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I'm playing the game at the moment as well. It's such a guilty pleasure - the voice acting (as opposed to just text) makes me too embarrassed to play it when my significant other is around. Lost in translation.. I kind of want to believe that, yeah. But maybe it's just crap writing. Oh well, I enjoy it anyway (the battle system *is* really nice). I really was turned off by the first hour or so, I think it turned better from there on (though not great, just enjoyable). I did like FFIX quite a bit myself. Haven't played VII yet, and I should really replay VI, as I didn't make it to the end back then.

Regarding OST, having really enjoyed ilp0's "Lake in Ontario?", getting to the point where the source track start playing in the game was a really neat moment.



FF8 is my favorite game of all time next to FF6 and Warcraft 3 from what I remember, and I also remember FF10 being pretty damn great (if only because of Auron.)

HOWEVER, I haven't played either for, like, 5 to 7 years which is around and before when I joined these forums. I'm pretty sure my opinion is now invalid for even myself... But I probably won't have the time to play though an entire Final Fantasy that I already beat and validate or discredit what I am saying for a very long time :(


FFX was pretty solid to me. I played it for the first time maybe 18 months ago so I was pretty late to the game. Now that a few people mention it, the battle system was pretty good. It seemed very fluid and quick, plus easy to understand how your actions will effect the the order of whose turn is next.

One thing I like about the FF series is how varied all the games are. Oddly, it seems like I only like one FF per console generation. 6 and 9 being my stand outs.

Anyway, back to FFX. Anyone play the International Edition? I think the original Japanese voice overs and the "expert" sphere grid would made a 2nd play through more interesting.


The Wonder Years narrations -- seriously, not only does he SOUND like Daniel Stern as the grown up Kevin Arnold, but he starts his narrations just like them -- "I didn't know it that day, but our lives had changed forever..."

You don't read a lot of books told from first-person perspective, do you?


Anyway, back to FFX. Anyone play the International Edition? I think the original Japanese voice overs and the "expert" sphere grid would made a 2nd play through more interesting.

Hm, I wish I had the international edition. I loathe the voices in the English version. Jecht, Auron and Wakka are alright though (although the scripted dialogue is still awkward at times).

I enjoyed the FFX soundtrack myself. Not as many memorable tracks as earlier games perhaps, but tracks like the Besaid Theme and To Zanarkand stand out. The general "feeling" of the soundtrack is great IMO. (On the other half of the spectrum, though, the regular battle music is just grating.)


I actually like the soundtrack a lot. It's the only FF soundtrack I bothered to buy.

X is also my favorite out of the series. The voice acting was bad, but to me, it gives the story more depth than not having voice acting at all. I love the water theme of the game as well. And yeah, the battle system.


I enjoyed FFX... to the extent I actually played it. My brother beat it way before I even got half way through, so there wasn't much story left for me to explore. I think I'm still stuck before the fight with the blue-haired girly man up in the mountains.

I enjoyed it, but most cutscenes were terrible. Characters waiting a beat too long for their turn to interrupt, saying their line and then doing a motion they should have done at the beginning of the line... terrible disparity between pre-rendered cutscenes and the other ones...

...and the two main characters, Tidus and Yuna, are both pretty annoying. :D


...and the two main characters, Tidus and Yuna, are both pretty annoying. :D

I've never really understood why everyone hates Tidus. He was the first character in story, besides Auron, who called everyone on their religious bullshit and refused to let Yuna be a martyr. I thinks that's pretty awesome.

As for Yuna, she's determined, nice, cute, and quiet. What's not to like? She develops out of her martyrdom, her one real character flaw.


For me, FFX was a great game. While yes, the acting was for a majority, mediocre (HA-HA-hA-HA-HA) it was still a pretty decent game. While the story wasn't exactly AWESOME (which is weird because how can you NOT like catholic zombies bent on using a giant flying whale to destroy the world while that whale happened to be the protagonist's father ... from the future... from a dream), it still was miles better than the story (or rather, concept) of X-2. Admittedly, I preferred the gameplay in X-2 and would've taken it's battle-system over the original ATTACK, wait-in-line, ATTACK, get-back-line, battle system.

Also, though Tidus (who I dubbed Meg Ryan) and Yuna were not truly star quality, I liked them. They had enough character development for me though Tidus could've bitched less. But that's how FF main characters roll I suppose (dilly-dally....)


I thought FFX was ok. I couldn't stand FFXII - the story/characters/system were too bland.

VII ranks pretty high up there for nostalgia reasons. V and VI are still my favorites (shapeshifting half human/half esper woman? score). IV ranks below VII (slightly - it's got more of a medieval feel than I'd want). VIII is below IV. And IX? /shudder. Cant stand it.


I guess I should make a FF list to fit in.

FFVI, VII, VIII (though I still have not beaten it), and IX are all fantastic. X is a level or two below these, but still good.

The rest I haven't beaten yet or I quit. I may go back and do III, IV, and V. I is alright. II is alright, might go back to it.

XII sucks.


