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I love blasting this, even if nobody gets the same emotional rush as I do when I hear the themes.

Epic is right...this would fit like a glove in a FFIV movie. The marching had me hooked the first time I heard it.


I think if there was 1 song i'd pick to give someone an idea of what Echoes was all about, it'd be this one. It's sweeping, bombastic, and instantly recognizable. Add to it that Jay made it sound effortless to pull off, and it's a real standout. I'll be listening to this song for years and years.

Thanks, Jay. :-)


This track overstays its welcome like a couple other on the project. And even a good chunk of remixes posted to the site in general. The last minute and a half could be excised from the track and nobody would be any bit the wiser. "OH BUT ITS MY FAVOURITE THEME GUSH GUSH GUSH." Okay, fine. But there is an issue with how you have constructed the track. You have two climaxes in it, one at 1:45 and the other somewhere at 4 minutes.

After four minutes you haven't done anything new or interesting. 4:50 and you have a good place to end the track, even though it has drug on a bit more. What is going on for the last minute and 10? Just... more referencing? I made criticism to zircon's electrodispenser and bLiNd's Jade Catacombs (both tracks that I love and tend to put on repeat for a good half hour each - Jade Catacombs sometimes a bit more) but at least the disjointed ending portions are INTERESTING enough to warrant it, even if it breaks up track cohesion. In this track, unless I am listening for the individual sources and not treating the track as a singular musical work, it sounds like you didn't know how to end things and decided to just keep going... and going..... and going......

I honestly wonder how many people whose comments of "Epic" apply only to the first 3 or so minutes, which are balls tighteningly MELT-YOUR-FACE-OFF-LIKE-IN-RAIDERS-OF-THE-LOST-ARK epic, and then seem to gloss over the last portion.

Oh, and yes. I meant what I just typed out - the first few minutes are that good. I was introducing a friend to the project and used the first bit of this remix to convince them how awesome the project could be.


bells? epic. marching? epic. screaming guitar? epic. brass? epic. the climax at ~1:44: epic; being followed by the guitar taking over as lead: epic. 2:30-2:35, another climax. epic. the breakdown following it? epic. airship and it's climax? epic. the soloing? epic. alright, at 4:50 it does start to drag. prelude isn't enough to save it, but the presentation of the main theme does. ending? epic.

at this point i'm not even sure what "epic" means, ...but don't make me bust out an epic stopwatch. lol


I think SoulinEther just suffered from epicity overload. It's not a good thing. Luckily, I have gained a slight tolerance to the high epicity levels in this track since I got it on the album. It is quite awesome, and does indeed capture the military might of Baron. It's a great track, and one of my favorites from the album. Great work, audio fidelity! ^_^


The only thing I can do after hearing this is echo the other reviewers: This is one of the best tracks off the album and it's absolutely epic! Loved the bells and marching.


Nice work, Jay. Incredible first solo-mixpost. It's clear you have a huge passion for the game, and you poured your heart into this mix. Explains the long length of it as well, and how many different themes you incorporated.

Not much to say. "Epic", while over-used, fits the description well. It's almost theatric in it's scale, as it could easily pass as movie production music. Awesome work.

*thumbs up*


This is actually my first time listening to this with my new monitor set up.

Holy s***balls. This has some of the most amazing mixing of any epic orchestral tune I have heard. For realz, there's really cool subtleties going on with this.

I would also have to disagree with those who say the song drags. That ending is great, its like the denouement to the second climax. The sweeping, the subtle layering that bring it to its close. Its got a Appian Way ending for certain. Don't forget that the guitar scale is totally on point. ;)

Maybe Jay and I have similar tastes in music, or rather, I know we do. After all... I am Zeromus. ;)

Great work bro. Hope to see you next mag, and may we have more musical adventures!

"It took a long time to get a fixed encoding" -djpretzel

I wonder what exactly is meant by this. Is this OCReMix somehow different than the track in the FF4 project album? Or was the original MP3 encoding broken in some subtle way?

That aside, awesome song. Soundscape could've used some dynamic relief at points, but it's a small gripe. :)


This may be my favorite remix of the album. As I said on Facebook, from the first time I heard this song I felt it perfectly captured the "might" of Baron's military force...I think all of us were waiting to hear something this epic...awesome job!

  • 1 year later...

A huge success!!! You do justice to an epic tune, and even more impressive, show some pretty fantastic range while doing so. Very, very high quality remix, and a staple of what I think is the best total album on OCRemix to date. WELL DONE!

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02038 - Final Fantasy IV "The Might of Baron"

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