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What person who listens to ocremixes isnt a gamer, and what gamer hasn't played an SNES, and what snes didn't have at least one MegaManX Title. You all know the edgey techno mega sound, and if you don't love it then there's something wrong with you. This was the first mix I ever downloaded. At school I'd always use media player to search for game songs, and it always said source: ocremix, so one day I went there and dled my fav song, and to this day its still my fav. Powerful distinct tracks that come together to form this mix, and you better love every minute of it. every 4 measures or so you will notice one of the tracks change a little and then right when ur feeling it, some off the wall lyrics will make your head spin, right before a kicking fast ending, and then you take a breath. DOWNLOAD THIS NOW! :evil:

  • 1 month later...

This is indeed one of my favourite remixes here. Combining all the memories I had of the badass Zero int one awesome techno song (Would've been better as Rock I still say). But regardless, awesome song.

  • 1 month later...

I'm bored, so I'm writing reviews for some OC Remixes. So without further ado, here we go. :)

Disclaimer: This review is my OPINION. You are free to agree or disagree, but flaming is unacceptable

Remix: OCR01235 - Mega Man X2 Beamsabre Beat ZEROv2

ReMixer: DarkeSword

iTunes Playlist: Mega Man OC Remix

Musical/Mechanical Factor: 8/10

Musically, this piece is pretty good. The layovers of the different songs really stuck out in my mind; they all fell together and worked nicely. However, some of the transitions seemed pasted together and didn't seem to fit together perfectly.

Beat/Rhythm Factor: 7/10

The beat fits the music quite well, and I must say it's rather catchy. On the other hand, it's simplistic and repetitive. It's not extremely strong and doesn't seem to stick out in any special place. All it does is keep the beat going at the same speed, which is sufficient, but not extraordinary.

Originality Factor: 8/10

I especially liked the part at 1:50 with the sound effects and voice overs. In addition, I liked the laying over of the different tracks from X1 to X3. They fit together nicely and I say they sounded good together.

True to the Original Factor: 9/10

Song designs were correct and nothing was altered. It seems that song speeds were drastically altered just to make them fit with each other, which is why it got -1 point.

Freakin' Sweet Factor: 10/10

I really had a lot of fun listening to this song. Even though it's rather simple, it's got a good beat beneath it. It's easy to listen to and quite catchy.

Overall: 42/50

Pretty cool song. Megaman X fans will most likely dig the beat and the fact that it's a Zero-based song. Non-X fans may or may not like it as much, but it's a well-put-together song. This is one of my favorite Megaman Remixes and it's definitely worth every second of downloading. If you're on 56k and you're intent on making the most of your time, this is definitely a song to get.


  • 3 months later...


At first I didn't get those voice samples in the beginning, then it hit me that it might not be english they're talking.:roll: Still sounds something that would come from an anime though. About the music, simply great. This is awesome techno that makes you wanna go down on the floor and breakdance. Unfortunately I don't know how to do, so I'll just picture it in my mind.

Every single instruments fits perfectly, I cannot do more than say excellent work and then continue to memorize this remix. It's rocking!

  • 2 months later...

OK! This is my first review so i'll make it good......I hope.

This is hands down my favorite Megeman X series remix! The song is well done and its a great techno song. I especially like the voice clips(im guessing they are from the japanese version of Megaman X2). I especially like the middle ones with the battle sounds. This remix has a great beat to it and I enjoy it over and over again. DarkeSword I comend you on this great remix. I have 4 of your remixs and love them all so keep up the good work!


  • 1 year later...

So I think every time I hear this I think I want to tell everyone how awesome it is... so now I will

Its awesome... This Has some staying power... Every time I listen to the "fight" I have to listen to it again...

This is one excellent example from an excellent mixer.


  • 3 weeks later...

ok first off. this is fight music for video gamers.

i don't care that the synths are more generic. although it would be awesome to do an updated cover on this with very different synths.

My real question for darkesword is:

where did you get the voice samples?

Myself and another WIP-er at ocr are trying to get together sources and i was wondering if you supply me with some side effects to incorporate into our collab. not expecting to get a pass but would like to explore some interesting techniques.

  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...


I don't think the vocal samples are used to full effect here; they should have either been better placed or not used at all. I mean how it currently is isn't terrible, but they aren't being used to maximum effect.

My real question for darkesword is:

where did you get the voice samples?

I have to admit I'm curious too. :razz:

At first I was pretty iffy on this mix, but the more I listen to this the more I like it. It's peppy, catchy, and highly smooth.

Definitely recommended.

  • 2 months later...

I'm slightly surprised that this is knocked as much as it is. The FX and voices samples seem fine to me and add a little more to the piece. A reploid like Zero should be heard. I will agree that it is a little generic when it comes to the techno side, but it retains the epic sounding second theme of Zero and expands on that by adding his first (and in my opinion, more theme-like) theme. Very nice.

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Surprisingly, I like this a lot. The comments for this one negate to mention that there actually is a decent amount of arrangement going on beneath the 'generic' techno structure of the mix.

I actually disagree that this has a generic sound, because for me generic indicates that something was sacrificed in order to stay conservative with the sound choices. I don't believe that's the case, especially since this is a revised edition.

What's here is quite standard techno, but in no way is that a drawback. It supports the melodies quite suitably and it allows for an energetic arrangement. I will say though that the drums are unremarkable and the whole low-tone choir with xylophone thing is a little worn out on me (must be those thousands of hours of Goldeneye multiplayer).

But hey, this is still way above the usual techno fare. Much more melodic than generic.

  • 3 months later...

Ah, Zero. One of my favorite video game characters. I loved Zero's Theme from Mega Man X (...okay I heard it in Mega Man Xtreme), and this track made me appreciate Zero's Theme in MMX2 and MMX3.

Darkesword gave the source proper justice. The intro was a little too soft, but it quickly transitioned into one of my favorite tracks. I loved the SFX spree of the buster shots and sabre swipes.

  • 4 weeks later...

This track... it's a perfect combination of Zero's themes from the first 3 X games. They flow fluidly together in a mix that captures Zero's essence quite well; the usage of sound effects and Japanese voice clips further solidifies this. This is another mix that I love; wonderful job here. :D

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01235 - Mega Man X2, X3 & X1 "Beamsabre Beat ZERO v2"

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