I've only played through X ONCE. How ridiculous. Course I don't actually own the game and even though I found much to enjoy on its own merits, it still doesn't feel like Final Fantasy to me, so I won't lament too much of it.

I really loved how they fucked with the battle system occasionally though.

FFXII would've made a much better Secret of Mana game. The gameplay was really addictive, but I couldn't take the whole Star-Wars-in-the-Desert thing. It was also WAY too long and involved. That one game will eat years of your life.

I want a FF8 remake more than a FF7 remake. I'd be perfectly happy with a FF7 port for the XBLA. Stop telling me it's not going to happen. :o

Perhaps when they announce the FF7 remake you'll see it on the 360 library instead, of course first being made for the PS3. :<

I want a FF8 remake more than a FF7 remake. I'd be perfectly happy with a FF7 port for the XBLA. Stop telling me it's not going to happen. :o

All I have to say is...

HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, etc.

Also, I never played FF7 either. :|


Okay, from least to greatest

Final Fantasy 8 - It was just boring to me. I didn't take a liking to the characters as much as I wanted to. I think if SE did a remake (which I have a feeling they will) it'd be a far superior game now.

Final Fantasy 7 - GASP. That's right. I did not like this one. To me, the game just didn't know what it wanted to be story-wise. I didn't hop on the hype-wagon when it came out and when I did play it, I wasn't particularly impressed with Cloud or many of the plot-twists, (though i will admit, Aeris dying was a bit shocking). Maybe it was the dull color-scheme with the greys and the blacks. Maybe it was the lego graphics. I wasn't enamored by it. Nor did I feel a need to continue playing it. It felt depressing and not fun. Plus I was off the hinges of Mario RPG so I was like "SCREW Cloud". Still, I could've done with a remake instead of Advent Children, the worst game I ever played....

"But dude, AC was a movie. You COULDNT play it..." .............. Exactly.

I will admit, Crisis Core had the best ending in FF for me. But that effing roulette system and that red-guy talking just infuriated me.

Final Fantasy X-2 - Man, this game was both awful and enjoyable. The gameplay was so addictive, plus you got chicks in skimpy outfits... but the execution of such a questionable concept was just an offense to the brain. Still, I managed to enjoy myself somehow.

Final Fantasy X - Auron. 'Nuff said.

Final Fantasy 4 - I was really glad they made a DS remake. While there was particularly little humor in this one, and the plot itself is extremely dated, I found it likeable in it's simplicity and challenging. I liked a majority of the characters (though Im gonna have to ask Cecil to never take off his Dark Knight armor) and was intrigued by the plot-developments, even though some were predictable. I guess, it didn't need to try so hard to impress me... and it succeeded. It was great.

Final Fantasy 12 - ALOT of people hated this one but I enjoyed it. How can you NOT like Foster's Bloo as Basch? Well, apparently you can... but still, the gameplay was a welcome change, a little more strategic than Kingdom Hearts, though it became dull after a point with variety lacking. I took pleasure in Shakespearean dialogue really. There was a good dose of overacting (Dr. Cid for one) but I still hold it in regard as the best FF acting with 4 and Crisis Core close behind (effing Genesis and his annoying banter)

The Star-Wars references were pissing me off though but it was my excuse for not getting into WOW. Plus Balthier's the man.

Final Fantasy 9 - Yup. My favorite one. Maybe it's because it was my first FF I played through (FF7 was my first really). Yeah, it had a poor final boss ("IM GOD. FIGHT ME YOU MONKEY-THIEF") and though the story became the Saiyan-saga towards the end, I was struck by it. There were problems but I still liked it alot. This is the one I wish SE would remake.

The funny thing is, even the lesser of my faves (with 8 and 7 being the only ones I probably wouldn't touch again) I'd give another go. Im still waiting to play the others though. Did six get a remake yet? I never touched 1-3 either.


FFX is by far the best in the series in my opinion. It was a nice needed change.

FFXII was basically the dullest FF out there. Oh hey, I know how to macro shit so... I'll let the game play itself! That got dull when I was, what, level 9/10?


I have to agree a bit about Final Fantasy X. I really didn't care much for Tidus - he was waaaay too childish, and his emotional parts felt awkwardly forced in a lot of areas. All of the other characters seemed better-rounded.

If I had to list the ones I've played, from worst to best in my opinion:

Final Fantasy 1 (I know it's classic, but I was so bored with it)

Final Fantasy X-2 (The story was utterly horrible, the acting worse... the battle system was nice, but that was it's only saving factor)

Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy IV

Final Fantasy VI

I would say X and VII are tied. I have my own issues with Final Fantasy VII that are far too numerous to talk about here, and a lot of X seemed random or forced. There was nothing very challenging at all about it (except <SPOILERS> Yunalesca </SPOILERS>) but that was easily taken care of.

But that's a brief rundown of the Final Fantasy series for me. I'm getting ready to play VIII...


Pertaining to the OP and not this favorites thread hijack

... If you are not liking it so far, its not going to get a ton better. There are lots of side quests. however tedious they are. Blitz ball is ok.

But the game is more of the same from where your at.

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