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That doesn't particularly change the fact that I'd arrive for 1 (hopefully) full day of MAGFest, and 1 day of closing ceremonies and people leaving.

Also: My tickets from LA to DC didn't cost $500. Michelle told Jordan that, as well.

Also also: why would tickets on the NYE holiday be any more expensive than ones on the MLK holiday? BUT whatever it doesn't matter to me either way. I just won't be able to go if it's then, so I'll save the money.

NYE is a travel holiday, and MLK is not. Thus, tickets cost probably double on NYE what they would for MLK.

The way magfest has worked before when it's thurs-sun is that thurs is sort of the set up day, and not a full day. So if you were to fly in thurs night, you'd be fine. The reason he was saying that most kids get friday off, is because a lot of college students (including me, many years ago), would select their schedules so they can get the 3 day weekend every week.

Just attend your first few days of class, get your syllabus, tell your professor, and you'll be fine.


I've mentioned on the MAGFest comment thread about why things may not be so simple (at least for me, and maybe some others) - here's my c/p of it.

"When you have obligations as a graduate student, it's a whole different ballgame. You're not expected to miss any class you teach unless you're sick, family emergency, or a conference you're attending/presenting, especially at a university like mine where we have such prestige. In addition, professors meet with the students working for him/her that semester a few days beforehand to get everything straightened out. Taking vacations isn't necessarily the easiest thing to do when you're continually doing research, especially when the expectation is that your research isn't to stop when you're on break. Taking time off for the holidays is already bad enough in some instances. Taking time off so close to when the actual semester starts and when you're supposed to be back into full swing? Yeah, I rather refrain from irking people further involved in my future career-wise unless I absolutely have to, especially when I've already had other issues happen & affect my progress (family & personal health) that has seem to be happening at an increasing rate in the past year."

Fuck that, we need summertime MAGfest.


Seriously, it'll be a lot easier to pick a weekend that doesn't impede on peoples' plans, especially school. By the time I'll actually have the means to get to MAG, I'll be well into college/working and getting time off for those would be difficult. As for New Years Eve, I never do anything for it but I know a lot of other people do. Planning the convention at a completely different time of year would provide for a lot more flexibility and less stress on everyone planning on attending.

I've mentioned on the MAGFest comment thread about why things may not be so simple (at least for me, and maybe some others) - here's my c/p of it.

"When you have obligations as a graduate student, it's a whole different ballgame. You're not expected to miss any class you teach unless you're sick, family emergency, or a conference you're attending/presenting, especially at a university like mine where we have such prestige. In addition, professors meet with the students working for him/her that semester a few days beforehand to get everything straightened out. Taking vacations isn't necessarily the easiest thing to do when you're continually doing research, especially when the expectation is that your research isn't to stop when you're on break. Taking time off for the holidays is already bad enough in some instances. Taking time off so close to when the actual semester starts and when you're supposed to be back into full swing? Yeah, I rather refrain from irking people further involved in my future career-wise unless I absolutely have to, especially when I've already had other issues happen & affect my progress (family & personal health) that has seem to be happening at an increasing rate in the past year."

I'm a graduate student too, but if you have to give them an option that's not, "My schedule is both flexible and inflexible at the same time and nothing works, it's an inconvenience either way." ;)

And that Monday is MLK (Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday) which means they also have off.

I'm Canadian so I don't get that particular day off, but if that is in fact a long weekend for many people then it does make it easier.


Summer MAGfest is an excellent idea. As a florist, Christmas/New Year's is a very busy holiday season; I managed to get some time off this year, but only enough to be with our family. Asking for three or four days off in the summer, on the other hand, would be a piece of cake! July and August are pretty slow.

I really hope Brandon considers this as an option! :puppyeyes:


Like I said before, the two dates the hotel offered us are the only feasible dates.

MAGFest has always considered other dates first, but it all comes down to affordability and availability. We can't afford to get a venue that large in the middle of the summer, which is peak (read: expensive) season, and any other affordable date is already booked.

Also: My tickets from LA to DC didn't cost $500. Michelle told Jordan that, as well.

Also also: why would tickets on the NYE holiday be any more expensive than ones on the MLK holiday? BUT whatever it doesn't matter to me either way. I just won't be able to go if it's then, so I'll save the money.

I didn't see this until now.

