactly why it's good

when a piece of entertainment strives only to please by being the same as everything else, that's when it has no artistic value and is therefore pretty bad

I mean that's a super cool opinion you have there and all but uh yeah enjoy having no taste

Uh no. You're asking him to base value on something solely for its novelty. Execution matters too, and being able to perceive good or bad execution is a measurement of taste as well.


My only problem with Evangelion is that it's been remade so many times now I don't even know which one I'm supposed to follow, or which ending is considered the "correct" ending, or which characters are even "real."

Is it the latest iteration?

Is it the super-happy version?

Is it the manga (still waiting on that one to finish...)?

Is it the original remastered series?

I feel that with each remake Evangelion loses more and more of its punch and impact, though I guess that's stating the obvious.

Also stating the obvious:

Dominion Tank Police is awesome, hilarious, and loads of fun.

For some reason, those 80s/early 90s OVAs often have some of the best stuff out there. Companies can do a lot more with four episodes than a 26-episode (or 52) bloated bore.

Hell just look at Mad Bull 34, aka, Mike Haggar the Anime.

British people doing Brooklyn accents = best anime

Posted (edited)

hahaha holy crap a hallucinogen episode in Nadia

well it isn't strictly the whole episode, but it's fun seeing that kind of content in old shows since you can't do that kind of stuff any more

well hot dog I just got the series for myself and wanted to see if it was any good.

Be warned, there are some filler episodes for some reason. I'll not tell you which episodes it start; but, if you absolutely cannot stand filler, when it starts to get filler-ish, feel free to skip to episode #30. (spoiler'd) There's some cute stuff in there, but you'd honestly not be missing much. You can pretty much guess the direction of all of those episodes from the first one, but I'll leave it up to you.

Edited by Gollgagh
when a piece of entertainment strives only to please by being the same as everything else, that's when it has no artistic value and is therefore pretty bad

Artistic value and entertainment value are not the same thing. I completely agree that Eva did interesting things artistically (though not as much as most people seem to think -- like I said earlier, most of the "symbolism" was pretty much meaningless bullshit), but that doesn't mean that it was entertaining to watch.


I have a different opinion on Cowboy Bebop. I'm watching it for the first time and I'm on episode 20. Honestly, I find it really boring. Ed is annoying, Fey is evil, and Spike is emotionless. I heard that you could compare it to Outlaw Star (one of my favorites) and that it was better than it. But I'm just not getting into it at all. The one thing that saved it for me is Steven Blum doing the voice of Spike. At least in Outlaw star, the world was richer, and there was a bigger storyline that tied in the whole series together. Bebop on the other hand, is a list of stand alone stories that don't mean anything the next episode.

I have a different opinion on Cowboy Bebop. I'm watching it for the first time and I'm on episode 20. Honestly, I find it really boring. Ed is annoying, Fey is evil, and Spike is emotionless. I heard that you could compare it to Outlaw Star (one of my favorites) and that it was better than it. But I'm just not getting into it at all. The one thing that saved it for me is Steven Blum doing the voice of Spike. At least in Outlaw star, the world was richer, and there was a bigger storyline that tied in the whole series together. Bebop on the other hand, is a list of stand alone stories that don't mean anything the next episode.

this is the point and the beauty thereof

also Samurai Champloo

I think Samurai Champloo is the only anime series that I have rewatched in its entirety, and still immensely enjoyed it (unless you count FLCL as a series, which I rewatched maybe 3-4 times). I will probably rewatch it again soon. I really enjoyed all of it, the crazy, action-packed episodes, and the subtle, melancholic, slow ones. The soundtrack was pretty sweet too.

Also, really enjoyed Fu's character. She was not your typical big-breasted anime eye candy bimbo. It was refreshing to have a female character that was not there as pure fan service.

Since we are talking anime, did people here see 5 cms per second? What did you think?

I have a different opinion on Cowboy Bebop. I'm watching it for the first time and I'm on episode 20. Honestly, I find it really boring. Ed is annoying, Fey is evil, and Spike is emotionless. I heard that you could compare it to Outlaw Star (one of my favorites) and that it was better than it. But I'm just not getting into it at all. The one thing that saved it for me is Steven Blum doing the voice of Spike. At least in Outlaw star, the world was richer, and there was a bigger storyline that tied in the whole series together. Bebop on the other hand, is a list of stand alone stories that don't mean anything the next episode.

Honestly, I would have also described Outlaw Star as a poor man's Cowboy Bebop. I also didn't like the art style of Outlaw Star, sorry, I know, this might make me sound superficial. But anime is an audiovisual storytelling vehicle, so aesthetics are an important factor. And Cowboy Bebop is one of those where all the elements come together to create a beautiful thing.


I get where you are coming from. It's just that all of the things that made Bebop great were things that I didn't like. I can't deny that the show has class. But I don't like jazz and the story is the most important part of a game, anime, or film for me. It just wasn't a good match. However, the ship designs for Outlaw Star were unreal.

Posted (edited)
I get where you are coming from. It's just that all of the things that made Bebop great were things that I didn't like. I can't deny that the show has class. But I don't like jazz and the story is the most important part of a game, anime, or film for me. It just wasn't a good match. However, the ship designs for Outlaw Star were unreal.

Fair. I see where you are coming from.

EDIT: And to be honest, Real Folk Blues annoyed the crap out of me.

Edited by ambient
I completely agree that Eva did interesting things artistically, but that doesn't mean that it was entertaining to watch.

yeah, and this is why you have no taste

because you're not entertained by artistic liberty

I have a different opinion on Cowboy Bebop; I find it really boring.

you're a horrible person

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