m68030 Posted May 20, 2002 Posted May 20, 2002 Chrono Cross 'Radical Dreamers (Angelic Mix)' I'm not really a fan of Kaijin's ballad style, but he definitely does it very well. This is a nice smooth remix. Reminds me of some imaginative MODs from way back in the day. Makes me feel nostalgic for some reason. Great track. Quote
Arch_Slayer Posted June 9, 2002 Posted June 9, 2002 I must agree, this is probably the best remix/arrangement of any of the ones ive seen. There are many good ones, but this has a perfect melody, a perfect song to go along with, and its made by one of the best remixers. After 3 months of listening to it every single day, im still not tired of it. RadicalDreamersAlgelic is definitely a 10/10 remix Quote
kaijin Posted July 24, 2002 Posted July 24, 2002 I just like bringing the emotion out of a song and putting it on display. is that really a crime? honestly? Quote
jussjames Posted August 9, 2002 Posted August 9, 2002 This has to be one of the best remixes ever. Since I heard it, I've downloaded all of Kaijin's remixes. I love the bells, and the melody, especially around 2:15 (I could replay just that section over and over). The acoustic guitar is great, too... even great pan effects throughout! Great job, Kaijin! (And BTW, Kaijin, it isn't a crime, it's great. Stand for it) Quote
TheWired Posted August 11, 2002 Posted August 11, 2002 A very silent and ambient piece thrown into consideration here. In an almost-cheery fashion, your not too sure how to feel about this peculiar piece. The ballad amongst it could make some of the most brilliant poets think up a song dedicated entirely to it. This song is a definite must-have to ambient lovers, and it has a special place in my playlist with Kajin's name on it. Good job. Quote
rebirth9283 Posted August 22, 2002 Posted August 22, 2002 This is my favorite song from Chrono Cross. Naturally, you can expect me to be extremely picky about how it is interpreted. My chances of liking a remix of a song that was done right the first time are rather slim, so consider this fair warning. Bearing that in mind, I want you to know that I absolutely ADORE this remix. Kaijin managed to impress the nearly unimpressable Rebirth with this one. The strings really add a lot to the remix. And what is that mysterious wind instrument/chime-ish thing that handles the melody? I love it! And what's more important to my liking this remix, you managed to get my favorite part (here, the background acoustic guitar) right. Although I make it a habit to post positive reviews, there are few pieces that genuinely impress me. But Kaijin pulls it off nicely. What'll you do to follow this one up? A remix of Frozen Flame maybe...? Quote
RadicalDreamer Posted December 23, 2002 Posted December 23, 2002 I honestly wonder how everyone who has listened to this piece has not given it a review....a positive review at that. I first heard this song well over 6 months ago when I first started getting into vg remixes....I fair share that I've heard and the few that I've collected which I have on playlists circulating from time to time. But you now these are just remixes...how good could they be compared to the real deal? I'd never consider burning them or even listening to them over...and over...and over again... Until I heard this one....my god...Angelic is not just a fan remix...this is a whole new song....everyone who is in my car and hears this song says 'wow who is this by, this is great!'....they are all agasp when I say 'oh this is from a video game and fan made' Simply put man...this mix is beautiful...utterly and completely...the flow is so amazing from the start off with cymbols to the end which comes together with the bells and then slowly treads off with the acoustic guitar...amazing... To call this a remix does it no justice...Angelic is simply put one of thee best songs I've ever heard in my entire life, and thats saying something....period. Bravo dude. Quote
Ingonyama Posted February 27, 2003 Posted February 27, 2003 Newbie alert! Grab yer torch and pitchfork! *Ahem* ANYway... I'm not a remixer, so a lot of terms quite frankly elude me...But I know how a song makes me feel. That's what most people will get from me when I decide to annoy them with an amateur's review. The original Time's Scar brought tears to my eyes with the sheer innate power behind the melody. Since then, I can't give an unbiased review to a remix of the song. But this...This is something special. I walked home after the first time I heard it unable to escape the melody. Sending chills down my spine is just the start of what the (aptly-named) Angelic mix does to me. Listening to the choral parts near the last quarter of the song, my heart leaps into the air, does a Nancy Kerrigan triple-axle, and decides it's going to stay in Heaven for afternoon tea. Basically, this song makes me cry and smile at the same time. Music that does that gets 4 stars in my book. Quote