The reason why Michelle's plane ticket didn't cost near $500 is because she travelled longer then 4 days. Didn't she travel for 2 weeks or something like that? My other question is, what day did she fly out? Before New Year's Eve? Did she fly directly to Orlando, FL or Alex., VA? Those details matter to lower the price as well. We shopped for Magfest tickets since August '09 and they ranged between $350 to $500 for the dates Dec. 31st to Jan. 4th. We can't travel for longer then 4 days. Jordan has a job whereas Michelle doesn't (if I recall) and he doesn't get vacation days like most of you with comfy jobs. With me unemployed for 8 months last year and just recently laid off again (I didn't even get to work a full 30 days and they laid me off damn it), we can't afford that plus hotel, food, and merchandise if we want to get some. For those who work retail (which Jordan doesn't thank goddness) most people can't request New Year's because it's a much more important holiday then MLK.

NYE is a travel holiday, and MLK is not. Thus, tickets cost probably double on NYE what they would for MLK.

The way magfest has worked before when it's thurs-sun is that thurs is sort of the set up day, and not a full day. So if you were to fly in thurs night, you'd be fine. The reason he was saying that most kids get friday off, is because a lot of college students (including me, many years ago), would select their schedules so they can get the 3 day weekend every week.

Just attend your first few days of class, get your syllabus, tell your professor, and you'll be fine.

AND I was just about to say this, but Nick did me the favor. New Year's DOUBLES and MLK does not. Most students can get Fridays off in their schedule. You have the choice to do it VERY early because it's a year in advanced. =P When we showed up for New Year's Eve in Magfest 7, it was really just a "set-up day." We actually regretted flying on New Year's Eve. We could've saved some money.


I will be there either way, but I would rather ditch some classes then pass up potential DJ work(s) on and around New Years Eve, plus it is hugely important to me that i can connect with other people that are back home for that short window of time during Christmas/New Years holidays.



How close is Hagerstown?

Anyway, allegiantair is so cheap and awesome, I hope they add more airports to their stuff... If you need to get anywhere and have a friend who doesn't mind driving a little out of the way to pick you up, its the way to go for a cheap flight!

Oh yeah and we got the hotel booked at 85 a night through an AAA discount, just an FYI.

To add my weight to this: I will probably be flying next year so it really doesn't matter exactly when Magfest is done to me. Maybe Ari thinks differently, I would have to ask him.

I guess getting there on New Years cut some time with my family a little short, and honestly the New Years Party left something to be desired. I dressed up big time for the Bond Party but it seemed like less than half of the rest did, and it would have been cool to have some sort of alcohol (champagne) or h'orderves or something for the countdown available, which I would have probably paid extra for, but I guess you can't expect that since half the people there were either broke or not of drinking age and since we aren't allowed to drink down there anyway :(

It was a nice idea though, just yeah I think I'd rather go to a real New Year's themed um, whatever party or try something different. BALLS OF STEAL was awesome though to kick in the NEW YEAR.


How close is Hagerstown?

Anyway, allegiantair is so cheap and awesome, I hope they add more airports to their stuff... If you need to get anywhere and have a friend who doesn't mind driving a little out of the way to pick you up, its the way to go for a cheap flight!

Oh yeah and we got the hotel booked at 85 a night through an AAA discount, just an FYI.

Oh snap, thanks for the site Monobrow! :D And we don't have triple A, but if we can make the next Magfest, we'll beg for roomies.

Like I said, voted 13th-16th, but summer would be a lot easier to plan around, if it would be considered at all.

Summer would make a huge difference in my ability to go, as well as my ability to have a great time. As it is, over NYE I would have to rush back Sunday to prepare for teaching that Monday, and if it is in mid January I would be rushing on both ends. Add to that the thought of spending a large chunk of change right after buying presents for Christmas (not the biggest issue, but it can feel like a big hit sometimes).


I love you guys, but my IRL friends take precedence over people I met on the intertubes, so any sort of overlap with NYE is a no-go for me. I only barely made it this time because my friends were willing to miss Friday so I could ride/drive with them.


Went with the earlier option. Normally my opinion wouldn't count for much because up until now it's never been feasible for me to go, but I'm planning on setting aside a large chunk of cash for next year. (actually, one paycheck at my current job will probably cover a return flight, assuming airline costs don't skyrocket... :D ) As it stands now, MA9FEST will be my first, so don't screw it up by choosing dates that would make it impossible for me to attend!


