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I stand by that statement. Rare is a shell of what it was almost 10 years ago. Now they're relegated to making Wii knockoffs, and since none of their new games sold well at all, I don't see them making a comeback anytime soon.

I feel that Nintendo was wise to let them go, even though I didn't feel that way originally.

Reportedly, David Wise is a freelance composer now, so maybe they can havehim come in and oversee or even compose the music for the game. I saw a report that Nintendo acknowledged that the music from the Super NES games were a fond memory for many, so take that as you will.

I'm definitely buying this game.

If it sells well (as it should), Retro needs to make a 2D Metroid, considerring they seem to know Metroid better than Sakamoto himself.

There were rumors originally that Rare was a mess before Nintendo sold their stake to Microsoft - supposedly from Rare employees on a message board in fact. The purported reason is that the Stamper brothers basically stopped caring about game development.

Nintendo was very smart for refusing to buy them assuming these rumors was true, and Microsoft should've done their research into the state of the company, although the Stamper brothers probably hid as much negativity as possible from Microsoft.


Donkey Kong Country 3 owns hard. It's easily better than the first game, and is only marginally less great than DKC 2. Levels are fun, vehicles are cool, music is great, Ellie is almost as good as Rambi, and Krematoa is epic. Growing up, I had no idea that the great DKC3 had a bad reputation until I started going online regularly. Now I know, and yet I still can't understand why.

Does anyone know if K. Rool and his crocs are going to show back up in this? I've seen no indication of this in the trailer. Are they owned by Rare??

As mentioned in the post above, it's really unlikely. The developers said no in two seperate interviews. One is linked in the first post, the second is here:


Hopefully they are just lying to preserve surprise in the game though. Who knows, really.

They seem to have overlooked a few big things (not necessarily bad in some cases), but they are getting a lot of small things right. One of the things I really liked about the old games was the level names (as discussed earlier in the thread). It seems that Retro even got that right; the first four levels of the game (besides Jungle Hijinx) are named Poppin' Planks, Rickety Rails, and Mugly's Mound. When I was in elementary school, the students in the highest grade put on a haunted house in the gym each year, and I remember calling our section Gloomy Gulch, after DKC2. Who says games aren't educational? On a similar note, I hope the overworld map screens are just as imaginative this time around.

As for the bosses, I think they got a little better (for the most part) as the series progressed. The first game mostly had a beaver, a vulture, a bee and a barrel of industrial waste. The third game had an evil snowman with the best laugh ever. I miss that guy. Mugly looks a lot like Gnawty (the beaver), so I hope that Retro lives up to the bosses in lieu of the Kremlings.

Edit: At 2:10 in that interview, does anyone know the music that is playing? It's soooo familiar but I just can't identify it. I know I've heard it a lot before...

Edit 2: I figured it out! Why are they playing WWE music in an interview video for Donkey Kong :s

Does anyone know if K. Rool and his crocs are going to show back up in this? I've seen no indication of this in the trailer. Are they owned by Rare??

anything and everything from donkey kong country 1-3 and 64 is owned by nintendo

they were created by rare but they fall under the donkey kong license which is obviously owned by nintendo


No kremlings seems weird. It's like Mario with no goombas or troopas. Will probably be a good game regardless. And if the music is being done by the guy who composed the Primes, it'll no doubt be memorable.

Mario Bros. 2

So what you're saying is that Donkey Kong Country Returns is actually based on a completely unrelated Japanese game that got renamed and had the sprites of the main characters replaced by Donkey Kong & friends for the US/EU release?

(I really do hope you get this reference or I will look very stupid)

So what you're saying is that Donkey Kong Country Returns is actually based on a completely unrelated Japanese game that got renamed and had the sprites of the main characters replaced by Donkey Kong & friends for the US/EU release?

(I really do hope you get this reference or I will look very stupid)

doki doki panic...

No, he said that be like mario without Koopas or Gombas..


keep in mind that the idea that having a villain in a video game other than the established recurring somehow makes that game bad is patently retarded


I really don't think the absence of kremlings will have much any negative impact on the game at all.

It also isn't like the crocs were the only baddies in the dkc games. We had vultures, mice/rats, cats, beetles, snakes, dragonflies, armadillos, and other apes to name a few spread across all three games. Not to mention the slew of underwater enemies from the three games, none of which were of the crocodilian variety. We've also seen only a very small sampling of enemies in this game. I highly recommend anyone concerned about this go back and check out the endings of each when they bring all of the enemies through.

p.s. thumbs up to tensei-san's sig


Slight bump here to remind everyone that this game will be making an appearance tonight on Jimmy Fallon's show for his 'Week of Games' feature. It will apparently be demoed by none other than Reggie himself. Tune in.

And, on a disappointing note, there are apparently no underwater levels in the game because Retro feels the water stages in the original games were 'too slow'.


Water levels?

Tanabe: "There are no underwater stages this time around."

Wait. That last one was an answer with information. Walker elaborated, saying that experiments with DKC-style underwater levels: "felt slow... It just wasn't the kind of gameplay we were looking for."

The way I see it, people who haven't read this revelation are EXPECTING aquatic levels, and I think they'll be inclined to criticize negatively when they find out they were dropped. The 'slow' pacing of the aquatic levels was part of what made the original trilogy great; they created a nice balance. Not to mention THE MUSIC. Another thing: Slow? I guess they don't remember outswimming croctopi.

The water stage where the water would turn hot in DKC 2 wasn't slow :-( .


I would like water levels to return only if they give the Kongs some form of attack underwater. It's something that has bothered me about many platformers.

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