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I'm endlessly excited for this despite:

1. Its not on 360/PS3 (I would buy PS3 for this game, actualy)

2. Its not, AFAIK, being made by Clover

Still, the original is so good that I feel like I'll still love this game despite the graphics not being as good and the music probably not being as stunning.


I know I should be hyped up for this because Okami is one of my favorite games ever.

But I'm pissed cause they're about to just retrograde it like this.

And here goes an awesome title butchered by 128 to 32bit pointless conversion sequel.

Big N loves to play money-making game, as it never looses.

Playstation 1 era graphics are aging pretty badly imo.

A 2d game would have been a wiser choice for the device it is developped on.

Anyway, it's gonna be as painful to watch as Blood of Bahamut and CORE.

...though the music could be good. ;-)


I'm mostly concerned about it being a good game, it seems more like a heartless sequel than anything else, I'll reserve judgment though till I hear about more. If it is good and on the DS then awesome, cause I don't own a ps3 nor will I ever be able to afford one, so I'm happy with this.


I can't believe people are worried about it being on a console; the DS has already proven to be an incredibly powerful machine when used properly, and its touch screen is perfect for the "painting" input.

I am honestly a bit worried that Platinum Games isn't making it, but we'll wait and see what happens. They seem to have done a great job keeping the cel-shading intact thus far. But damn, no release date means it probably won't come out until next year.

And here goes an awesome title butchered by 128 to 32bit pointless conversion sequel.

The PS2 had a 64-bit processor.

Anyway, I'm cautiously excited about this. I absolutely love Okami, and from the few released screens of Okamiden, it looks like they've done a really good job keeping the style of the original despite the technical downgrade. However, it's hard to expect much when none of the original team is involved in a sequel.

I know I should be hyped up for this because Okami is one of my favorite games ever.

But I'm pissed cause they're about to just retrograde it like this.

And here goes an awesome title butchered by 128 to 32bit pointless conversion sequel.

Big N loves to play money-making game, as it never looses.

Playstation 1 era graphics are aging pretty badly imo.

A 2d game would have been a wiser choice for the device it is developped on.

Anyway, it's gonna be as painful to watch as Blood of Bahamut and CORE.

Haa... haa... haa haaaa haaa!

You're not serious, right? This is a half-hearted attempt at sarcasm or trolling. It has to be.

Damn, it's the good ones that you can't tell right away.


Capcom. Not Nintendo.

The DS isn't made by Capcom as far as I know. ;-)

The PS2 had a 64-bit processor.

The Emotion Engine has 2x64 bit units, aka its a 128 bit CPU.

You're not serious, right? This is a half-hearted attempt at sarcasm or trolling. It has to be.

Well I apologize if I made you feel that way. Just fyi, I own a ds and I love it.

I was merely trying to use sarcasm to release my anger against this.

What I can't stand is great game with great concept being retrograded instead of evolved.

I'm not saying Okamiden will be a bad game. Just saying the graphics will be painful to watch for me.

And what do you think Blood of Bahamut is? A pitiful attempt at making a Shadow of the Colossus-like cross-over jrpg.

And for the record,


But it has good music. Probably as Okamiden will. :-D


Am I the only one who found Okami kind of mediocre? I'd been looking forward to it since it was first announced, preordered and everything.

It started out pretty good, but as I got further into it, it really started to feel like a bit of a drag. The dungeon/puzzle design didn't feel quite up to snuff, and the combat needed a little something more to it, but I think the biggest issue was simply the pacing, which felt painfully and unnecessarily slow, especially in the second half. (Wind Waker had a similar problem.)

I guess I felt like it degenerated from what could have been a fun gameplay-centered action-adventure to JRPG levels of story-centric inane chatter and corny writing. When they pulled that excessively long and entirely unnecessary "EVERYBODY CLAP YOUR HANDS AND BELIEVE" cutscene in the middle of the final boss fight, I was rolling my eyes so hard that I was in danger of suffering a detached retina.

At least it looked nice and had some good music in spots. Keep that, cut out the fluff, and beef up the gameplay, and it'll be solid.


I remember playing the living crap out of Okami on the PS2. I couldn't get into it on the Wii due to the wonky waggle controls requiring nunchuck motion. I think the DS version has a lot of potential. As long as they focus on good gameplay and level design, the graphical style just supplements an already good game. And on the DS, where graphics should never trump gameplay, this will hopefully not be a problem.


And what do you think Blood of Bahamut is? A pitiful attempt at making a Shadow of the Colossus-like cross-over jrpg.

And for the record,


Looks like just about every JRPG released in the PSX era, particularly Xenogears. In fact, it looks a LOT like Xenogears, which in and of itself is not a bad thing; indeed, myself and a lot of posters here grew up on that golden era of RPG's, so I think for most it will be a touch of comfortable nostalgia.

Maybe you shouldn't get so caught up over how a game looks, and worry more about the content and how it, yanno. PLAYS.

Goddamn, we haven't even seen it in motion yet. Reserve judgement until then.


Judging by the comments I've been seeing on other game sites about this new game.

Lots of people are scared of looking kiddie lol, they say they can't play this game in public now because of it.

I wonder what the premise is...I hope it's good.

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