Still half an hour before i need to take the bus home, so I'll answer now before I forget about this thread.

Personnally I don't have any preference. Since we don't celebrate NYE at home and family reunions are all between Dec. 25th and 30th, both work for me. I'd kinda prefer that MAGFest would be later than the 30th so that way my sister has no reason to refuse my offer of joining me in a 4+days party trip.

As long as I got the money and free time to go, I'm fine with either.


There's a matter about summer vs. winter MAGFest I think you're all forgetting.

MAGFest is unique because of its timing. My first MAG was four years ago, while I was in the throes of college. I had no car, classes every day (a residential liberal arts college) and tons of work, so traveling during the semester or summer (when I also took classes) was pretty much impossible. But because MAGFest is on or near a date when many people are on vacation, it's a premiere time for them to go. There are also plenty of other cons during the summer, so MAGFest would have to compete with them for attendees (even if there's not a direct conflict people can afford to attend only so many cons over a given stretch).

We all know no date is going to work for everyone. But this community does not begin and end with MAGFest. If you can only come during the summer, come to Otakon. Or if that's not your bag, help plan an OCR meetup. I've seen a dearth of those lately (except for you guys, Andy and Jill. You rock). Or perhaps best yet, if you want to see MAG Part 2: Summertime Edition, help plan it! I certainly don't agree with everything Brendan and his band of misfits decide on, but there's no question that his commitment to providing the best experience possible is absolute.

In short... should I say it? Ah hell, I'll say it.

Ask not what the MAGFest community can do for you. Ask what you can do for the MAGFest community.

(Pezman out)


MIssed MAG 8 simply because of bad timing on my part...honestly thought I'd be able to get there. However, I would be in favor of a NYE celebration...seems like that would be fitting.

Having one in the summer, changing the schedule that dramatically...seems unfair to those that are so used to the celebration in January. :\


To answer you Jade: we flew out Dec 31 (the night of the 30th) at 1 AM for $109 per person from LAX to DCA. We landed around 10 AM on the 31st, with one connection in Houston. I stayed until Jan 10 with friends and flew straight back to Sacramento (SMF), flying back was more expensive at around $160 for me. Doug went back to Orlando though so his flight was only $62. Prot actually helped me a lot in finding good flight deals too, we searched for a couple days before finally making purchases. Doug and I flew in on Continental and out on Southwest, I know Southwest has a major hub in Vegas but you might have to fly into BWI instead of DCA and see if anyone from the area is willing to give you a ride up, or there's a train you can take (I know DrumUltima can give you details on that). Southwest flights don't show up on sites like travelocity, expedia etc. so you'll have to search for flights on their main site. Unfortunately they aren't booking past August or so of this year so you'll have to wait a couple months to see what kind of deals you can get. Hit me up when the time comes and I am absolutely happy to help you or anyone else find the best deals.

To answer you Jade: we flew out Dec 31 (the night of the 30th) at 1 AM for $109 per person from LAX to DCA. We landed around 10 AM on the 31st, with one connection in Houston. I stayed until Jan 10 with friends and flew straight back to Sacramento (SMF), flying back was more expensive at around $160 for me. Doug went back to Orlando though so his flight was only $62. Prot actually helped me a lot in finding good flight deals too, we searched for a couple days before finally making purchases. Doug and I flew in on Continental and out on Southwest, I know Southwest has a major hub in Vegas but you might have to fly into BWI instead of DCA and see if anyone from the area is willing to give you a ride up, or there's a train you can take (I know DrumUltima can give you details on that). Southwest flights don't show up on sites like travelocity, expedia etc. so you'll have to search for flights on their main site. Unfortunately they aren't booking past August or so of this year so you'll have to wait a couple months to see what kind of deals you can get. Hit me up when the time comes and I am absolutely happy to help you or anyone else find the best deals.

I used to be an Expedia person, but I switched to Southwest thanks to Audio Fidelity. I downloaded a client called "Ding!" that he recommended and I looked everyday for deals. From August to November I browsed not just Ding!, but every other airline website possible that I was aware of and I never found a deal for 4 days. I think Bustatunes paid about $500 (I could be wrong) to fly as well so it's not like I'm making this up. =P Though if you guys could help me in the near future then that's different. That would be awesome.

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