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Nice pick.

The new(-ish) Zatoichi is pretty cool.

Chocolate (Girl beats people up, then beats more people up)

Not to mention she learns how to beat people up by watching Tony Jaa movies.

I think Blockbuster probably carries Dark City, Twelve Monkeys, and City of God. I second Oldboy, along with any of Chan-Wook Park's other movies (except maaaybe Thirst). Definitely not for people with weak stomachs though.


Not sure if it's already there: Napolean Dynamite.

The humour is so dry, but if you can look past the awkwardness, it can be extremely funny at times. Stupid humour has the ability to break a smirk IMO.

Also, Kung POW.

Spoof of most 70s kung fu films with Steve Odekirk inserted in vintage 70s clips. There's a battle in there with a cow that yells EPIC WIN at the end. And the villian has some of the best one-liners.

Yeah, I'm the king of obscure when it comes to recommendations.


Everything is illuminated. Its one of the few movies that actually seems to give more and more everytime you watch it. I love it for its habit of revealing something new you didn't pick up on last time each time you watch it. One of, if not the, best movie I have ever watched. It also portrays Elijah Wood (aka FRODO :P) as the main character, but that's the only real "mainstream" actor in the movie.

Everything is illuminated. Its one of the few movies that actually seems to give more and more everytime you watch it. I love it for its habit of revealing something new you didn't pick up on last time each time you watch it. One of, if not the, best movie I have ever watched. It also portrays Elijah Wood (aka FRODO :P) as the main character, but that's the only real "mainstream" actor in the movie.

I'll echo that one. Also, great music.

Never seen it, but I'm inclined to now that I've actually seen Gogol Bordello (shameless brag).

Bastard. Anna and I were standing in the 9:30 club, MINUTES away from catching them, when some bad appetizers we had earlier at Gordon Biersch caught up with us, and we had to make a quick exit. :tomatoface:

Hal Hartley's Trust.

Good luck finding it, and you probably won't like it, but to me it's a classic. Just showed it to Anna for the first time last night.

Major bonus points to anyone here who's seen it.

My brother loves that movie, but I've never seen it. The only Hal Hartley I've seen is The Book of Life, and that was because of PJ Harvey (I <3 her 800 times). I thought it was a good movie though - he has a really interesting style of very stiff acting and fourth-wall breaking but he's also extremely sincere at the same time, which I like a lot.

I was a film major at school so I'm all over this movie recommendations stuff. I wish you guys were a little more specific with what type of movie you wanna see, but here are some of my favorites anyway with the directors noted (these aren't necessarily obscure, just some of my favorite movies):

1. Inland Empire (Lynch)

2. Mulholland Dr. (Lynch)

3. Mirror (Tarkovsky)

4. Stalker (Tarkovsky)

5. Cries and Whispers (Bergman)

6. Pierrot Le Fou (Godard)

7. Vivre Sa Vie (Godard)

8. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeousie (Bunuel)

9. Celine and Julie Go Boating (Rivette)

10. Paris, Texas (Wenders)

11. Night of the Hunter (Laughton)

12. 8 1/2 (Fellini)

13. Nights of Cabiria (Fellini)

14. The Long Goodbye (Altman)

15. Videodrome (Cronenberg)

16. Blade Runner (Scott)

17. Network (Lumet)

18. Last Year at Marienbad (Resnais)

19. Au Hasard Balthazar (Bresson)

20. Brazil (Gilliam)

21. Faces (Cassavetes)

22. Andrei Rublev (Tarkovsky)

23. Persona (Bergman)

24. Wild Strawberries (Bergman)

25. The Third Man (Reed)

26. Aguirre, The Wrath of God (Herzog)

27. High and Low (Kurosawa)


wtf @ the guy recommending napolean dynamite. obscure my fuzzy ass

i'll echo oldboy primarily because it's the best damn foreign film i've seen next to the non-dubbed police story. sweet and lowdown is a great and lesser known flick with sean penn; he does a pretty great job with the egotistical, misunderstood rockstar role. primer is a time travel mindfuck that boasts an insane replay value (to me anyway). nic cage's acting in adaptation rivals his older classic movies, and who can forget david lynch's blue velvet and lost highway? most of these i realize are pseudo-obscure since a lot of film outlets regard them as timeless gems, but they're put plainly some of my personal favorites that i think any movie buff should watch

if you want a decent cheatsheet to refer to, check out empire's top 500. goes great with a netflix subscription


A movie I haven't seen in any store or rental place in years... Double Dragon. Don't know how it stacks up against most of the movies in this thread (eg you probably won't like it as much), but it's definitely obscure. I've honestly only seen it once when I was a little kid... But I remember it in the same way I remember the Turtles movies, so... it might be funny to watch.

I was a film major at school so I'm all over this movie recommendations stuff. I wish you guys were a little more specific with what type of movie you wanna see, but here are some of my favorites anyway with the directors noted (these aren't necessarily obscure, just some of my favorite movies)

I'm in school for video production, so I'm a bit of a film geek too. I'm actually kind of surprised to see that I've watched quite a few of these (nonetheless, lots of great recommendations).

As far as my preferences go, I left it open ended on purpose because I'll generally watch anything if it's engaging... but if you must know, my favorites tend to be movies that are highly emotionally engaging and/or full of action. Or funny. Normally, I'd enjoy the slower paced and the mind screwy stuff, but my ADHD has been flaring up real bad lately. When I'm in moods like this, my top list consists of stuff like Leon the Professional, UHF, Hard Boiled, Shoot 'Em Up, The Breakfast Club, Man on Fire, Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz, Kill Bill, Total Recall, anything by Pixar... (for the life of me I can't think of any more well-known emotional ones, even though there are tons of them, but I love those too). Everything from the mindless to the heartbreaking. It's a pretty broad range, so if you're debating not suggesting it, go ahead and throw it out there.

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