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I didn't really think anime was something I would enjoy but I recently watched the Full Metal Panic series and I loved it. I was sad when it had to end. I also watched Devil May Cry which was fun, but not as good.

What I'm looking for is something slightly on the mature side but not too extreme. By comparison to the above two, I watched some Full Metal Alchemist and I didn't like it.

Recommend me something with really well done voice overs and un-cheesy main characters. A decent amount of martial arts would be nice. I don't mind some R rated material but please not something that is too Quentin Tarantino-esque.

I'm new to the genre, so a little help would be great.

Edit: Oh, I forgot. Definitely needs to be in English.


I'll second both Cowboy Bebop and Trigun. Very solid series.

FLCL (or "Fooly Cooly", as I've generally heard it called) is definitely right out if you're looking for mature characters. The thing is basically a farce of itself until the very end.

If you're not afraid to think, Ghost in the Shell (both the movie and the two anime series) is good, but it waxes philosophical a lot, and there are some pretty hammy voice actors (namely, the Tachikoma).


I'll second Paranoia Agent (a work of genius) and third Cowboy Bebop. Samurai Champloo is by the same director as Cowboy Bebop. I haven't finished it but it's good thus far. My other anime recommendations are far from mature action... although the movie Princess Mononoke would count.

Unfortunately, the majority of American voice actors suck, especially in anime. I wasn't thrilled with Paranoia Agent's dub. Cowboy Bebop is excellently voiced though.

I'll second Paranoia Agent (a work of genius) and third Cowboy Bebop. Samurai Champloo is by the same director as Cowboy Bebop. I haven't finished it but it's good thus far.

OH MAN HOW DID I FORGET THAT ONE? I fucking LOVED samurai champloo.

Other good ones are Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Wolf's Rain.

I never really could get into Cowboy Bebop. I've never really understood the appeal. I mean, it's not bad, but I don't understand why so many people think it's the greatest anime ever.

EDIT: in fact, I think I'm going to go downl-erm... legally acquire champloo right now.


I recommend the new Evangelion remakes. Basically the whole series smushed into 3 movies with a 4th movie changing the ending. The first one is out on Blu-ray/DVD now for cheap from amazon.


The second one can be pre-ordered from YESASIA. It's the Hong Kong version which comes with English subtitles.


Not so cheap but I don't want to wait the year (or longer) for it to come to the states.

Recommend me something with really well done voice overs and un-cheesy main characters. A decent amount of martial arts would be nice. I don't mind some R rated material but please not something that is too Quentin Tarantino-esque.

I'm new to the genre, so a little help would be great.

Edit: Oh, I forgot. Definitely needs to be in English.

I will reiterate Monster, what a fantastic series.

If you don't mind a little blood and gore and gratuitous sex, Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne is something I watched lately and can recommend. At least, I enjoyed it. It's a short OVA so it won't take you too long to finish if you want to.

A classic I enjoyed from back in the 90s, and probably one of my absolute favourites, is IRIA: Zeiram the Animation. An often-overlooked and very unique scifi classic.

You'll probably see a couple people in this thread recommend Black Lagoon. It's got about all the depth of a hollywood action flick but it's very polished and the fight scenes are well executed.

A friend of mine watched something a couple years back called Bartender, his review of it is here. I've still been meaning to check it out, but I keep forgetting. It looks pretty unique.

Right now I'm watching a fantasy anime called "The Beast Player Erin." Despite what the thumbnail suggests, this show is enjoyable for adults as well. It centers around the life of Erin, who lives in a village and takes care of giant lizards. A tragedy forces her to leave the village and the series follows her as she grows into an adult. Very involving and very well imagined, even if the beast lords look a bit silly.


I'm not sure what you mean by "Mature" anime, I mean, there's different ways to define mature when speaking of television.

I wouldn't write off Fullmetal Alchemist so quickly, since it's a driven by strong characters and has a strong narrative. I don't know about "mature" but the characters are very real and it definitely doesn't shy away from the darker implications of the story, so I suppose you could call it that. It does get quite dark in places, especially later on.

I have to add my recommendation for Cowboy Bebop to the list. Great characterization and maybe the most mature, narrative-wise, of the lot, with its film-noir style. It's not exactly happy endings and good times through and through. Oh, and the music. 'Nuff said.

Also, Ghost in the Shell is a very heady show. Maybe you can enjoy it for the fluff, but I love it because of how much it can make you think. There's a tremendous amount going on under the surface if that's what you mean by "mature".

Yeah, I listed some of the most popular anime, some might criticize them of oversaturating the mainstream, but I consider these the best. There's a reason they're so popular after all.


Kenshin Not 'Samurai X' Kenshin. There is an INSANE difference between the two. CN ran the entire Kenshin series ages ago and it was far better than the Samurai X bullshit they're putting out on hulu.

Movies i'd recommend


Project A-Ko

Venus Wars

Green Legend Ran


Trigun works to a point. Bebop is probably right up your alley.

Bleach is also a fun one. (also LONG)

GITS is a must get. All the movies plus the series. Get solid state society too. Your mind=blown i promise.

Oh i almost forgot. Not marital arts based or any crazy thing like that but InitialD! I promise you you wont be disappointed with that.


Seconding(thirding?) Monster. It's really amazing. Though if you have a short attention span and don't wanna keep up with a story for 70+ episodes, it might not be for you. I know some prefer shorter series.


Gonna go out on a limb here and tell you to skip pretty much any long-running series (100+ episodes) since very few of them actually tend to be worth the trouble of sitting through it.

The gist of it is that with series like Bleach, Naruto and One Piece, the manga is generally way better than the anime, and even then tends to be kinda meh for the time you have to invest.

That said, the anime Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni might be an interesting watch but it's lighter on action and more of a murder mystery (plenty of gore going on though).

Same thing goes for Umineko No Naku Koro Ni.

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