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Gotta say I'm dying for a 2-D Zelda game like Minish Cap, but that's never going to happen is it?

That would be great, I love Minish Cap.

Also, I'm keeping my expectations for this game extremely low until Nintendo proves that Wii Motion Plus functionality will not suck.

Tenchi Muyo! actually ends with him marrying all of the girls,


No wonder I never saw the ending on Toonami...

On the topic at hand, I think they need to quit trying to follow the formula of Ocarina of Time, they've done it enough.


If they stop using the OOT formula then what do they do?

I mean what is the OOT formula? Are we talking about the play style (3rd person find temple, get item, kill boss, get heart, find next temple... ...)


I say Nintendo should just put LoZ into whatever the heck they can: Zelda Kart, Zelda Pinball, Zelda Tactics - in other words, just annoy the Belgium out of the fanboys who want to keep Zelda in the same OoT formula

If they stop using the OOT formula then what do they do?

I mean what is the OOT formula? Are we talking about the play style (3rd person find temple, get item, kill boss, get heart, find next temple... ...)

First three temples, get master sword, following temples (however many plus final), Ganon boss = OoT formula.

Since they are going to be using Wii MotionPlus, I am excited, because the swordplay in Wii Sports Resort got frustratingly difficult at the end of the Reverse stages, and that's what we need to do: get frustrated at Zelda once again.


I'd totally go for a Zelda Kart.

Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Impa, Tingle, Vaati, Midna, and Linebeck. PERFECT.

Zelda Tactics wouldn't be too bad either, if it really mixed in the mythos to the combat mechanics.

EDIT: And what you call the "OoT formula" was around in Link to the Past as well. So, maybe they've been using the same formula since 1993.


EDIT: And what you call the "OoT formula" was around in Link to the Past as well. So, maybe they've been using the same formula since 1993.

Right my point, I thought people might be talking about the point of view .

It might be kind of cool to see a Modern spin on Zelda.

I'd totally go for a Zelda Kart.

Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, Impa, Tingle, Vaati, Midna, and Linebeck. PERFECT.

They could use the stereotypical Zelda items as powerups. Gerudo Valley, Hyrule Castle, Lost Woods for courses... are you listening, Nintendo?

The fanboys would either hate it and rant about it angrily in their some random forum or they'd love it and try to figure out in which period in the Zelda mythos were Link and company riding around in Go Karts.

Thanks, you just saved me from watching/reading those last bits.

I'm not being sarcastic, I really am thanking you. I just can't bare to watch anymore of that series. The last movie and the spin-offs ruined it for me.

I just saved hours of watching crap!

Pretty much. It's funny, but convoluted as shit because they tried to fit too much into eight episodes. I do recommend Isekai, though. It's pretty awesome and only has passing (glaringly obvious) references to the original OVA series.

Off topic, I tried watching Tenchi Muyo Universe just to see what the series is all about, but Tenchi's voice turned me off in the first episode.

Then there was that one villain with the laughably small glasses (how does he use them???)...

There's Tenchi Muyo, and Tenchi Universe. Muyo has the villain (Kagato) with the hilariously small glasses. He's pretty awesome, and you're a loser for not watching more.

Well, they never tried to fit the Smash Bros series into the Zelda timeline, so I don't think they will bother.

Interestingly enough, Namco put some effort into explaining Link's existence in Soul Calibur II.


Zelda Kart? WTF not? But do it right - First of all, do it in a chibi style that differentiates itself from the actual series so that it retains its integrity. Do it as a high-end Wii Ware title. Have an online mode like Mario Kart Wii. Don't give it crappy, rubber-band AI and item mechanics like Mario Kart Wii. And it would be cool, I think. Maybe.


Possible tracks would include:

Outset Island

Faron Woods

Goron Mine

Castle Town Avenue

Woodfall Swamp

Termina Raceway

Water Temple

Lost Woods

Romani Ranch(complete with aliens and cows)

Lake Hylia

Tal Tal Heights

Misery Mire

Water Temple(would be everyone's most hated track)

Forsaken Fortress

Dodongo's Cavern

Tower of The Gods

Twilight Realm

Tower of Hera

Temple of Seasons

Turtle Rock(with a cameo by a koopa troopa)

Ambi's Tower

Martha's Bay

Animal Village

Sacred Realm

Hyrule Castle Sewers

Death Mountain

Great Palace

Thieve's Town


Gerudo Desert

Arbiter Grounds


WindWaker was awesome, except for one thing - NOT ENOUGH LAND!!!

Yeah, there weren't enough large tracts of land.

... What? I like admiring the sights on horseback in TP!

Seriously, I can appreciate the feeling they were going for with the open, empty ocean, but still... it was too empty. Nothing to admire, nothing to help the time pass. That's a problem with oceans in generally, actually, but having more islands, and larger ones, viewable all the way from the horizon would have made it a lot more tolerable. Incorporating the large distances into some kind of strategy for something would have also helped.



Din's Fire - A wave of fire that rolls along the track. If it strikes a racer, makes their engine overheat and they can't boost or whatever.

Nayru's Love - A shield weapon. Durr.

Farore's Wind - A cyclone offers the user a speed boost.

Deku Nut - Screen flashes white for all other racers, temporarily blinding them.

Bee in a Bottle - Messes up the the racer it hits, making the racer veer from side to side and otherwise act erratically on their own.

Fairy - Quick recovery from landing in hazards.

Skull Hammer - Sends out a shockwave that sends surrounding racers airborne.

Boomerang - Can be used multiple times to hit other racers and sweep the racetrack for another item.

Fire Arrows - Shoots arrows that make other racers spin out and overheat.

Ice Arrows - Shoots arrows that make other racers freeze.

Light Arrows - Shoots arrows that blind other racers.

Bombchu - Explosive that follows the racer ahead of the user and explodes on contact.

Bomb - Explosive that is thrown.


The main problem with The Wind Waker was that Hyrule was a massive disappointment.

What? We get to go to a couple of temples down here? Sweet--

No, the only way in is from the ocean.


Shrink down the empty ocean, maybe get rid of some of the reefs and pointless islands, and expand Hyrule a bit. That would've been perfect.

So anyway...if the next Zelda ends up a little disappointing, they'd better not even hint at something cool that isn't part of the game. Not that The Wind Waker was disappointing.

(also I approve of all this Zelda Kart talk)


Interestingly enough, Namco put some effort into explaining Link's existence in Soul Calibur II.

If I remember correctly, it was all due to an evil wizard, and would have happened after OoT.

Hell, it could even be canonical in the Windwaker universe. Link returned from Termina, he just didn't return from Soul Calibur 2.

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