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The piano playing and singing are interesting, but I think I'm most surprised by the lyrical content. She goes from writing this sensitive poetic ballad to: "Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-Roma-ma-ah! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!"

Alternate thread title: Lady Gaga's got a hidden pianist.

tee hee


Of course she has some sort of repressed talent, Even thought it seams like a lot of pop artists are crap, they do have a history of Music. Its not like one day someone saw her face and decided to make her popular. We dont see the root of the tree. .

That being said.. I think I may have heard one of her songs.

I'm reminded of the saying: you have to know the rules to know how to break them, so I suspect that there is more to her music than paint by the number pop, and that she may have more to offer than what we take at face value.

Paint by the number pop does not exist. I personally don't like her music much (a lot of her style seems to be based on visuals) but it is pretty original.


Well if you watch American Idol (I don't, I swear), they'll often kick out all of the baddies for a good reason - it's the phenomenon of Garbage In, Garbage Out. They basically say that they need someone with a good foundation to build off of.

It's much easier for them to shape and train someone who can sing than someone who can't.


That was intriguing. I've heard her sing without all the electronics before and I'v e seen her play piano.

She's a remarkably talented artist. (though this video really raised my opinion of her singing and playing) She's also a fantastic songwriter. Whatever you think of her music now, her songs show a great deal of talent and artistry. Its funny, different as her image may be now that faster part of the video sounds just like her current stuff.

That said, I actually can't stand lady gaga. While i do very much like her MUSIC, I don't like what she stands for as an artist and apparently as a person. In her case, I can't separate the two, which is why I choose not to support her. The ideas she portrays through her music and theatricality I think are awful. Moral qualms aside, Her music makes it clear that she is willing to do anything and everything for fame and reputation. She is a sellout by her own admission, and she'll do whatever it takes the emblazon her name in the music industry. I think we're seeing the product of that attitude when you compare this video to what we see and hear from her now.

very impressive and interesting video.


I love pop music, but I don't think she's an especially good songwriter compared to a lot of the really solid writers out there nowadays (Claude Kelly, Benjamin Levin, Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald - to name some recent big names), but add that to her performance skills and ability to get media attention, and she certainly has earned the degree of success she has experienced. No disrespect from me.


In b4 "Ooooh I like how being a passable lounge/jazz piano player makes you supposedly talented."

Yay for the age of mediocrity literally stabbing talent in the face and stripping it away. <3

Real marketing genius doesn't exist anymore. I don't see what's clever in throwing away an image for a completely different, in order to achieve bigger payoffs.

What IS clever is being able to keep a formula as intact as possible and make it popular.

If marketing execs are good as they say they are, they'll be spending time changing people, not the product.

okay so i'm pretty admittedly out of the loop when it comes to mainstream artists but i had no idea lady gaga was white

You probably didn't know she has a penis either. LAWL.


what is so wrong about following a formula that makes catchy, enjoyable songs ? also i love how you are so quick to say pop is bland and uninspired because it follows a formula. the reason music genres exist is because they all follow a formula. bach followed a pretty tight formula, so did all the classic rock bands, blues bands, etc. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with that.

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