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OCR01150 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Aquescent Symphony"


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I had followed this ones WIP, and I'm happy to see this one make it on.

The harp and flute run seemlessly together, and that low strings section seems to keep things together.

The water running is peaceful. You strayed enough from the theme to keep it interesting yet close enough to recognize it.

Hmmmmm... I don't remember this on OOT, but none of the less I found this very relaxing and beautiful.

It is the Lake Hylia/Water Temple Theme. (one of the better songs in the game in my opinion. )

Good work.

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very very good, it had a nice theme, I was wondering when somebody would finally mix a temple song, I was about ready to do Bolero of Fire myself. I've always liked the sound of this song, and you made it much better, good job and keep up the great work.

Vine Whitefire

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I don't really like this one. I'm usually keen on flutes, but I don't like how this flute is arranged at all. Doesn't pause enough. It reminds me that I'm not listening to the real thing, right during the climax of the song. The intro is very nice, although I don't like the bubbling-brook sfx. Overall, this song is nice, but very boring compared to some of the other instrumental pieces on this site.

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WOW. This has taken Zelda trackage and added something to it. At 1:02, was I the only one who felt a serious Final Fantasy VII echo? Then back to Zelda hehe. I enjoy all of this remix, but those moments when the strings come out really, really make it for me, and make me think of FFVII. Haha, sorry lol I can't help it.

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It is not the water temple theme....it is the Serenade of Water...

And it is a very good remix of it too, the Serenade was one of the best ocarina songs in the game, and this remix does it very well.

You're right. Talk about having little to no source material...

Very well done.

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Well, actually a little less than always. Though my analysis would have to fall in with that of david_dude_22 or wolf tooth, I have little else to add...

Hmm, well, listening again as I write this review, I do have to say I enjoy not only the tranquill flute patch and brook, but also like the dash of strong piano chord. Simple and nice, not very involved; good job.

Rating: 4/5

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This one was very relaxing like everyone before me said. Infact it was so relaxing that I almost fell asleep. So this is definately not one you would want to play in the car while you are driving late at night.:) Anyway, it was very well done. Good job.

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Oh my god. I've been dreaming of a Serenade of Water remix for as long as I can remember. It was always my favorite Ocarina song and now to hear it redone so beautifully...it just makes me smile.

Hearing that first flute rise...goosebumps. Seriously. I think this captures the feel of the Serenade beautifully, especially that harp and when the piano comes in...

God, this is so awesome. I've always wanted a Serenade remix and finally, here it is. And it's gorgeous.

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  • 2 months later...

Beautiful...just beautiful. First things first: the bad stuff. The only thing I don't like about this piece is that from 0:14 to about 0:54 (40 whole seconds!) you don't realize it's a remix of the Serenade of Water. It sounds nice, yes, but it just doesn't sound like Zelda. The rest though; the gentle harp, the relaxing ocarina, and even the trinkling water, is freaking awesome. I really like the piano chords at 1:20 and how it deviates into some new chords at 1:27. That's just genius. This is my first ReMix I've heard from Theophany, but if I hear any others, and they're half as original and beautiful as this piece, even they would be guaranteed-playlist-worthy pieces. Great stuff.

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  • 2 months later...

This is a beautiful remix...perhaps the most emotional I've heard on the entire site. A lot flows into this (no pun intended -.-). It's not only a very relaxing ambience, but the way the flute and piano and lyre (or assumed third instrument ^_^) fits seemlessly together at times to add a blend that's not hard on the ears is a very nice touch -- an especial favorite to those who like the serenade of water piece from the game.

Hope to see more work from you soon ^_^ styles and music like that should never fade away.

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