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She does what she does well. I've heard some of her piano stuff before and I respect her for her work. If she's a sellout, well, her albums are called "The Fame" and "The Fame Monster" for a reason. Sort of justifies/invalidates it in a sense.

Once I stopped trying to ignore her, I could actually enjoy her work and realize that she's just artistically diverse. And sure, the rah-rah-ah-ah-ah is pretty simple, but I bet once you heard it you could never forget it.


I like Lady Gaga. Her choice to be a weird mainstream glam pop star seems completely intentional, and I think she's very fully embracing the ridiculousness of that persona. Her music hasn't blown me away (though I love her videos), but it's pretty good for what it is. It seems like she has the talent to stick around, at least.

Why is everyone saying "oh it's such a shame?" She's still really good, she's just doing something different now. :\

Pretty much agree. I really really like her. I'm not fussed on much pop music at all... I tend to steer clear of the radio. But I love her stuff... it's melodic, you can sing along to it, and her tracks have a good beat... She, like some of the best 80's pop tunes, finds this massive killer hook that just resonates.

This video pretty much confirms what I already knew... that she can sing.

Awesome :D


Hey, The Author, just out of curiosity, did you happen to discover this as a result of viewing the Nostalgia Chick's video on ThatGuyWithTheGlasses?

Oh, and for the record, Cartman's version of Poker Face is substantially better than Lady Gaga's version.


She's a decent songwriter. Too bad none of that has translated into her Pop music... Well, except this is basically the same bluesy chord progression from Pokerface.

Honestly I find her current songwriting mediocre, her gimmick is what sells... But that's most pop artists so!

If she had kept this up, who knows if she would ever get recognition.

This video has really changed very little in my view of her music lol. I'm still waiting for a song from Lady Gaga that impresses me, without seeing the video *_*


I didn't read the thread so I don't know if anyone mentioned that the Nostalgia Chick recently brought this video to our attention. She made some good points on Girl Pop sensations from the mid 90's to present, specifically:

Brittney Spears played the cute angle, then got slutty, then got crazy, and was always at the forefront of our attention.

Christina Agulera on the other hand went with slutty first and then tried to be soulful and ballad centered.

They were on the same level at one point but Brittney's fame and press DOMINATED Christina because Christina was actually putting her musical ability first while Brit is quite plain and much easier to sing along to.

Then Lady Gaga does everything right: Easy to sing along to, slutty, crazy, and plays her actual musical ability close to the vest. I have to admit... from a sales standpoint her and her management is fucking CLEVER. You think this video of her singing at the piano is going to HURT her fame!? She can pretty much do anything she wants, on any stage, any where, and people will be applauding.


Gaga is a musical prodigy; she played the piano at four. There are people I know (my friend Darek) who've done the same. So gifted they are. :D

The piano playing and singing are interesting, but I think I'm most surprised by the lyrical content. She goes from writing this sensitive poetic ballad to: "Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-Roma-ma-ah! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!"

She's chanting, seriously. Very serious I am.

Then Lady Gaga does everything right: Easy to sing along to, slutty, crazy, and plays her actual musical ability close to the vest. I have to admit... from a sales standpoint her and her management is fucking CLEVER.

This is the thing I'm willing to grant her the most. Her songs are catchy but aren't very remarkable as far as pop songs go. (Except maybe that one part in "Bad Romance", you know the one.) So why the hell does everyone keep talking about her, especially in places like OCR which aren't that pop-centric? Because she knows exactly how to capture the public's attention, even people who don't care about her music, and that in itself is somewhat awe-inspiring. Being able to do that well makes you a star, and definitely translates to more fame/sales than you would have had otherwise, regardless of talent.

I keep telling him but he doesn't get it.

he doesnt get much

I don't mind pop, and I'll tolerate it. But I'd much rather listen to video game music.

yeah because video game music is a genre

Who, not whom.

Thank you my friend. :-D

Who/whoever: subjective; whom/whomever: objective. Got it. Sadly some others know how to inform people but not give them space. So much for "getting... much". :-P

I love pop music, but I don't think she's an especially good songwriter compared to a lot of the really solid writers out there nowadays (Claude Kelly, Benjamin Levin, Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald - to name some recent big names)...

Seriously? You're using those names to highlight pop writers that mark above the status quo? They practically are the status quo.

I would think that some better names would come to mind in terms of pop counterpoint, like Damon Albarn, Adam Young, or Coldplay, considering that they've had success with top 100 pop songs in the last ten years. (Personally, I think Bright Eyes, Dr. Dog, Silversun Pickups, or Minus the Bear are better choices when considering songwriting.) Granted pop music of the last ten years has been dominated by technology via a sound that's digitally altered, particularly in terms of vocals, featuring piano chords or keyboard-styled instruments (synthetic instruments included), and layered with synthetic percussion, so the creation of poignant lyrics with memorable melodies hasn't been a priority in the music industry. Technology is the gimmick and how a song sounds is worth more than what it means.

I always wondered why I found her strangely aesthetically appealing, and now I know.

Yeah, she was actually cute.

The reason I say, "Oh, it's a shame." is because someone that can actually sing like a hoss and play piano well is speaking into an auto-tuner with unts unts unts unts.

Granted, if you heard Brown Eyes the you already knew this years ago.


I've always respected Lady Gaga's work, why? Because you hear it everywhere and it's fun to dance to in the clubs...other than that, I really wish her popularity wasn't based solely in the gay community, she's like the Kathy Griffin of music, the gays worship her. And it's not based on her talent at all. While I hold her in little regard recently as an artist, she has some music I really love to listen to...and I knew she could play piano quite well before seeing this video because she performed live on Idol last year and did an acoustic version of Poker Face that went into the actual song midway thru...

Adam Lambert should take a few lessons from her, then he might be able to whoo an audience without shoving his tongue down the drummer's throat.

She does look alot better with dark hair though...

:P Telephone music video ftw!!! She got the Pussy Wagon!!!

itt the ocr forums come to the realization that lady gaga is a talented musician. a couple years late to the party, but at least it's progress.

I was just thinking the same thing. Maybe people don't realize that because they only see her as a crazy looking lady wearing a bloody tampon outfit with a viking helmet and biker boots. IDK.

But yeah, she has tremendous talant, and pairing her up with my future wife, Beyonce (shaddup) is a pretty awesome move imo.

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