Deryck Khusial Posted July 7, 2003 Posted July 7, 2003 like an ocean breeze on a sunny day. that’s the kind of relaxant that this song is. the lead melody molds itself right into you, banishing away all thought, and by the time the choir comes around you feel like a million miles away Quote
Rowan Posted July 9, 2003 Posted July 9, 2003 It's one of those songs that lifts your heart, ya know? It's on my CD. I love it! It's just wonderfull. if I were going to raise a kid around music, the kid would have memorized it in a day it's so good! When I think of cronocross, the first song that comes in mind is this. (humms it while thinking) Always Loving, Lune St. Claire, at yer service! Quote
Ryudo_of_Destiny Posted July 31, 2003 Posted July 31, 2003 This remix is so damn good, it makes me wanna play Chrono Cross. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 20, 2004 Posted May 20, 2004 best. damn. remix. period. Seriously, this was one of the first remixes I ever downloaded, and is still easily the best Quote
FUZE Posted May 24, 2004 Posted May 24, 2004 its a cool song. i think it has a really good beat to it. anyway chronocross rules!!! I think that its one of the best songs but u should listen to inspiration also(chrono cross song) Quote
Angelus Laminarum Posted September 21, 2004 Posted September 21, 2004 This is my first post, and I must say, in response to this song... GAWD! Is it right to want to turn a tropical-paradise-sounding song really loud? This is a definite 10/10, a work of art in my book any day... keep it up, definitely (though I may be a little late in posting on this one... ) Quote
Vero Posted January 2, 2005 Posted January 2, 2005 I remember hearing this song a long time ago (I didn't download it from here) and never really knew what it was, but I loved it. Although I do like the original better, this is still really good. Quote
Miletus Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 Wow. I've heard this track for the longest time and I've always assumed it was from the game. Today I chekced the track and saw it was from OCR... I'm definitely impressed. More than anything else in this song I love the bells. Quote
lady zelda Posted March 18, 2006 Posted March 18, 2006 The "dreamer" quality is amazing and it really sets the listener soaring, if you know what I mean, lol. I love the atmosphere developed here, and the woodwind just intensifies it, while staying true to the original track. Keep these coming, Kaijin! Quote
BlueMage Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 Almost makes me want to get a PlayStation just to play the game. When it's a system from a company I have such a ... disdain for, you know that means the track in question is made of awesome and win. In huge quantities. And this was all put together in MIDI? Fuck man, you don't need to remind people you're hardcore. Easy 7. Easy. Quote
DragonFireKai Posted February 25, 2007 Posted February 25, 2007 I think the interlacing of the guitar and the woodwinds really makes this one a winner. It's not a raw guitar mix like some of Kaijin's earlier works, it's much more expansive then that. Quote
Echo Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 I love the original and this remix does justice to it big time. Instrumentation quality is top notch, and although it pretty closely follows the original, I like the different vibe of this a lot. At 2:15 is where this remix really shines, I just LOVE the mix of bells, choir and acoustic guitar. Excellent still after all these years. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted October 5, 2008 Posted October 5, 2008 This piece still remains pretty good after all this time. It has some faults that show it's age, in that the sound quality (while I'm assuming pretty good for it's time, certainly not the worst I've heard) is a little fake sounding in the woodwinds. I'm also not crazy about the chimes and splash cymbal, ut it could just be me. Personally, I think Kaijin did a good job speeding up the tempo, and it creates a new feel for the song (a little more uplifting). Not too much interpretation to the source, but that's alright, the style and added stuff does enough to really make it shine on it's own. My favorite part is literally about 3:02-3:05 in the guitar. It just struck me as really cool. I don't think this surpasses the OST in my opinion (which holds a special place in my heart, and I like the regular tempo more compared to this mix), but still a very good mix. Nice work. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 19, 2009 Posted March 19, 2009 A pretty charming track that doesn't stray that far from the original, but still has it's own flavor. I don't think the arrangement would be even close to passable nowadays, but it's still a very enjoyable piece. Quote
Lucentas Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Really great job here. There isn't really anything that stands out to me, the whole thing's just a very solid piece that's enjoyable to listen to. Quote
Sari Uchiha Posted November 16, 2010 Posted November 16, 2010 A very relaxing remix in my opinion, love it! Quote
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