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I'm sure the design is good and people will enjoy and such, but can we have the option of going back to vb's default template?

Should be doable now. Also, the default OCR forum theme now has max-width to match the rest of the site, but a dynamic width option is selectable if you prefer.


I've made some modifications based on feedback and my own usage, and will continue to do so over the next couple weeks...

  • Flipped the dropdowns with the secondary nav links to give the drops more emphasis and put them closer to content as well.
  • Made the headphones logo white... it pops out now more, and since I'm usually used to seeing it on black t-shirts, hoodies, and the black bumper stickers, it seems somehow *more* familiar this way... also solves contrast issue imo
  • Changed the wording in the upper-right login box on the forums so that it doesn't get AS obscured at 1024x768... still looking for a better/different solution, but it's something.
  • Widened the latest albums/mixes column on the homepage, removed the H1 and breadcrumb to regain vertical

Still definitely need to fix the image map on the OCR logo and add a donate/support link of some kind!


The recent album releases bar on the right lists "Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Re..." despite there being sufficient room for "Redemption" (Chrome/Windows, default font size). Just saying, lol.

I use Chrome too and after I cleared my cache those links leapt to the left side of the page above the logo and don't interfere with the vbulletin username.

Well, that did it!

Looks awesome. It's gonna be easy to get used to this new layout. NICE WORK. KF

I've made some modifications based on feedback and my own usage, and will continue to do so over the next couple weeks...

  • [...]
  • Flipped the dropdowns with the secondary nav links to give the drops more emphasis and put them closer to content as well.

I like what you did, as far as flipping the nav bar down. However, I know you're going to hate me for being the squeeky wheel on this, but the same issue with the dropdowns in IE8 is continuing - only when viewing the forums. If you need me to shut up about it, I can understand that, but, until you tell me otherwise, I'm going to assume you want feedback for what's not working or is a little off.

I like what you did, as far as flipping the nav bar down. However, I know you're going to hate me for being the squeeky wheel on this, but the same issue with the dropdowns in IE8 is continuing - only when viewing the forums. If you need me to shut up about it, I can understand that, but, until you tell me otherwise, I'm going to assume you want feedback for what's not working or is a little off.

No, no, it's broken... I just don't know exactly how to fix it... yet.


I miss being able to click the words "OVERCLOCKED REMIX" to get back to the homepage. The logo link is just too small a target for my erratic mouse work. I know you mentioned fixing the image map on the logo, not sure if that included adding the link.

Where I stand on the issues:

a-z links: Miss them

sidebar: never disliked it, like the dropdown search better

new colors: I'm neutral :<

better way to donate to site: definitely agree it needs to be more clear. A few weeks ago it took way too long for the zZounds rep to find the affiliate link from the main page. Related to that, I think that the "shirts" link is unclear. "OCR merchandise" or "merchandise" or "OCR store" or "store" would make more sense to me.


Maybe it would help if there was a little description of why the money is needed and how it will be used... after that you wanna get 'em to paypal as quickly as possible.


Looks purty.

Reminds me of the 2.0 design around 2001/2002 (with Mega Man and Zelda at the top with the piano keys).

The lack of alpha navigation is one of the first things I lamented. Guessing what page Super Metroid falls on in general is a bit more cumbersome that clicking on "T", then working a page or two backwards.

Overall, I like. Nice work and keep it up.

Minor extra-credit asthetic suggestions: Record yourself saying "Overclocked" or "OCR" and use this as the waveform that used to be behind the logo. I recall you said the old one came from a Google Image search.

Is there a way to outline or shadow the text menus? ("about, forums, games, music, people, workshop") Just curious.

Maybe it would help if there was a little description of why the money is needed and how it will be used... after that you wanna get 'em to paypal as quickly as possible.

Tiny messagebox appearing when mouse-overing the donate word? Like when you do it over avatars.


I find the new colours great :)

I like the new dark grey, balck and white banner but I don't like the avatar beside it, because are often in colours and I think it's just awkward.

Next, the first thing I noticed was "where the hell is the sidebar ???" that's when I realize the whole website changed :P

I don't like the fact the sidebar is not here anymore, it looks like my screen was chopped on the left ! I grow used to the bar !!

Where are we going to search for remix names and stuff ??? :|

But generally it looks nice :<


Small bug:

On the systems page, if you click on a system (and the element is highlighted), move the mouse around, and then hit the back button, the element remains highlighted until you hover on and off of it again.

FF 3.5.3, WinXP SP3


One thing I was kind of hoping for was the option to search by tag in the quicksearch. Kind of an extra hassle to do it via the forums.

Speaking of tags though, have you thought about starting the practice of tagging the actual write-ups? I'm sure at some point some people are going to start wondering stuff like "how *did* 'RAD TIMBALE LICKS' get started anyway?" and it would be nice to have a more streamlined way of searching the write-ups.


K peeps, I'm hearing you:

  • I still don't want alpha nav as part of the overall site nav. It's just too ambiguous.
  • BUT, I think when browsing ReMixes by name, an alpha function would make sense. I'm working on it, but give me awhile :)
  • Dhsu, re:tags... I'm pretty sure we're gonna do something to emphasize them more outside the forums; I agree it's clunky/hidden to go by review threads and then reverse navigate. As for tagging the writeups... hadn't thought of it, really. Probably low priority.

Also, imo the google search is sorta clunky, but the quicksearch is awesome. However, it's problematic that the quicksearch isn't ALWAYS visible, but is instead contextually locked away inside each relevant mega-dropdown. My plan is to replace the google search with a quicksearch that defaults to games but also allows searching on mixes, artists, and albums. The way I have it mocked up now, the search bar is really, really long, but the mascot actually ends up on top of the last bit. It looks kinda cool to me, but it still needs polishing and I need the javascript to all work right.

Bottom line? Definitely more changes coming. Thanks for all the feedback!

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