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Wow, this program is amazing! I mean, I'd always wanted a Latin rendition of Schala, but didn't know how to make it. But the ReMixanator did it all just right! This could revolutionize the scene as we know it. And I don't have to wait for a whole week just for one mix! Getting rid of those annoyingly slow composers and schedule-ridden judges was just the right thing for the site.

What do you all think? What's your fave mix you've generated?

EDIT: Big thread for a little April Fool's joke. Thanks for making the day hilarious, OCR Judges and Staff, as well as anyone who provided the laughably good music to the table. Bravo!

no bubbly chiptune option? fail.

Exactly. I'm incensed that I can't make a remix of a track from a 20-year-old video game system sound like it's coming from a retro 20-year-old video game system! This injustice shall not stand.

It's still a major breakthrough in music creation, though. Forget the thousands of dollars I've spent on gear over the past five years of my life, this is all I need!


Sweet.. I always wanted to beable to remix my own tunes.. now i can...to bad can no-longer submit to the site with such an epic rise in technology i guess the days of manual remixing is now behind us.

RIP Manual remixing and Welcome to the world Remixinator!!


I've been requesting this for a while from the OCR staff, and finally they've answered. I think they've got a -very- strong concept at work here. Personally, I'm glad that this system's in place.

That way we can gradually bring the standard of our OCReMixes back up to what it once was. No more shitty mixing. No more shitty judges. Might increase traffic to this site too, and some, god forbid, -real musicians.-

Thanks OC ReMix (:rolleyes), for finally putting the "Re" back into "ReMix" like I've been asking ever since '99, ya know, back when the greats such as Seifer and Counterstrike ReMixes were still treated nicely enough to be "one of us".


I'm really digging the Ice Cap Zone/Piano Solo/Orchestral Elements combo. Has a nice epic feel to it.

Also the Schala/Jazz/Female Vocals is pretty rocking.

Any other cool combos?


Cool beans indeed. And remember guys, it's not cheating- it's taking advantage of technology! People 30 years ago once thought making electronic music was "cheating", because you just turn a few knobs and keys, but we know better. It's just one of the new wonders we have to work with :nicework:


I torrent the shit out of every program out there to make good musics, and I get nowhere, and now this remixnator comes and makes my hard-work all come for naught.

Fuck you forever, OCR.



So this is what it has become. This is what we've come to. I can't say that I didn't expect it, or think it inevitable. The years I've worked so hard on music, trying to improve my skills, trying to do something creative and original...has all of that been in vain? Is this what music is now? Just a grocery list of vaguely defined generic musical elements pasted together in different configurations? I always knew OCR was moving in this direction, but I never thought it would be this crass or obvious. It just shows how far people have become jaded and desensitized. We've become mindless consumers. We've forgotten what really matters. We're so far from what brought us here, we might as well trash the whole thing and start over.

I, for one, am not gonna stand for this. And I can't stand by while the rest of you drink the kool-aid of this horrendous invention. You people are fucking DRONES. And I'm a human being, goddammit. My life has value. I WILL NOT stand for this. I'm seriously considering quitting the community, because it seems at this point that there's no way it will turn around. This is pure garabage, and that's my opinion.


In the 1930s, the electric Hammond organ was considered controversial. Why? It had bass pedals! Bass players thought no one would hire them and instead just hire an organ player to play both keys and bass. The musicians union at the time went so far to demand that if you hired an organ player, you must hire a bass player as well.

That may sound silly now, but this same technophobia continues to run deep in the music world toda. So I, for one, commend OverClocked ReMix for their courage in adopting generative/intelligent algorithmic composition/arrangement techniques. I have studied this technology at great lengths so am I elated to see it being brought to the video game music masses.



This is by far the best thing to come out of the remixing community since the sliced bread pudding cup. That's right! It beats out the awesomeness of not having to own a knife with the awesomeness of having your tastiness whenever you want.


My long sought dream has finally been realized! I have done an electronica mix of Schala's theme! I don't like to brag, but I must say my style is quite unique and the Remixanator picked up on that instantly. This is the tool of Musical Gods!


Won't this thing kinda mess up the whole OCR community?

People will just create and submit mixes from this rather than making them themselves. The site will be overrun!

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