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Epic Fail - Community edition! (Share your experiences)

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Life is failure punctuated with brief bits of success here and there. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it, but few really take it to heart. Fewer still reconcile. Some of us succeed much more openly than others. Others succeed in ways they don't even know or have the balls to appreciate.

On Ocremix, it can sometimes be sort of a sobering experience to see major names across the board go on and go on to great success. Months of hard work meaningless. Projects that go on for years without any discernable end. Careers slashed and buried. Many come to dream, few realize it. It is a fact of life.

You will fail. And fail hard. For everyone to see.

But so what? Everyone fails. Failure is a part of life! Do you think these people just woke up one day, sat on a success suppository and flew on to great things? Hell no. Luck may be a lady, but hard work and accepting your failures is what true greatness is all about!

And with that, I would like to invite the community to share stories where they didn't succeed. I invite everyone from HoboKa to Zircon and Mazedude and BGC and Anso and anyone to show us their human side - projects failed, songs that sucked hard, things they spent loads of time and money on that burned out, dreams crushed, etc.

Don't be shy and don't be hiding anything. This would be a great motivational tool for newbies and frustrated up-and-comers or burnt out veterans to remember that no one gets or has gotten anywhere without a road paved in tears and sweat. If this topic gains some interest, I'll share many of my stories too.

And if not.... oh well, that was the whole point. :)


Uhm. when i was like ten or something, i dunno sometime around there, My sister and I were riding bikes i tried to get away from her, right? Well it ended up, in me hitting a fire hydrant, going over the handle bars doing a couple flips in the air, and landing on my shoulder. haha Epic Fail.


My first attempt at a remix, back in the days of VGMix2. I believe only one person besides myself knows what my original remixer name was (and they're going to keep their mouths shut!), but I submitted one song so god-awful that I couldn't bear continuing that name. So I did Level 99 instead, and have never looked back. I still have that song, and will have it on a flash drive in a save deposit box somewhere so that, whenever I die, people will know the horrifying truth!

Oh, and also my first girlfriend, my first band, attempting a degree in philosophy before switching over to computers...there's a lot I can think of.


It migrated into a journey...


Working in Hollywood I learned I wasn't a good teacher, failed teaching audio engineering to +18yo. Couldn't stand the repetitiveness of it all, always having to go over the fundamentals of electronics, always being asked the same questions... oh and the 18yo's who already knew everything those were great.

*** Disclaimer ***

I know nothing... for the record. :-P

So yeah failed there bad.

Life is failure punctuated with brief bits of success here and there. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it, but few really take it to heart. Fewer still reconcile. Some of us succeed much more openly than others. Others succeed in ways they don't even know or have the balls to appreciate.

On Ocremix, it can sometimes be sort of a sobering experience to see major names across the board go on and go on to great success. Months of hard work meaningless. Projects that go on for years without any discernable end. Careers slashed and buried. Many come to dream, few realize it. It is a fact of life.

You will fail. And fail hard. For everyone to see.

But so what? Everyone fails. Failure is a part of life! Do you think these people just woke up one day, sat on a success suppository and flew on to great things? Hell no. Luck may be a lady, but hard work and accepting your failures is what true greatness is all about!

The tone of your post is SOOO opposite to my way of thinking - but mainly because your final point is already so obvious to me. I guess I'm one of the few who "really take it to heart". Does that mean I'm a major pessimist for fully expecting the tears and sweat before they happen - or am I a major optimist for not letting the fact of failure bother me too much?

Either way, you'd better remove "epic fail" from the thread title. You have twenty-four hours.



If you don't get it... I don't know what to think really...

But as for real life, I'd have to say for some god damn reason try taking up the clarinet after had played the trumpet way back and tried to play it the same way back in middle school/junior high... ALL THE WHILE NEVER FUCKING LEARNING IT RIGHT...

I actually did learn how to play it correctly after a good year of embarrassment but still what the fuck was I thinking..?


My current job. I decided to give automobile sales a try. I wanted to make some quick money (and I did, thanks to the Cash for Clunkers program) while waiting on a Electronic Technician position to open up.

Things are slow as hell now since the program is over, so I'm gonna keep doing this shit for about two more weeks (or at least until they fire me) and I'll go back to being a Marine Electrician if this other job don't pull through.

Wish me luck peeps!

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